Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Starting the API server


  • If needed, download the latest


  • copy of


  • ndslabsctl


    •  wget



 If the API server is running under docker or Kubernetes, you will need to specify the server address. This can be done on the commandline using the --server flag or by creating a .ndslabsctl.yaml file in your home directory.  For example:

APISERVER=`kubectl describe svc ndslabs-apiserver | grep ^IP | awk '{print $2}'`


  • If testing a new version of API server
    • vi /usr/local/lib/ndslabs/apiserver
    • Change latest -> test
    • docker rmi ndslabs/apiserver:test
  • "ndslabsctl list projects" to confirm things are working

Global preconditions

  • Kubernetes is running
  • API Server is running either as a Kubernetes service or as a standalone Docker container 
  • ndslabsctl has been installed and is in your path


  • Preconditions: none
  • Test steps:
    • ndslabsctl

    • ndslabsctl -h

    • ndslabsctl --help

  • Expected results
    • Any of these commands should display the help/usage information



  • Preconditions:

    • Project has been created or admin user

  • Test steps:
    • ndslabsctl login admin 
    • ndslabsctl login <user>
    • Prompted for password
  • Expected results:
    • Login succeeded
  • Alternative flows
    • Invalid username or password results in login error
  • Notes:
    • Login information is stored in ~/.apictl/.passwd. This files contains the currently logged in user and an authentication token. Removing this file is the equivalent of logging out


  • Preconditions
    • User is logged in
  • Test steps
    • ndslabsctl logout
    • ndslabsctl list services
  • Expected results:
    • List command results in "unauthorized"

Change password

  • Preconditions:
    • User is logged in
  • Test steps
    • ndslabsctl login <user>
    • ndslabsctl passwd
      • Enter current password
      • Enter new password
      • Confirm new password
  • Expected results
    • Password is changed

Project administration

Add project (admin only)

Account administration

Add account (admin only)

  • Preconditions:
    • Admin is logged in
    • Test steps
      • ndslabsctl add
  • project
      • account <name> <password>
      • ndslabsctl add
  • project
      • account -f
  • <project
      • <account.json>
      • ndslabsctl add
  • project
      • account --file
  • <project
      • <account.json>
    • Expected results
      • Project
          • Prompted for admin password
          • Account is added. User can login with specified name and password
        • Alternate flows
          • Project
              • Account exists with same name (409 conflict)
          • Logged in user is not
              • Incorrect admin password (401 unauthorized)
            • Sample


            • Data:
              • Code Block


              • languagejs
                    "id": "demo",
                    "name": "


              • demo account",


                    "description": "


              • demo account description",
                    "namespace": "


              • demo",


                    "password": "12345",
                	"storageQuota": "10",
                	"resourceLimits": {
                		"cpuMax": "2",
                		"cpuDefault": "1",
                		"memMax": "8Gi",
                		"memDefault": "100Mi",
                		"storageQuota": "10"

          Delete account (admin only)

          Delete project (admin only)


            • Test steps
              • ndslabsctl
          • delete
              • account project
          • <project>
              • <account>
            • Expected results
              • Project
                  • Prompted for admin password
                  • Account is deleted
                • Alternate flows:
                  • Project User is not admin
                      • Account does not exist (404 not found) 
                  • Problem: currently results in 500
                      • Incorrect admin password (401 unauthorized)



                  account details (admin or current project only)

                    • Preconditions
                      • Admin is logged in or current
                  • project
                      • account user is logged in
                    • Test steps
                      • ndslabsctl get
                  • project <project>
                      • account <account>
                    • Expected results
                      • Displays
                  • project details
                      • account details (as json)
                      • Password is redacted
                    • Alternate flows:
                      • Project
                          • Account does not exist (404)
                      • User is not admin and project is
                          • Account is not current project (401 unauthorized)



                      • Admin is logged in


                      • Test steps
                        • ndslabsctl list


                        • accounts
                      • Expected results


                        • Problem: ID is displayed
                          • Prompted for admin password
                          • Accounts are listed
                        • Alternate flows:
                          • Incorrect admin password (401 unauthorized)



                        • Preconditions:

                          • Account has been created

                        • Test steps:
                          • ndslabsctl login <user>
                          • Prompted for password
                        • Expected results:
                          • Login succeeded
                        • Alternative flows
                          • Invalid username / password (401 unauthorized)
                        • Notes:
                          • Login information is stored in ~/.apictl/.passwd. This files contains the currently logged in user and an authentication token. Removing this file is the equivalent of logging out
                        • Possible Issues:
                          • It is possible to execute login while already logged in.
                            • This may be intentional to allow you to easily switch namespaces.
                            • Won't fix, for now


