Versions Compared


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  • Bring up a (virtual) Kubernetes cluster 
  • Deploy Labs Workbench
  • Ideally, process should mimic deployment in other environments
  • Ideally, user can create new Docker containers and publish all in local environment

A secondary use case is the single-node installation for a project. This has come up a few times, but for example:

  • SEAD/IML-CZO want to run Labs Workbench – want a simple install process that runs on a single VM during initial evaluation. May never scale up.

Current environment (ndslabs-startup)

For developers, we achieve this with the ndslabs-startup repo. A simple shell script brings up Kubernetes via Hyperkube.  This requires access to /var/lib/docker and /var/lib/kubelet, which has proven problematic on MacOS and Windows with the newer Docker installs.  A second shell script collects information from the user (domain name, IP address, email address) and uses kubectl to deploy a number of templated YAML files.  


  • Simple, scripted process gets things running simply and quickly


  • Doesn't currently work on MacOS/WindowsWindows – requires running a separate VM
  • Repo is messy and has unused stuff (could be cleaned up)
  • "Mustache" variable replacement is ridiculousinflexible.
  • Doesn't include support for local DNS (can be added easily with bind container)
  • Templates are duplicated in deploy-tools repository


Other options:

  • Minikube (works on MacOS, Windows, Linux – doesn't require Docker; but also doesn't work on VMOpenStack VMs)
  • Hyperkube (works well on VMs running Docker; doesn't work well on MacOS/Windows due to filesystem permission problems)
  • Vagrant (works on MacOS via VirtualBox)
  • Deploy-tools (could be used to deploy single-node without hyperkube)


Minikube runs Kubernetes in a single VM .and sets up kubeconfig environment

  • Requires virtualization environment, like such as VirtualBox
  • Download binary and run
  • minikube start creates a VM in VirtualBox (or other virtualization environment)
  • Sets up kubeconfig and local environment to access VM via kubectl
  • In general it's functional and easy.  I've run into snags for our development (i.e., running apiserver binary locally, trying to connect to kubernetes via Minikube), but this is an advanced case.

Minikube on MacOS

  • Install VirtualBox
  • Download binary
  • minikube start
  • git clone ndslabs-up.shstartup
  • Don't need, since we're running Minikube
    • Local DNS via bind works!
    • IP detection, etcd, etc, won't work as-is
    • Labeling won't work as is.

Minikube Windows 10

  • Install VirtualBox (can also use Hyper-V, but not tested here)
    • Disable Hyper-V: Settings > Turn Windows Features on or off; uncheck Hyper-V
  • Download minikube for Windows
  • minikube.exe start
    • Will make changes to VirtualBox
  • Works well on Windows
  • Hit snags with bind for local DNS, but likely user error configuring Windows DNS.
  • Minikube was much easier than trying to run Docker on Windows.


  • Minikube will work on Linux, but so far we haven't been able to use it on a VM (e.g., OpenStack). Hyperkube works for this.

Hyperkube (ndslabs-startup)

Our current ndslabs-startup/ relies on Hyperkube (Kubernetes in Docker)



  • On MacOS, removing the /var/lib/kubelet volume actually works via
  • Adding bind container makes DNS reasonably easy

Windows 10

  • Docker for Windows requires using Hyper-V (not Virtual Box)
  • So far unable to get Hyperkube to work under Windows 10/Hyper-V without Vm.

VirtualBox VM

  • You must follow the steps described here:
  • You must add a Host-only adapter to your VM instance to SSH in
  • You must manually load the .iso containing your ssh key, as described in the guide above
  • You will a DNS entry pointing 192.168.99.XXX to a hostname, like
    • This can be done by populating /etc/hosts, or using a tool such as Dnsmasq
  • You can disable TLS (this is likely optional)
  • Still minor bugs ongoing (for example: sending e-mail for signup throws a 503)

Openstack VM

  • Process works well for OpenStack VMs
  • Editing PATH is annoying, but otherwise fine.

Azure VM

  • Deployed Ubuntu 16.10 VM via Azure portal
  • Standard DS2_v2 (2 Cores, 7 GB memory). (Wow, that takes a really long time!)
    • Add endpoint for 443 access
  • Start Labs Workbench
    • apt-install
    • git clone ndslabs-startup
    • (+ bash_profile changes)
  • Same SMTP problem as before – but manual registration worked



  • Deployed CoreOS 1298.5 stable via AWS Management Console
    • t2.micro, because it was free! (way too small)
    • Expose HTTP/HTTPS ports via security group
    • Create a DNS rule pointing to the public IP of this node
  • SSH in and start Labs Workbench
    • git clone ndslabs-startup
    • (+ bash_profile changes)
  • Same SMTP problem as before


Vagrant is a tool to manage virtual machines. The approach described below comes from CoreOS as a method to deploy a Kubernetes cluster via VirtualBox (or similar). Vagrant has multiple providers, so it might be possible to use the same Vagrant configuration to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on VirtualBox on your laptop and deploy a full cluster on OpenStack. However, it's not clear how useful this might be.


The VirtualBox/Vagrant approach suggested by David works on MacOS. As with Minikube, this will not work on an OpenStack or other VM without running a different virtualization package (VirtualBox won't work in a VM). It's not clear that Vagrant will support this configuration.


  • Domain name (dnsmasq)? For now add /etc/hosts entry
  • IP address – IP of master node – same as used by kubeconfig
  • kubectl label will change
  • Email fails, but could output to log?
  • No addons, currently
  • Added bind service to support local DNS, based on instructions in 

Windows 10



  • Support both Minikube and Hyperkube installs of Labs Workbench to support 
  • Refactor ndslabs-startup to work under both Minikube and Hyperkube installs. 
    • Fix PATH
    • Improve kube-up (monitor status)
    • Improve ndslabs-up (more optional components, mustache, etc)

