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WhoMonday - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo
  • Earthcube - work on CATS-255
  • Release SeaGrant 2.1
  • GLTG - discuss parameter standardization and use of controlled vocabularies
  • Finished CATS-255 adding a Metadata Definitions page to Clowder. Also pushed a secondary pull request to refactor the MDVocabularyDefinitions to "MetadataDefinitions".
  • Met with Marcus to discuss parsers for GLTG.
  • Started work on several GLTG updates after our Issue Clean-up Meeting with GLTG on Tuesday. Currently working on GLGVO-105, but I haven't located a gap in the data to test this on yet, so I'll check with Ted next week for an example.
  • Demo'd some of the work to IMLCZO that we are doing on EarthCube.
  • Started making plans for a presentation at Argonne on either Nov 16th or 17th. I'll be up there for one of those days and may be remotely attending the meeting for the other day.
Edgar F. Black  
  • MSC
    • Develop HMM alyses based on the new defined limit on the number of data points to be used for each individial subject.
    • Continue developing analyses using sparse params in HMM model.
    • Continue writing AJT paper.
  • MSC
    • A new set of analyses were developed and submitted to the researchers. These analyses are based on the new defined limit on the number of data points to be used on the HMMs. Previously the analyses were produced using up-to 180 data points. The new defined limit is somehow based on the "Islet allograph survival" and varies from subject to subject.
    • The use of this new limit improved the prediction of one previously unmatched subject , while keeping the predictions for the other subjects unchanged.
    • The concept of this new limit in the number of data points to use in the HMM is being incorporated to the AJT paper.
Rob Kooper
  • PEcAn
    • fix qsub error BNL
    • PEcAn VM RC
  • SEAD
    • bug hunting/cleanup
  • BD
    • polyglot + crowd auth
    • fix error in conversion NARR -> ED
    • migrate toolcatalog DB
    • Coordinate with Max
    • Deploy clowder on Nebula 
Rob Kooper 
Jong Lee
  • NIST Core meeting in DC
  • NIST Core meeting in DC
Rui Liu
  • BD: elasticity Tool Catalog integration design and implementation; deploy elasticity to DTS/DAP production machines.
  • Earthcube: SAS geocode. Project meeting.
  • BD:
    • Deployed elasticity to DTS/DAP production machines. For that, needed to change the code to support running multiple instances using the same cloud (Nebula). Worked with Rob. After this, he shut down 3 VMs previously running the extractors and was happy to free up the resources to other VMs. (smile)
    • Reviewed Inna's Tool Catalog pull request #25 and gave many comments.
  • Earthcube:
    • Created 2 pull requests. One for SAS variable name annotation, the other for geocode. Luigi merged the first one.
    • Reviewed Brock's Clowder pull request for metadata definition UI changes.
    • Project meeting. Mostafa asked for working on unit annotation.
    • Started a bit on that.
  • BW: Tested the PerfSuite module I created to ensure that it's still working on both the head node and compute nodes. Attended a weekly update meeting.
Kenton McHenry
  • BD SC Demo prep
  • NDS Staffing
  • DOE carbon capture proposal (Brown Dog use case)
  • BD SC Demo prep
  • NDS Staffing
  • NDS booth coordination at SC
  • DOE carbon capture proposal
Christopher Navarro 
  • NIST - all hands meeting (W - F)
  • BD - continue work on parsing polyglot log files
  • NIST - attended all hands meeting (DC, W - F), reviewed pull requests
  • BD - added route to DW editor to open workflow by id, began work on polyglot endpoint to generate the WF from a log file
Luigi Marini
  • Clowder SC Demo
  • Geodashboard SC Demo
  • Clowder 1.0 release
Michal Ondrejcek  
  • Clowder pull requests
  • New search by metadata (jsonld branch)
  • Budgets
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. SEAD - set Clowder, IntelliJ and other components (CATS-238)
  2. SEAD - Add url parameters to the Datasets and Collections lables (CATS-240)
  3. SEAD - Normalize buttons links and icons (CATS-239)
  1. DONE
  2. DONE but wrong
  3. started
Smruti Padhy
  • Landsat extractor
  • Queue installation for SDN QoS admission control module
  • Mon-Wed - Vacation