                        • Preconditions
                          • User

                        Service administration

                        Add service (admin only)

                        • Preconditions:
                          • Admin is logged in
                        • Test steps
                          • ndslabsctl add service -f <service.json>
                          • ndslabsctl add service --file <service.json>
                        • Expected results
                          • Service is added. User can add service/stack.
                        • Alternate flows
                          • Service exists with same key (409 conflict)
                          • Logged in user is not admin (401 unauthorized)
                        • Notes:
                          • See ndslabs-specs repos for sample services

                        Delete service (admin only)

                          • logout
                          • ndslabsctl list services
                        • Expected results:
                          • List command results in "unauthorized"

                        Change password

                        • Preconditions:
                          • User is logged in
                        • Test steps
                          • ndslabsctl login <user>
                          • ndslabsctl passwd
                            • Enter current password
                            • Enter new password
                            • Confirm new password
                        • Alternate flows:
                          • User not logged in (401 unauthorized)
                          • Invalid password
                          • Password mismatch yield error message: "Passwords do not match"
                        • Expected results
                          • Password is changed

                        Service administration

                        Get service details

                          • Preconditions
                            • User
                        • PreconditionsAdmin
                            • is logged in
                          • Test steps
                            • ndslabsctl
                        • delete
                            • get service <key>
                          • Expected results
                            • Service is deleted
                                • Displays service spec (as json).  Defaults to user catalog
                              • Alternate flows:
                                • Project
                                    • Service does not exist (404
                                • not found) 
                                • User is not admin (401 unauthorized)
                                • Not
                                    • )

                                List services 

                                • Preconditions
                                  • User is logged in
                                • Test steps
                                  • ndslabsctl list services
                                  • ndslabsctl list services -c system
                                  • ndslabsctl list services -c user
                                  • ndslabsctl list services -c all
                                • Expected results
                                  • Services are listed for the specified catalog (Default: user)
                                • Alternate flows:
                                  • User not logged in (401 unauthorized)


                                • Throws a 500 error on delete. Repeatable test case:
                                  • Code Block
                                    /bin/sed "s#\"key\": \"elasticsearch2\"#\"key\": \"newService\"#" elastic.json
                                    ndslabsctl add service -f elastic.json
                                    ndslabsctl delete service newService

                                Add service

                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl add service -f <service.json> -c <catalog>
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Prompted for admin password
                                    • Service is added to the specified catalog (default: user). Only admin user can add to system catalog
                                    • "ndslabsctl list services" now shows added service
                                  • Alternate flows
                                    • Service exists with same key (409 conflict)
                                      • Problem: value is replaced in etcd instead of error thrown - this may be intentional
                                        • Should not replace service if being used in a stack
                                        • Prompt for confirmation on replace?
                                    • Incorrect admin password (401 unauthorized)
                                  • Sample Data:
                                    • Code Block
                                          "key": "whalesay",
                                          "label": "Docker Whalesay Example",
                                          "image": "ndslabs/cowsay-php",
                                          "description": "An example of a custom spec loaded into NDSLabs",
                                          "isStack": true,
                                          "isService": true,
                                          "isPublic": true,
                                          "isStandalone": true,
                                          "ports": [
                                              { "port": 80, "protocol": "http" }

                                Delete service 

                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl delete service <key> -c <catalog>
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Prompted for admin password
                                    • Service is deleted from the specified catalog
                                    • Default catalog is user
                                    • Admin user required to delete from system catalog
                                    • "ndslabsctl list services" no longer shows deleted service
                                  • Alternate flows:
                                    • Incorrect admin password (401 unauthorized)
                                    • Service is in use by projects (409)
                                    • Service required by other services (409)
                                    • No such service (404)

                                Volume administration

                                Create volume

                                Get service details

                                • Preconditions
                                  • User is logged in
                                • Test steps
                                  • ndslabsctl get service <key>
                                • Expected results
                                  • Displays service spec (as json)
                                • Alternate flows:
                                  • Service does not exist (404

                                List services

                                • Preconditions
                                  • User is logged in
                                • Test steps
                                  • ndslabsctl list services
                                • Expected results
                                  • Services are listed

