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CLI Usage


Environment Variables

Setting environment variables may be necessary to allow for importing/includes to work and when running tdml files.


The Daffodil implementation will look on the classpath for includes and imports, and some tdml files. To define additional directories where Daffodil should look for files, set the DAFFODIL_CLASSPATH environment variable, for example:

Code Block
$ export DAFFODIL_CLASSPATH="/path/to/imports/:/path/to/includes/"

In addition to defining directories to search for imports and includes, you can add a file to the DAFFODIL_CLASSPATH to direct Daffodil to a relative path location of a user XML Catalog. For information on the file, visit the following website:


If you need to specify java options specific to Daffodil, you can set the DAFFODIL_JAVA_OPTS environment variable. If not specified, the JAVA_OPTS environment variable will be used. If that is not specified, reasonable defaults for Daffodil will be used.

Global Options


Enable the interactive debugger. See the Interactive Debugger documentation for more information.

The optional file argument is a list of debugger commands that are provided to the debugger as if it was type by the user.

This option cannot be used with the --trace option.


Enable a trace mode. This mode prints out helpful information during every stage of parsing.

This option cannot be used with the --debug option.


Enable verbose output.

Parse Subcommand

Parse a file, using either a DFDL schema or a saved parser.


Note that the -P or --parser feature is not yet implemented (April 2013)

daffodil parse (-s <schema>... [-r <root> [-n <namespace>]] [-p <path>] | -P <parser>) [-D<variable>=<value>...] [-o <output>] [infile]


The annotated DFDL schema to use to create the parser. This option may be supplied multiple times for multi-schema support. This option cannot be used with the --parser option.
The root element of the DFDL schema to use. This must be one of the top-level elements of the schema defined with --schema. This requires the --schema option to be defined. If not supplied, the first element of the first schema defined with --schema is used.
The namespace of the root element. Requires the --root option.
The path to the node from the root element to create the parser from.
Use a previously saved parser, created using the save-parser subcommand. This option cannot be used with the --schema option.
Variables to be used when parsing.
Write output to a give file. If the option is not given or is -, output is written to standard out.

Input file to parse. If not specified, or is a value of -, reads from standard in. In supplied, this must be the last option on the command line.


daffodil parse -s csv.dfdl.xsd test_file.csv

Unparse Subcommand

Unparse an infoset file, using either a DFDL schema or a saved parser.


Note that the Unparse subcommand is not currently implemented (April 2013).

daffodil unparse (-s <schema>... [-r <root> [-n <namespace>]] [-p <path>] | -P <parser>) [-D<variable>=<value>...] [-o <output>] [infile]


The annotated DFDL schema to use to create the parser. This option may be supplied multiple times for multi-schema support. This option cannot be used with the --parser option.
The root element of the DFDL schema to use. This must be one of the top-level elements of the schema defined with --schema. This requires the --schema option to be defined. If not supplied, the first element of the first schema defined with --schema is used.
The namespace of the root element. Requires the --root option.
The path to the node from the root element to create the parser from.
Use a previously saved parser, created using the save-parser subcommand. This option cannot be used with the --schema option.
Variables to be used when unparsing.
Write output to a give file. If the option is not given or is -, output is written to standard out.
Input file to unparse. If not specified, or is a value of -, reads from standard in. In supplied, this must be the last option on the command line.


daffodil unparse -s csv.dfdl.xsd test_file.infoset

Save Parser Subcommand

Create a save a parser that can be reused for parsing and unparsing.


Note that the save-parser command is not currently implemented (April 2013).

daffodil save-parser -s <schema>... [-r <root> [-n <namespace>]] [-p <path>] [-o <output>] [outfile]


The annotated DFDL schema to use to create the parser. This option may be supplied multiple times for multi-schema support. This option must be supplied.
The root element of the DFDL schema to use. This must be one of the top-level elements of the schema defined with --schema. This requires the --schema option to be defined. If not supplied, the first element of the first schema defined with --schema is used.
The namespace of the root element. Requires the --root option.
The path to the node from the root element to create the parser from.
Write the parser to a give file. If the option is not given or is -, output is written to standard out.


daffodil save-parser -s csv.dfdl.xsd csv_parser.xml

Test Subcommand

List or execute tests in a TDML file.


daffodil test [-l] [-r] <tdmlfile> [testname...]


Show names and descriptions in a TDML file instead of running them.
Read <testnames> as regular expressions.
Test Data Markup Language (TDML) file.
Name of one or more test case in the tdml file. If not given, all tests in <tdmlfile> are run.


daffodil test csv.tdml


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