  • BD - Landsat extractor - fixed ArcGIS license. Almost finished with it. Getting some arcpy error in reclassify function in obtaining raster.
  • SDN - Added into synthesize method code for installing queues into the port based on current bandwidth allocation
  • Mon-Wed - Vacation
Smruti Padhy  
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • BD
    • Continue with development of PyClowder HPC
    • Continue with tasks for running person-tracking extractor on Greenfield
    • Implement steps for running VAT extractors on Greenfield
  • VAT
    • Fix sections slider not updating when playing videos
    • Continue with detecting boundaries of document
    • Test changes to image-preview extractor
  • BD
    • Installed OpenCV in Greenfield
    • Started running VAT extractors in Greenfield
      • Certain steps not working
      • More to be done here
    • Continuing with BD-741 development
      • DEBOD
        • Continue with detecting boundaries of document
        • Was able to connect to Greenfield from local machine through PyClowder (baby steps)
    • VAT
      • Fixed slider not updating when playing videos
      • Updated VAT instance in Quarry
    • DEBOD
      • Boundary detection completed
      • Converted boundary into polygon
      • Code pushed into repository under the project folder in Bitbucket
      • Tested changed to image-preview extractors. Working fine.
    Inna Zharnitsky
    • change signup for browndog
    • mongo update script - make a JIRA task for Rob
    • Signup for brown dog - done
    • mongo update script for Tool Catalog - levels for tools functionality - sent to Rob, created JIRA tast
    • worked with Rui on Tools Levels pull request for Tool Catalog - levels for tools
    Inna Zharnitsky  
    Marcus Slavenas
    • IARP
      • c++ extractor
    • BD
      • install/test green index with csv on dts-dev/extractor-0014
      • tool catalog
    • GLTG
      • fix gap filling on usgs
    Indira Gutierrez Polo  
    • IARP
      • C++ extractor
        • got simpleAMQPClient install working
        • write c++ program that receives message body from clowder through rabbimq and gets file json metadata
        • choose/install rapidjson for parsing json - able to get values (eg file_id) by key
    • BD
      • green index with csv processing running on extractor-0014 from init
        • however, socket closing error caused failure after posting almost 3000 images to clowder - still need to debug
      • tool catalog - UI improvements: submitted pull request
    • GLTG
      • priorities meeting
      • refactoring usgs parser
        • separated parsing from gap filling and load calculations
        • fix time checking for yearly parsing and updating
        • parsing working well - gap filling and load calculations still need to be refactored
    Indira Gutierrez Polo
    • SEAD
      • Review and update pull requests
      • Home Page and Profile Page refactoring
    • CyberSEES: Work on integrating Datawolf with gidesigner. Create form for input.
    • SEAD
      • Review and update pull requests
      • Home Page and Profile Page refactoring
    • CyberSEES: Showing the execute form page on gidesigner.
    Jason Votava
    • NIST
      • Final check before all-hands meeting nov 4-6
    • OOO every day except Tuesday.
    Jason Votava  
    Yong Wook Kim
    • Check NIST-Core presentation file
    • Make raster nodata value transparent
    • Trip to DC for all NIST-Core meeting
    • Made raster nodata value transparent
    • Fixed legend error for null exception (ERGO-314)
    • Fixed raster data legend to remove the nodata entry
    • NIST-CORE all hands meeting at Washington D.C.
    Omar Elabd
    • Open Stack Server
    • Trip preparation
    • NIST-CORE All Hands Meeting in D.C. (Wed/Thurs/Fri)
    • All Hands Meeting
    • Server Setup
    • Trip preparation
    Yan Zhao
    • SEAD
      • CATS-260
    • MSC
      • test on more image
    • SEAD
      • CATS-260, CATS-269
    • MSC
      • meeting with Amelia & Rachana
      • try several methods to apply svm on 8349 to 8762, not finished.
    Maxwell Burnette
    • TERRA
      • Create previewer for geospatial metadata (lat/lon) in a dataset
      • Simulate script to submit files via API (i.e. simulate Danforth processing)
      • Begin work on extractor to pull geospatial metadata from images



    • Added previewer that identifies lat/lon or geoJSON in Files' technical metadata and renders them in a map at the Dataset level.
    • Began writing technical details for transferring data with metadata using clowder API


    • In progress - writing extractor to pull and parse JSON data from an accompanying .json file that would be uploaded with an image.
    Maxwell Burnette