                                Volume administration

                                • Create / delete volume feel a bit inconsistent

                                Create volume

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Sufficient quota remaining (not implemented)
                                    • Service exists with no existing attachments
                                    • Service not running
                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl
                                • create
                                    • add volume <vol name> <vol size GB>
                                      • Creates a detached volume
                                    • ndslabsctl
                                • create
                                    • add volume <vol name> <vol size GB> <sid>
                                      • Creates and attaches volume
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Volume is created
                                    • Volume is created and attached
                                  • Alternate
                                • flow
                                  • flows
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Insufficient quota (409) (not implemented)
                                    • Duplicate name (409)
                                      • NDS-181 now allows duplicate volume names
                                    • Stack service already has a volume attached (409)
                                    • Stack service doesn't exist (404)

                                Attach volume

                                  • Preconditions:
                                    • Logged in 
                                    • Volume
                                • exits
                                    • exists
                                    • Service exists with no existing attachments
                                    • Service not running
                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl attach <vol name> <sid>
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Volume is attached to specified service
                                  • Alternate
                                • flow
                                  • flows
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Volume doesn't exist (404)
                                    • Service doesn't exist (404)
                                    • Service is running (409)
                                    • Volume is attached (409)
                                      • Problem: Reattaches volume to new service without throwing error
                                  • Issues:
                                    • It is possible to attach a single volume to any kind of service. This may be intentional.

                                List volumes

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Volumes exist
                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl list volumes
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Volume details are displayed
                                • Alterate flow
                                  • Alternate flows
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • No volumes exist (200)

                                Detach volume

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Volume exists and is attached
                                    • Stack not running
                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl detach <vol name>
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Volume is detached
                                  • Alternative
                                • flow
                                  • flows
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Volume doesn't exist (404)
                                    • Stack is running (409)
                                      • Problem: Was able to detach from running stack without error
                                      • Resolved
                                    • Volume isn't attached (409)
                                      • Problem: Was able to detach multiple times without error
                                      • Resolved

                                Delete volume

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Volume exists
                                    • Stack not running
                                  • Test case:
                                    • ndslabsctl delete <vol name>
                                  • Expected results:
                                    • Volume is deleted
                                  • Alternative
                                • flow
                                  • flows
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Volume doesn't exist (404)
                                    • Stack is running (409)

                                Stack administration


                                Add stack


                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Service exists
                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl add stack <key> <name> 
                                    • ndslabsctl add stack <key> <name> --opt=<comma-separated list of optional services>
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Stack is added
                                  • Alternate
                                • flow
                                  • flows
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Service doesn't exist (404)
                                    • Duplicate stack name (409)
                                      • NDS-181 now allows duplicate stack names

                                List stacks

                                List stacks

                                  • Preconditions:
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Stack has been added
                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl list stacks
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Summary of stacks is displayed (name, services, status, SIDs)
                                  • Alternate flow:
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • No stacks (empty list)

                                Delete stack

                                  • Preconditions:
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Stack exists
                                    • Stack not running
                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl delete stack <sid>
                                    • Stack is deleted (201)
                                  • Alternate
                                • flow
                                  • flows
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Stack doesn't exist (404)
                                    • Stack is running (409)
                                    • Attached volumes are orphaned

                                Get stack details

                                  • Preconditions:
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Stack exists
                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl get stack <sid>
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Stack details, including endpoints and config, are displayed
                                  • Alternate
                                • flow
                                  • flows
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Stack doesn't exist (404)

                                Start stack

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Stack exists and started
                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl start <sid>
                                  • Expected results
                                    • All stack services (service, replication controller, pods) are started and ready
                                  • Alternate
                                • flow
                                  • flows
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Stack doesn't exist (404)
                                    • Stack not started or stopping (409)

                                Stop stack

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Stack started
                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl stop <sid>
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Stack service, replication controller, pods are stopped (200)
                                  • Alternative flow
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Stack does not exist (404)
                                    • Stack not started (200)


                                List configuration options for spec

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Service exists
                                  • Test case:
                                    • ndslabsctl list configs <service key(s)>
                                  • Expected results:
                                    • Possible service configuration options are displayed
                                  • Alternative flow
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Service does not exist (404)
                                      • Problem: currently throws 500 error
                                      • Resolved – if one fails, all fail
                                  • Issues:
                                    • Help text references "service ids", should be "service keys" for consistency
                                    • Resolved

