Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Details of each erratum are in the DFDL Errata Document which can be found at the Open Grid Forum DFDL site.

Release 0.10.1


Some of the official errata in the DFDL specification are supported in Daffodil.

Keep in mind that Daffodil does not implement (currently) an unparser, so when the tables below indicate 'Yes' for support of an erratum, that means it is supported in the Daffodil parser.

The following tables show which errata are supported by Daffodil. The tables use the same numbering as the OGF errata document.
N/A means that the erratum is just a clarification to the specification. 'No' means either it is known not to work in conformance with the specification as modified by the erratum, OR, it is simply unknown whether it works properly or not. 'Yes' means it is known to work properly, and there is reasonable test coverage of this.
Where the erratum is partially supported, the Notes column provides further information.

Major errata


3.2Yesdfdl:outputValueCalc not supported (because unparsing not supported)
3.4NorecoverableError not supported
3.6Nothe [valid] and [unionMemberSchema] Infoset members are not supported
3.7NounicodeByteOrderMark not supported. Use UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE or UTF-32LE
3.8NoProperties for some unimplemented features are ignored. No warning or error.
3.9Partiallydfdl:lengthKind 'pattern' is limited to only text. Recursively children are not checked for text and same encoding.
3.11Yesdfdl:occursCountKind 'implicit' and 'parsed' are supported.
3.12NoValidation is not supported.
3.13NoThe property encodingErrorPolicy is not supported. The behaviour in the presence of decode errors is undetermined.
3.14YesBoth old (deprecated) property is supported along with the new one.
3.15NoThe new properties elementID and choiceBranchRef are not supported.
3.16PartiallyThe removed property documentFinalSeparatorCanBeMissing is not accepted. However, documentFinalTerminatorCanBeMissing is not supported.
3.17See sub table
Text representation for types other than String
dfdl:representation="text" for Number, Calendar or Boolean types
PartialMany of the more advanced text number format properties are not supported.

BCD calendars

BCD numbers

IBM4690 packed calendars

IBM4690 packed numbers

Multiple schemasxs:include or xs:import in xsdYes 
Named formatsdfdl:defineFormat or dfdl:refYes 
Choicesxs:choice in xsdPartialchoiceLength, choiceBranchRef, and elementID not supported
Arrays where size not known in advance
dfdl:occursCountKind 'implicit', 'parsed', 'stopValue'
Partial'stopValue' not supported.
Use of a DFDL expression in any property or attribute value

The dfdl:assert and dfdl:discriminator annotations are supported. The inputValueCalc property is supported.

Runtime-valued properties (e.g., byteOrder or encoding computed using an expression) are not supported.

End of parentdfdl:lengthKind='endOfParent'No 
3.18YesFunctions use the new names. (The rest of this erratum is not observable in behavior of the system.)
3.19NoDefault values are not consistently evaluated. Constants can be used, but reference between default value expressions may cause a schema definition error.
3.20Nodfdl:newVariableInstance not supported
3.21PartialNew placement restrictions are not checked. External variables are not supported.
3.22YesSingle assignment is implemented.
3.25Partialdfdl:newVariableInstance is not supported.
3.26NoDefault values not supported.
3.27NotextNumberRounding property not implemented.
3.28Nounordered sequences not implemented.
3.29NoCheck for non-portable regular expression constructs not implemented.


Minor errata

2.2Nobinary calendars not supported
2.4Nodelimited binary not supported
2.5Nodfdl:lengthKind 'endOfParent' not supported
2.7Yesdfdl:outputValueCalc not supported (as unparsing is not supported)
2.8NonilKind='literalCharacter' not supported
2.9NoFacets must be used with lengthUnits='characters'
2.13NoPrefix length type with prefix length not supported
2.14NoPrefix length type with prefix length not supported. No checking for these constraints.
2.15NoZoned format not supported
2.17PartialRaw byte entities not supported
2.20PartialRaw byte entities not supported. 'literalCharacter' not supported.
2.21Nodfdl:textNumberCheckPolicy not supported. It is ignored.
2.22PartiallyDo not specify an expression for dfdl:textStandardDecimalSeparator that evaluates to the empty string
2.23NotextStandardDecimalSeparator property unimplemented.
2.24NotextStandardGroupingSeparator property unimplemented.
2.26NotextStandardExponentCharacter property unimplemented.

textStandardDecimalSeparator property unimplemented.

