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WhoMonday - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo 


Edgar F. Black  
Rob Kooper 
  • PEcAn
    • qsub
    • create next VM RC
  • SEAD
    • collections/datasets ajax
    • VM with clowder
    • Get Max up and running
  • MWRD
    • deploy VM at mwrd
    • presentation
  • PEcAn
    • qsub
  • SEAD
    • collections/datasets ajax partially
    • Get Max up and running
  • MWRD
    • deploy VM at mwrd
    • presentation
Jong Lee  
Rui Liu 
  • Earthcube: SAS vars GUI, other tasks.
  • BD: Docker integration testing (VM images + docker).
  • BW: internal review meeting.
  • Earthcube: finished most of SAS vars GUI.
  • BW: internal review meeting.
  • BD: Improve Docker feature and other elasticity features.
    • BD-703
      • When resuming, don't wait infinitely, set a max # of retries;
      • If the VM state becomes "ERROR", delete it;
      • make the resuming wait interval configurable.
    • BD-831. Reload the configuration without restarting the elasticity module.
    • BD-623
      • Almost completed: stop extractor services before suspending VM and restart them after resuming VM to make the info in RabbitMQ server the latest.
Kenton McHenry
  • 4th NDS Workshop
  • 4th NDS Workshop
  • Lots of managerial stuff for everything!!!!
Christopher Navarro
  • BD - convert polyglot logs to datawolf tools/workflows
  • NIST - pull request review, bug fixing, update developer tutorials
  • Ethics training
  • Finished ethics training
  • BD - continued working on generating workflows from polyglot logs
  • NIST - reviewed pull requests, fixed bamboo not recording success/fail in Bitbucket with help from Rob, updated developer tutorial, reviewed Task 2.1 - 2.3 for NIST report
  • CyberSEES - bi-weekly meeting
Luigi Marini
  • XSEDE: precompute distances between feature vectors for CBIR
  • Clowder documentation
  • Clowder 1.0
  • SEAD
    • GUI designs
    • Review user feedback
  • BD API keys design
  • Great Lakes Monitoring workplan
  • Ethics training
  • XSEDE: Precomputing distances for CBIR in clowder done
  • SEAD: Further GUI designs and user feedback. Setup new sprint. Preparing for trip next week.
  • BD: learning about oauth2, istalling oauth2 providers, trying latest google auth stuff, considering simple server api service
  • Earthcube design meetings
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. prepare VM for MWRD meeting, database, software plus help Rob clone it to 5 laptops
  2. presentation slides
  3. MWRD meeting Chicago
  4. SEAD intro
  1. DONE
  2. DONE
  3. DONE
  4. installed IntelliJ, old notes
Michal Ondrejcek  
Smruti Padhy
  • BD
    • IEEE Big Data presentation slides and practice presentation
    • Landsat extractor
  • SDN
    • Implement queues installation in the admission control module
    • Update the SDN Flow update algorithm draft – Start writing the journal version of the paper
  • Ethics training
  • Meeting with Bassem
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan  
Inna Zharnitsky  
  • BD
    • IEEE Big Data Presentation preparation – Modified slides and gave practice presentation to marcus,Rui,Brock, Micahal, Edgar, to the whole group on ISDA Friday meeting
    • Small progress on landsat extractor
  • SDN
    • Updated the SDN Flow update algorithm draft
  • Had meeting with Baseem on NHERI proposal
  • Ethics Traning
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • BD
    • Test Greenfield qsub script with an extractor using pyClowder
    • Fix issue with image-preview extractors in converting raw files
  • VAT
    • Make multimedia search an AJAX Call and add spinner wheel
    • Worked on fixing issue with image-preview extractors in converting raw files
  • VAT
    • Completed making multimedia search an AJAX Call and added spinner wheel
    • Fixed a bug related to sections of multimedia search not pointing to its parent file
Inna Zharnitsky
  • Tool Catalog - work on outstanding tasks
  • Work on other tasks assigned to me
  • Ethics training
  • Friday off


  • Tool catalog - created pull request. 
  • Discussed with Kenton improvements to the GUI - displaying file url string and file upload button in the same form.
  • Ethics training - finished
Marcus Slavenas
  • GLTG
    • finish/test usgs parser on dev
    • get all UI pull requests through
    • release to prod
  • BD
    • Green index route extractor
      • finish converting to use pyclowder
      • add process csv
  • IARP
    • look into OpenCV SVM for classifiers
  • GLTG
    • ran all parsers successfully on gltg-dev for new sites and measurements
      • changed data field verification
      • usgs: refactor logic of cumulative load calculation for parsing by year
      • skipped parsing by year and ran since 2010 due to not yet handling gap filling for yearly parsing
    • create help page
  • BD
    • finish green route extractor using pyclowder
    • green route extractor runs on csv or xml upload
      • still needs work to handle long list of coordinates and count availability of streetview images
Indira Gutierrez Polo
  • SEAD
    • Remove Files From Datasets
    • Update ORE Maps if required after getting feedback from larger group.
  • CyberSEES
    • Work on integrating Datawolf with gidesigner. Create form for input.
    • Remove Files From Datasets
  • CyberSEES
    • Work on integrating Datawolf with gidesigner. Create form for input.
Jason Votava
  • NDS
    • Attend NDS conference
    • Out of office until Friday
  • Returned from conference
  • NIST reporting
  • Set up Max for meeting invites
Yong Wook Kim
  • Fix water network bug
  • Make earthquake location map picketer not to reset the default parameters
  • Database type analysis for briefing booklet
  • Fix ERGO-307 for multiple dataset load in data selection widget
  • Clean up tornado path map picker to completely separate out from other plugins
  • Fix ERGO-303 that makes an error if the file name ends with _node
  • Modified ERGO-302 for switching scenario map picker from swt to swing


Omar Elabd
  • Documents for Briefing Book
  • Update Roadway Analysis with StdDev
  • RDF
  • Survey and 2.3 of Briefing Booklet
  • RDF
  • : Learned SKOS
  • RDF: Setup TemaTres and SkosMos servers (added data to SkosMos)
  • In process of Moving Roadways Pull Request to different Repo
Yan Zhao
  • SEAD
    • CATS-192
    • UI
  • MSC
    • remove false positives and keep true ones.
    • use svm result on different image
  • SEAD
    • CATS-192, 241 242 243
  • MSC
    • select the features for 2nd-svm on interstitial inflammation.
    • svm for hemorrhage
Maxwell Burnette
  • Various training videos & materials
  • Get Clowder dependencies installed and get it up and running
  • Admin stuff (i-card, parking, Lync phone, etc.)