                                Get stack service configuration

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Stack exists
                                  • Test case:
                                    • ndslabsctl get
                                • configs <sid>
                                    • stack <stack id>
                                  • Expected results:
                                    • Current service configuration options and settings are displayed
                                • Problem: resulting in 500 now
                                  • Alternative flow
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Stack
                                • doesn't
                                    • does not exist (404)
                                      • Problem: currently throws 500 error
                                      • Works for me

                                Set stack service configuration option

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Stack exists
                                    • Config exists
                                  • Test case:
                                    • ndslabsctl set
                                • <sid>
                                    • <stack service id> <name> <value>
                                  • Expected results:
                                    • Specified configuration setting os overriden for the service
                                  • Alternative flow
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Stack doesn't exist (404)
                                      • Problem: currently throws 500 error
                                      • Resolved
                                    • Config doesn't exist or is not overridable (409)

                                      • Problem: No output given, appears to be no-op?
                                      • Resolved


                                View stack service logs

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Stack exists
                                    • Stack started
                                    • Config exists
                                  • Test case:
                                    • ndslabsctl logs <sid> 
                                    • ndslabsctl logs <sid> --lines=<lines>
                                  • Expected results:
                                    • Logs are displayed
                                    • Last n log lines are displayed
                                  • Alternative flow
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Stack doesn't exist (404)
                                      • Problem: currently throws 500 error
                                    • Stack is not running (404)
                                      • Problem: No output given, appears to be no-op?

                                Console access

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Logged in
                                    • Stack exists
                                    • Stack started
                                  • Test case
                                    • ndslabsctl console <ssid>
                                  • Alternative flow
                                    • Not logged in (401)
                                    • Stack service doesn't exist (404)
                                    • Stack not running (404)

                                API Server Startup

                                Kubernetes token authentication

                                  • Preconditions
                                    • Kubernetes started with token authentication enabled for kube-apiserver
                                    • Tokens are 
                                  • Test case
                                    • Configure apiserver.conf Kubernetes section
                                    • Start NDS Labs (e.g., ndslabs-up)
                                    • Tail the apiserver log and look for successful startup
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Successful server startup (i.e., you do not see the error "Kubernertes API not availble"
                                  • Alternative flow
                                    • Invalid token path
                                    • Token authentication not supported by kube-apiserver


                                Resource management

                                Add account with resource limits

                                  • Test steps
                                    • ndslabsctl add account -f <account.json>
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Prompted for admin password
                                    • Account is added
                                    • kubectl describe quota --namespace=demo returns specified quotas
                                    • kubectl describe limitranges --namespace=demo returns specified limit ranges
                                  • Sample Data:
                                  Code Block
                                      "id": "demo",
                                      "name": "demo project",
                                      "description": "demo project description",
                                      "namespace": "demo",
                                      "password": "12345",
                                  	"storageQuota": 10,
                                  	"resourceLimits": {
                                  		"cpuMax": "2",
                                  		"cpuDefault": "1",
                                  		"memMax": "8Gi",
                                  		"memDefault": "100Mi"
                                  • 5/19: OK (NDS-205)


                                Start stack with resource limits

                                  • Prerequisites:
                                    • Test services have been added
                                    • User is logged in
                                  • Test steps
                                    • Add "Dataverse" service
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Services start as expected
                                    • For each pod, "kubectl get pod <pod> --namespace=<ns> -o wide" shows a "resources" section, such as:

                                      Code Block
                                                      "resources": {
                                                          "limits": {
                                                              "cpu": "100m",
                                                              "memory": "500Mi"
                                                          "requests": {
                                                              "cpu": "100m",
                                                              "memory": "500Mi"
                                    • Resources and limits match those specified on the service spec
                                  • 5/19: OK (NDS-205)

                                Start stack: Too big

                                  • Prerequisites:
                                    • Test services have been added
                                    • User is logged in
                                  • Test steps
                                    • Add "Test - Too Big" service
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Stack service is in error state
                                  • 5/19: OK (NDS-205)

                                Start stack: Memory Hog

                                  • Prerequisites:
                                    • Test services have been added
                                    • User is logged in
                                  • Test steps
                                    • Add "Test - Memory Hog" service
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Stack service starts, but quickly enters error state
                                    • Log shows 
                                      • Reason="OOMKilled"
                                  • 5/19: OK (NDS-205)

                                Start stack: No such image

                                  • Prerequisites:
                                    • Test services have been added
                                    • User is logged in
                                  • Test steps
                                    • Add "Test - No Image" service
                                  • Expected results
                                    • Stack service starts, but quickly enters error state
                                    • Log shows 
                                      • Reason=Failed, Message=Failed to pull image "xyzzy": Error: image library/xyzzy not found

