Versions Compared


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  • Bring up a (virtual) Kubernetes cluster 
  • Deploy Labs Workbench
  • Ideally, process should mimic deployment in other environments
  • Ideally, user can create new Docker containers and publish all in local environment

A secondary use case is the single-node installation for a project. This has come up a few times, but for example:

  • SEAD/IML-CZO want to run Labs Workbench – want a simple install process that runs on a single VM during initial evaluation. May never scale up.

Current environment (ndslabs-startup)


  • Minikube will work on Linux, but so far we haven't been able to use it on a VM (e.g., OpenStack). Hyperkube works for this.

Hyperkube (ndslabs-startup)

Our current ndslabs-startup/ relies on Hyperkube (Kubernetes in Docker)



  • On MacOS, removing the /var/lib/kubelet volume actually works via
  • Adding bind container makes DNS reasonably easy

Windows 10

  • Docker for Windows requires using Hyper-V (not Virtual Box)
  • So far unable to get Hyperkube to work under Windows 10/Hyper-V without Vm.
  • Our current ndslabs-startup/kube-up relies on Hyperkube, which is basically Kubernetes in Docker. 

VirtualBox VM

  • You must follow the steps described here: The CoreOS project provides a process for launching Kubernetes on CoreOS, using another hyperkube image image-virtualbox.html
  • You must add a Host-only adapter to your VM instance to SSH in
  • You must manually load the .iso containing your ssh key, as described in the guide above
  • You will a DNS entry pointing 192.168.99.XXX to a hostname, like
    • This can be done by populating /etc/hosts, or using a tool such as Dnsmasq
  • You can disable TLS (this is likely optional)
  • Still minor bugs ongoing (for example: sending e-mail for signup throws a 503)

Openstack VM

  • Process works well for OpenStack VMs
  • Editing PATH is annoying, but otherwise fine.

Azure VM

  • Deployed Ubuntu 16.10 VM via Azure portal
  • Standard DS2_v2 (2 Cores, 7 GB memory). (Wow, that takes a really long time!)
    • Add endpoint for 443 access
  • Start Labs Workbench
    • apt-install
    • git clone ndslabs-startup
    • (+ bash_profile changes)
  • Same SMTP problem as before – but manual registration worked



  • Deployed CoreOS 1298.5 stable via AWS Management Console
    • t2.micro, because it was free! (way too small)
    • Expose HTTP/HTTPS ports via security group
    • Create a DNS rule pointing to the public IP of this node
  • SSH in and start Labs Workbench
    • git clone ndslabs-startup
    • (+ bash_profile changes)
  • Same SMTP problem as before


Vagrant is a tool to manage virtual machines. The approach described below comes from CoreOS as a method to deploy a Kubernetes cluster via VirtualBox (or similar). Vagrant has multiple providers, so it might be possible to use the same Vagrant configuration to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on VirtualBox on your laptop and deploy a full cluster on OpenStack. However, it's not clear how useful this might be.


The VirtualBox/Vagrant approach suggested by David works on MacOS. As with Minikube, this will not work on an OpenStack or other VM without running a different virtualization package (VirtualBox won't work in a VM). It's not clear that Vagrant will support this configuration.


  • Domain name (dnsmasq)? For now add /etc/hosts entry
  • IP address – IP of master node – same as used by kubeconfig
  • kubectl label will change
  • Email fails, but could output to log?
  • No addons, currently
  • Added bind service to support local DNS, based on instructions in 



  • Support both Minikube and Hyperkube installs of Labs Workbench to support 
  • Refactor ndslabs-startup to work under both Minikube and Hyperkube installs. 
    • Fix PATH
    • Improve kube-up (monitor status)
    • Improve ndslabs-up (more optional components, mustache, etc)