Versions Compared


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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
  • BD
    • Finish BD-1229 - DAP endpoint in datawolf
    • Work in BD-1311 - datawolf layout tweaks
    • Code Review
  • NIST
    • Version 2 UI for datawolf bridge damage analysis
    • Code review
    • Investigate storing data in clowder through datawolf without using api key
  • Ergo - Look into differences with and without PGV scaling - researcher noted damage was the same
  • BD
    • Finished BD-1229 - DAP endpoint in datawolf and submitted PR
    • Finished BD-1311 - datawolf layout tweaks - changed link to open workflow graph, fixed scaling on different displays issue, tried to provide a better layout of tools in the graph when they are auto-generated and have no initial layout
  • Ergo
    • Answered Ergo user questions regarding how to provide soil geology and soil type conditions for attenuation models, helped user fix data issues
  • NIST
    • Version 2 work - investigated how to store datawolf data in clowder as the clowder user instead of the special key that stores the data anonymously. Discussed solution with Rob/Luigi and have a plan to have datawolf get keys from Clowder to check authorization
    • Code review, tweaked local build to investigate build issues (name change to incore required script to be updated), helped fixed a branch build issue
  • Other
    • Ran some datawolf stress tests, thought maybe there was a memory leak, but then realized it was just the amount of memory most VMs are initially allocated with.

  • Finish up exploring OpenSplice and publishing meta data with openSplice
  • Design DMCS commander with Jim
  • Start working on DMCS
  • GLM
    • Zooplankton Parser
    • IRB Training
    • v1 bug
  • Ethics Training
  • GLM
    • Zooplankton parser partially finished, updated visualization and it is working on local machine for 1 sensor. Might need some updates for doing all sensors. Created Pull request to receive feedback
    • IRB training (12/17)
    • v1 Bug: Adding an icon to the log view
  • Ethics Training.
  • Adding functions to data_cleanup_pipeline
  • Dockerize data_cleanup_pipeline
  • Test data_cleanup_pipeline using real data
  • BD pull request reviews!
  • DAP-DEV redeployment
  • Polyglot fixes / features
  • NDSC6 Workshop in Pittsburgh
  • BD pull request reviews!
  • DAP-DEV redeployment
  • NDSC6 Workshop in Pittsburgh
  • EZID account for NDS
  • Ethics training
  • IMLCZO data ingestion
  • Geodashboard caching and binning new development
  • Clowder 1.0
  • BD Fence user quota and debug current bugs
  • Ethics training completed
  • GLM
    • Geodashboard performance tuning
    • Fixed bamboo builds
    • review of parsers
    • lidar data movement
  • Clowder CLA, CoC and
  • Ethics training
  • BD
    • meet with ankit and get code for extractors
    • work on posting input file and jupyter file to tmpnb server
  • GLTG
    • update data for sources on production
    • upgrade clowder/geodashboard on production
  • TERRA geospatial metadata extractor
  • TERRA hyperspectral high-memory extractor
  • dockerize existing extractors
  • out Friday
  • MDF - 2016-10-17+Kickoff
    • flyer to Ben,
    • report, 0.5-2 pages
    • NDS/MDF web page
  • MWRD - new NEXRAD data, continue with refactoring the storm code
  • Tuesday Meeting Epanet
  • Add support for Epanet-Emitter
  • Friday Meeting Epanet
  • v2 Frontend development
  • Added EPANET-EMITTER to the Water Network Analysis
  • Recompiled EPANET-EMITTER
    • Re-Architecture Solution Package
    • Removed Unnecessary Code
  • Tuesday/Friday Meeting
  • PEcAn
    • THREDDS server, check on geo bounding box
  • LSST
    • SwimLanes presentation
    • orchestration
  • BD
    • pull reviews
  • PEcAn
    • Broke it again, back to square 1
  • LSST
    • Another presentation of swimlanes
    • Look at epics
    • look at terra server
    • pullrequests for pyclowder
  • BD
    • finalize tests
  • BD Sprint tasks
  • DEBOD tasks
  • VAT help
  • Worked on couple of Brown Dog Sprint Tasks
  • Helped VAT team with extractor issues

Project Management - JIRA Training planning

IN-Core Training

Brown Dog Sprint Management

Brown Dog Presentation-had planned more work than got done


Dentist (smile) - which isn't really very smiley

  • BD
    • dockerize pecan
    • add test BD-1303
    • BD-1309 PEcAn sample input/output files
  • GLM
    • download data
  • MSC
    • ppt
  • BD
    • add test BD-1303
    • BD-1309 PEcAn sample input/output files – not finish...
  • GLM
    • download data & verify.
  • MSC
    • ppt
    • presentation on Friday

  • Learn REACT for INORE v2
  • Work on finding a nearest point between node and network for seaside water network
  • REACT tutorials
  • Read materials about Elemental-UI
  • Looked up the method for creating a nearest lines for network node and link using the conventional GIS tool
  • Worked on python script for creating nearest links