                                  • 5/19: OK (NDS-205)

                                Start stack: Bad dependency

                                  • Prerequisites:
                                    • Test services have been added
                                    • User is logged in
                                  • Test steps
                                    • Add "Test - Bad dependency" service
                                  • Expected results
                                    • "No image" service is in error state, "Bad dependency" service is in "stopped" state
                                    • Log shows 
                                      • Reason=Failed, Message=Failed to pull image "xyzzy": Error: image library/xyzzy not found

                                  • 5/19: OK (NDS-205)

                                Ingress/LoadBalancer support

                                Single-node, NodePort, no TLS

                                This first test case demonstrates how to configure a single-node instance using NodePort without TLS;

                                  • Prerequisites
                                    • Kubernetes is running
                                    • Assumes single-node installation
                                  • Test steps
                                    • Modify apiserver.yaml
                                      • CORS_ORIGIN_ADDR = http://<public ip>:30000
                                      • INGRESS = NodePort
                                      • PREFX=/api
                                    • Modify gui.yaml
                                      • APISERVER_HOST = <public ip>
                                      • APISERVER_PORT = 30001
                                      • UI_BASE_PATH = /ui
                                    • kubectl create -f gui.yaml
                                    • kubectl create -f apiserver.yaml
                                    • kubectl label nodes ndslabs-role=compute
                                    • Open browser to: http://<public ip>:30000/ui/

                                Single-node, LoadBalancer + TLS

                                  • Prerequisites
                                    • Kubernetes is running
                                    • Assumes single-node installation
                                    • Wildcard CNAME entry for * pointing to single node IP
                                  • Test steps
                                    • Generate wildcard TLS certificate and key
                                Code Block
                                openssl genrsa 2048 > certs/ndslabs.key
                                openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 3650 -key certs/ndslabs.key > certs/ndslabs.cert
                                #[enter * for the Common Name]
                                cat certs/ndslabs.cert certs/ndslabs.key > certs/ndslabs.pem
                                chmod 400 certs/ndslabs.key certs/ndslabs.pem
                                      • git clone
                                      • cd ndslabs-startup
                                      • ./
                                        • Domain name:
                                        • Internal IP: accept default
                                      • Open browser to:
                                      • A few kubectl checks
                                        • kubectl get secrets --namespace=default 
                                          • ndslabs-tls-secret
                                        • kubectl get ingress --namespace=default
                                          • ndslabs-ingress with rules for /api and /ui
                                        • kubectl get secret --namespace=demo 
                                          • demo-tls-secret
                                        • kubectl get ingress --namespace=demo
                                          • stack-clowder-ingress with rule for clowder "/"
                                      • Stop the stack
                                        • Confirm ingress deleted
                                          • kubectl get ingress --namespace=demo
                                      • Delete project
                                        • ndslabsctl delete project demo
                                        • Confirm secret deleted
                                          • kubectl get secret --namespace=demo 

                                Multi-node, LoadBalancer + TLS

                                  • Prerequisites
                                    • Kubernetes is running 
                                    • Assumes multi-node installation
                                    • Wildcard CNAME entry for * pointing to load balancer node
                                    • Assumes loadbalancer and default-backend services already deployed
                                  • Test steps
                                    • Generate wildcard TLS certificate and key
                                Code Block
                                openssl genrsa 2048 > certs/ndslabs.key
                                openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 3650 -key certs/ndslabs.key > certs/ndslabs.cert
                                #[enter * for the Common Name]
                                cat certs/ndslabs.cert certs/ndslabs.key > certs/ndslabs.pem
                                chmod 400 certs/ndslabs.key certs/ndslabs.pem
                                    • git clone
                                    • cd ndslabs-startup
                                    • ./
                                    • Open browser to:
                                    • A few kubectl checks
                                      • kubectl get secrets --namespace=default 
                                        • ndslabs-tls-secret
                                      • kubectl get ingress --namespace=default
                                        • ndslabs-ingress with rules for /api and /ui
                                      • kubectl get secret --namespace=demo 
                                        • demo-tls-secret
                                      • kubectl get ingress --namespace=demo
                                        • stack-clowder-ingress with rule for clowder "/"
                                    • Stop the stack
                                      • Confirm ingress deleted
                                        • kubectl get ingress --namespace=demo
                                    • Delete project
                                      • ndslabsctl delete project demo
                                      • Confirm secret deleted
                                        • kubectl get secret --namespace=demo