2.28NotextNumberPattern property is unimplemented
2.30Noboolean type not implemented.
2.31Nodfdl:occursCountKind 'stopValue' not supported
2.37NoUntested. (No test for '{}' as an expression).
2.38Partialdfdl:byteOrder applies to the types and binary representations currently implemented.
2.40Nodecimal type unsupported, textNumberPattern unsupported
2.42NotextStandardZeroRep property unimplemented
2.45NouseNilForDefault property unimplemented
2.46NotextStandardExponentCharacter property unimplemented
2.48NoEmpty Sequence as content of a complex type is SDE. Not implemented.
2.49NoExpressions and {{. Untested.
2.50NocalendarTimeZone empty string for 'no time zone'. Untested.
2.51NoUnparsing not supported
2.52NoICU 'u' extended year is untested. Negative years using 'y' and 'G' untested.
2.53Nobinary calendar types not supported
2.54NotextNumberPattern not supported
2.56Nobinary calendar types not supported
2.57Nobinary calendar types not supported
2.58NonilKind='logicalValue' not supported
2.60NoNone of the bidi text properties are supported
2.63NoRuntime-valued properties not supported.
2.65NoOlson timezones are not supported.
2.66NoProcessing error when calendarPattern requests time zone, but infoset value does not have one.
2.68No calendarPattern symbol 'I' (for ISO) and dropping of 'T'
2.71NoignoreCase="yes" not supported
2.72NoendOfParent not supported.
2.73NoendOfParent not supported.
2.74Nounparsing not supported
2.76Noprefixed lengthKind is not supported
2.78Nounparsing not supported
2.79NotextNumberPattern not supported
2.80NotextNumberPattern not supported
2.81Nounparsing is not supported
2.82Nounparsing is not supported
2.83NoExpression language return value checks: The checking described in this erratum is not done.
2.85NoThis errata changed in errata revision 13. The new function added, and changes to existing function names not yet implemented.
2.87NohexBinary is supported, but this erratum is about unparsing, which is not supported.
2.88Nozoned decimal not supported
2.91Noprefixed lengthKind not supported
2.92Nozoned is not supported
2.93Nounparsing is not supported
2.94PartialoutputNewLine not supported as unparsing is not supported.
2.95Yesus-ascii-bit-packed is supported and alignment is '1' bit. Other character encodings have mandatory alignment 8 bits.
2.96PartialThe functions dfdl:occursCount and dfdl:occursCountWithDefault are still available.
2.97NoDelimited length kind for hexBinary not supported
2.98Nointeger, nonNegativeInteger not supported. (types long, and unsignedLong are supported and are 8 bytes).
2.99Noibm4690Packed not supported
2.100Nounparsing is not supported
2.101NoExpressions syntax check: no variables as path segments - Not implemented.
2.102NoExpression syntax check for array element without predicate. Not implemented.
2.103PartialAlignment is supported. Array element alignment testing status tbd.
2.104Nobinary calendar types not supported

textStandardDecimalSeparator, textStandardGroupingSeparator, textStandardExponentRep, textStandardInfinityRep, textStandardNanRep and textStandardZeroRep must all be entirely distinct: these properties not supported.

