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This page is out of date and does not reflect the current Labs Workbench architecture.


Note:  Also see architecture/design notes in within the source repo code under docs

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Concepts and Terminology

  • Infrastructure: The compute and storage resources in a cloud or infrastructure service (AWS, etc) that an NDS Labs cluster runs on. The NDS Labs reference architecture is OpenStack.
  • Site: A site is an administrative organization that provides resources to and operates one or more NDS Labs clusters.
  • Cluster/NDS Labs cluster: The NDS Labs software platform that runs on the infrastructure.
  • Project/Namespace: An isolated, named environment within the cluster that contains a set of services that are managed and operated independently of other projects. Projects typically implement the equivalent of a "website".
  • Administrator: An authenticated person that manages and operates a part of the system.

NDS Labs System  - Roles and Responsibilities

  • Infrastructure Administrator:
    • Provisions infrastructure to run a NDS Labs cluster
      • On OpenStack, AWS, GCE, Rackspace, MaaS, ...
    • Deploys the NDS Labs base cluster software
    • Registers resources from infrastructure with NDS Labs cluster resource pool
    • Provides API and credential to Cluster Administrator
  • Cluster Administrator:
    • Manages and operates the NDS Labs cluster infrastructure
    • Manages Projects in the cluster
      • Provisions Projects on the cluster
      • Manages resource assignments from the cluster pool to project pools
      • Provides API and credentials per-project to Project Administrators
  • Project Administrator:
    • Provisions and deploys services in a project using resources granted to the project pool by the cluster administrator.
    • Manages, monitors, and administrates services within independent projects.
  • User/Project User: A client/user of the services within a project.
  • Tool/Service Provider: A NDSC partner that provides a tool or service in a set of containers that include NDS Labs service descriptors to enable the service to be integrated in a NDS Labs cluster.


NDS Labs Architecture

NDSLabs NDS Labs extends the Kubernetes base system with NDS-specific services and REST API's that support NDS Labs cluster services, project services, inter-cluster NDS Labs services. The implementations of NDS Labs services are implemented via cluster-specific Kubernetes pods and sidekick containers that are deployed in conjunction with service pods in the cluster and in project-specific services that "extend" cluster-specific and project-specific pods with integration to services such a monitoring, volume management, etc.

  • NDS Labs Cluster Services:
    • API Manager: Manages cluster-wide API naming and public API exposure from the cluster public IP firewall/load-balancing system.
    • CCD - Service Catalog MaintenanceCatalog, Configuration, and Deployment (CCD) Service: Automatically updated catalog of NDS Labs services available for deployment in the cluster (for cluster admins), and for projects (for project admins). The service catalog manager is configured with NDS Labs-specific container repositories, and periodically pulls service descriptions from the containers.
    • CADM - Cluster Admin Project Administration (CADM): Provide the cluster administrator with project provisioning including project admin credentials. Provides management of infrastructure resources to projects, including volumes and managing differentiated compute resources.
        CMON -
        • Cluster Administrator Monitoring (CMON) Tools/Service: Provides services for cluster administrators to monitor cluster operations, including loggingperformance analysis, and resource utilization. Monitor services include ELKPrometheus, etc. in addition to Kubernetes-provided tools like cadvisor.
    • NDS Labs Project Services:
      • PADM - Project Manager Administration (PADM): Allows the project manager to deploy, monitor, and manage application services within their project.
          PMON -
          • Per-project Monitoring
          : Provides Project
          • (PMON): Provides project-specific monitoring of project resources, utilization, performance, and application/service specific monitoring and logging.
      • ICS  InterInter-clusterCluster/integrated-cluster servicesIntegrated-Cluster Services (ICS): Provide NDS Labs web services across multiple distributed clusters in the larger NDS Labs context to implement global NDS Labs services such as global resource searchdistributed data access, and provide distributed application developers services to implement service discovery and distributed API access within their services.
        • Distributed search: Locating named data and services in the NDS Labs global system.
        • Resource discovery: Locates attribute-specified resources in the NDS Labs global system, such as specifically sized data-storage resources, or specific compute resources such as HPC resources, or accelerator-enabled compute resources, for example.
        • Advanaced Data Management - : Allows composing cross-cluster data management applications

      High Level Global Architecture


      The NDS Labs system is comprised of NDS Labs cloud services that run on clusters at various sites.   Clusters provide the resources to one or more projects comprised of a related set of cloud-based services targeted to a specific community or application.   In a service-oriented model the site is equivalent to an IaaS provider, the cluster is equivalent to a PaaS provider, and  a project is equivalent to a uniquely configured and deployed platform on the PaaS system.  Specific NDS Labs services are implemented within each layer that assist with convenient deployment and operation of the PaaS and platform layers.   Global distributed data services such as search across all NDS Labs sites and  projects will be provided in the Inter-cluster system (ICS) that will provide infrastructure building blocks for implementing wide area cross-cluster services.