2.113NoPreprocessing as described is not performed.
2.115NoUnparsing, and therefore round trip (reparsing), not supported.
2.116NoEmpty string value for defineVariable and newVariableInstance requires use of defaultValue attribute: unchecked.
2.117YesPadding characters cannot be escaped.
2.118N/ASpec update: UCS-2 not a charset name.
2.119N/ASpec updates: Delimiter scanning and scan.
2.120NoFull testing of all these cases is not verified, and some of these errors cannot be produced as the related types or features are not yet implemented.
2.121NocalendarPattern drop 'U' and 'V' symbols
2.122Noallow minOccurs="1" and maxOccurs="1" on model groups.
2.123N/Aspec update: incorrect use of "xs" as attribute prefix.
2.124YesSDE if checkConstraints called on complex type element.
2.125N/ASpec correction about greedy vs longest match terminology
2.126N/ASpec corrections about categories of annotations and properties.
2.127NocalendarPattern for calendarPatternKind='implicit' is HH:mm:ssZ
2.128YesNo separators when an element has inputValueCalc.
2.129NoNo test for choice with no branches.
2.130NotextOutputMinLength not implemented (as unparsing is unimplemented)
2.131---The errata document skips this number.
2.132NoSpecific check not implemented (note: there will be a correction to this erratum)
2.133NoSpecific check not implemented (note: there will be a correction to this erratum)
2.134NocalendarPattern symbol 'I' when data has no timezone, gets timezone from calendarTimeZone.
2.135NoExpressions: no checking for internal behavior of expressions.
2.136N/ASpec change: new terminology around characters and encodings.

Release 0.81


Some of the official errata in the DFDL specification are supported in Daffodil.

Keep in mind that Daffodil does not implement (currently) an unparser, so when the tables below indicate 'Yes' for support of an erratum, that means it is supported in the Daffodil parser.

The following tables show which errata are supported by Daffodil. The tables use the same numbering as the OGF errata document.
N/A means that the erratum is just a clarification to the specification. 'No' means either it is known not to work in conformance with the specification as modified by the erratum, OR, it is simply unknown whether it works properly or not. 'Yes' means it is known to work properly, and there is reasonable test coverage of this.
Where the erratum is partially supported, the Notes column provides further information.

Major errata


3.2Yesdfdl:outputValueCalc not supported (because unparsing not supported)
3.4NorecoverableError not supported
3.6NoNot supported
3.7NounicodeByteOrderMark not supported. Use UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE or UTF-32LE
3.8NoProperties for some unimplemented features are ignored. No warning or error.
3.9Partiallydfdl:lengthKind 'pattern' is limited to only text. Recursively children are not checked for text and same encoding.
3.11Yesdfdl:occursCountKind 'implicit' and 'parsed' are supported.
3.12NoValidation is not supported.
3.13NoThe property encodingErrorPolicy is not supported. The behaviour in the presence of decode errors is undetermined.
3.14YesBoth old (deprecated) property is supported along with the new one.
3.15NoThe new properties elementID and choiceBranchRef are not supported.
3.16PartiallyThe removed property documentFinalSeparatorCanBeMissing is not accepted. However, documentFinalTerminatorCanBeMissing is not supported.
3.17See sub table
Text representation for types other than String
dfdl:representation="text" for Number, Calendar or Boolean types
PartialMany of the more advanced text number format properties are not supported.
dfdl:separator <> "" or dfdl:initiator <> "" or dfdl:terminator <>  "" or dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"

BCD calendars

BCD numbers

IBM4690 packed calendars

IBM4690 packed numbers

Multiple schemasxs:include or xs:import in xsdYes 
Named formatsdfdl:defineFormat or dfdl:refYes 
Choicesxs:choice in xsdPartialchoiceLength, choiceBranchRef, and elementID not supported
Arrays where size not known in advance
dfdl:occursCountKind 'implicit', 'parsed', 'stopValue'
Partial'stopValue' not supported.
Use of a DFDL expression in any property or attribute value

The dfdl:assert and dfdl:discriminator annotations are supported. The inputValueCalc property is supported.

Runtime-valued properties (e.g., byteOrder or encoding computed using an expression) are not supported.

End of parentdfdl:lengthKind='endOfParent'No 
3.18YesFunctions use the new names. (The rest of this erratum is not observable in behavior of the system.)
3.19NoDefault values are not consistently evaluated. Constants can be used, but reference between default value expressions may cause a schema definition error.
3.20Nodfdl:newVariableInstance not supported
3.21PartialNew placement restrictions are not checked. External variables are not supported.
3.22No(This erratum is not behavioral, however, it is relevant that single-assignment checking of variables is currently not consistently performed.)
3.25Partialdfdl:newVariableInstance is not supported.
3.26NoDefault values not supported.


Minor errata


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