      Gliffy Diagram

      High Level Global Arch

      nameHighLevel Global Architecture

      Kubernetes Base Beneath NDS

      Image Removed


      Single Cluster Architecture Diagrams

      Layer 0 - Single Cluster Infrastructure

      The NDS Labs reference infrastructure is OpenStack.  A cluster begins with a cluster of 6 OpenStack VMs.  The cluster admin can add additional compute nodes as-needed based on dynamic demand.

      Gliffy Diagram
            Image Added

      Layer 1 - Kubernetes Container and Service Orchestration Layer

      The initial 6-VM system is provisioned as a CoreOS cluster with 3 serving as etcd masters (not shown for simplicity), and 3 serving as the initial Kubernetes infrastructure, with the following architecture.  additional compute resources can be added to the kubernetes cluster as demand requires.

      Image Added

      Layer 2 - Single-Cluster Detail - NDS Labs Services and APIs

      The NDS Labs architecture layer services on top of kubernetes that implement the NDS Labs services to manage and monitor the cluster, provision and manage resources for projects in the cluster, and provide project managers the ability to manage software service stacks within their project.  The NDS Labs services leverage the facilities of the underlying kubernetes cluster orchestration system and the etcd system for managing configuration and state information of the services.  

      Gliffy Diagram

      API/Service Catalog





       Service/Component/Role Matrix with Descriptions

      Stage of Development Color Key:CompletedIn DevelopmentIn DesignFuture



      Planning Notes


      Infrastructure AdminCluster AdminProject AdminTool DeveloperSystem Service

      Developers Environment
      and Tooling (DEVENV)

      Kubernetes Devenv
      Host-node network IPaddrs
      • NDSC5 - Planned for managed small-scale release to handful of early adopters 
      NANATest project deployTest toolsNA
       Kubernetes Devenv w/ External firewall IPaddrs
      • Needs tests/design
      • etcd/connfd/nginx 
      NANATest project with
      proper public interface 
      Develop to proper
      external interface 
      Container build support
      • Needs: docs, instructions, catalog yml support, publish process integration 

      Platform Interface

      Production Cluster Deploy 
      • Infrastructure provision done
      • Needs production config: TLS, security, data persistence
      Deploy Cluster InfrastructureNANANANA
       Volume Interface Service
      • Needed for OpenStack deploy
      Provide vol resourcesAllocate vol resources
      to projects 
      Implicit use of
      auto-named vols 
      NARegister/track resources

      Catalog, Configure, Deploy (CCD)

      Service catalog Admin Interface (CATADM)
      Register catalog URLs in etcd 

      • NDSC5 demo component 
      NAAdmin Catalogs -
      register catalog URLS 
      NAPublish service
      Needs service format 
       Update local service catalog
      from configured catalogs (CATSVC)
      • NDSC5 demo component
      NANANANAPull catalogs
      maintain in etcd 
       Project Deploy CLI
      Deploy service stacks in project 
      • NDSC5 demo
      NANADeploy named service
      stacks in project 
      NAUses kubernetes API
       Project Deploy GUI/Server
      Web deploy tool on CLI  (CCDSRV)
      • NDSC5 demo
      • Needs volume management CLI 
      NANAWeb configurator
      and deploy 
      Use to test newly
      developed tools 
       Project Service Monitor (PMON)
      • NDSC5 demo
      • Display state of stacks in project 
      Cluster Administator/Ops (CADM)Cluster Monitor (CMON)
      • NDSC5 demo component
      • ELK, cadvisor/prometheus, etc.
      • Graphical tools
      • Needs configuration and testing 
      NAMonitor cluster health
      and performance 
      Inter-Cluster Services  (ICS)Search
      • Search across all NDSL clusters
      • Needs research, requirements, plan 
      NARegistrationRegister data resourcesrelevant for developing
      search interfaces/tools 
      External interface to cluster
      Distributed global service 
      Cluster registration/federation
      Needs developmentNAGlobal registrationProject resource registration??Local and global distributed service

