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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
Brock Angelo 
  • Visiting the IMLCZO flux tower in the field this week
  • Visiting the IMLCZO Rantoul station in the field
  • Creating parser for flux tower
  • Installing LoggerNet Server on IMLCZO production
  • Creating base api that Geodashboard experiments can use to mock data
  • Traveled to the Rantoul field station and did a lot of documentation with the team.
  • Met with Rantoul DTS team at ISGS and did Clowder training.
  • Setup Rantoul Space, Collections, Datasets, and helped them to start uploading files.
  • Met with Steve and started uploads of Flux Tower Raw Data, trained him how to upload the Flash drive each month.
  • Setup Mock-API for Geodashboard Refactor.
Rob Kooper
  • PEcAn
    • custom site filtering
    • thredds server
  • LSST
    • interviews
    • write up user requirements
  • SEAD
    • Jira
    • deploy BETTY-6 BETTY-7 as docker
    • migrate vm's to new server
  • LSST
    • interview
  • SEAD
    • Jira
    • Jira
    • Jira
    • Jira
  • NCSA
    • remove spam from opensource
Jong Lee
  • HR
  • BD Report
  • HR
  • BD Report
Jong Lee  
Rui Liu
  • BD: quarterly report. Help Greg deploy siegfried extractor. Review Inna Tool Catalog PRs.
  • Earthcube:
    • continue working on data model matching and search clowder for data using variables;
    • deploy geotiff extractor?
  • BD: quarterly report -> sent out for review. Helped Greg deploy siegfried extractor -> Done, deployed to dts-dev. Reviewed Inna Tool Catalog PRs -> Done.
  • Earthcube:
    • continue working on data model matching -> PR merged, Demoed to the team, deployed to dev and prod VMs;
    • search clowder for data using variables: started working on adding an endpoint to return sameAs variables given a variable.
Kenton McHenry
  • BD Report
  • MBDH, tools & services working group, cross hub tools & services white paper
  • NDSC5 followup
  • Look into alternatives to JIRA for managerial task track (many more smaller time frame tasks).
  • HR
  • BD Report
  • NDSC5 followup
  • Moving managerial tasks to Trello
  • HR
  • NCSA hosted datasets
Kenton McHenry  
Christopher Navarro
  • NIST - continue working on Tsunami damage analysis, code review, hackathon Wednesday
  • BD - help with bdfiddle report section
  • Other - in Champaign Tuesday April 12th
  • NIST - code review, hackathon/merge-athon, finished Tsunami damage analysis, added screenshots of new analysis
  • Other - in Champaign April 12th for NIST-Core hackathon, answered Ergo collaborator questions
Luigi Marini
  • SEAD
    • sprint reviews
    • gui cleanups
  • GLM
    • react based search page proof of concept
    • design mockups
  • BD
    • report sections
    • bd-api chunked upload
    • bd-api random lockups
  • Eartcube
    • annotate csv
  • SEAD gui cleanups and sprint end
  • GLM 
    • react search page basic setup and listing of sensors
    • more mockups (need to add them to jira)
  • Earthcube
    • fixed bugs in annotate csv app
  • Clowder
    • gui cleanups for 1.0
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. SEAD - CATS-455 merge conflict, CATS-404 and others
  2. MDF - NDS/2016-04-11+Kickoff
  3. MWRD - finish d3 graphs
  1. SEAD - started CATS-455 merge conflict, finished CATS-390
  2. MDF - NDS/2016-04-11+Kickoff
  3. MWRD - yes
Smruti Padhy
  • BD
    • Quaterly Report sections
    • Finalize XSEDE paper abstract and submission
    • Write/review validation section
    • iPRES paper review/formatting
    • UMD Doctoral seminar Slides preparation for 18thApril
  • SDN
    • Address the comments TDSC paper

  • BD
    • BD report sections
    • XSEDE paper first draft ready and submitted the abstract to the conference
    • Prepared Slides for the UMD doctoral seminar
  • SDN
    • Addressed the background section comments
  • Interviews
Smruti Padhy  
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • BD
    • Quarterly report sections
    • XSEDE paper sections
    • XRAC proposal sections
  • VAT
    • Allocation extension sections
    • XSEDE paper sections
  • BD
    • Completed quarterly report sections
    • Completed XSEDE paper sections
    • Completed XRAC proposal sections
  • VAT
    • Worked on XSEDE paper sections
Inna Zharnitsky  
Marcus Slavenas  
  • BD quarterly report sections
  • work on having pull requests approved (have two)
  • start work on backlog issues, most important - to save and display status of deploying tools from EM.
  • brown dog report - done
  • have merged pull requests
  • worked with Smruti on screenshots for XSEDE paper
Marcus Slavenas
  • BD
    • write report sections
    • prepare demo of template extractor and converter
  • GLTG
    • continue running/testing usgs continuous parsing
  • 1/2 time paternity leave
  • BD
    • wrote report sections
    • tested demo of template converter
Indira Gutierrez Polo


  • Finish updating miniuser on all entities when the fullName is updated
  • Adding creators as required in a curation object
  • Update ORE Map


  • Start working on search page


  • Start integrating new rhessys workflow.


  • Finish updating miniuser on all entities when the fullName is updated
  • Fix events bug
  • Adding creators as required in a curation object
  • Update ORE Map


  • Start working on search page


  • Start integrating new rhessys workflow.
Indira Gutierrez Polo


Yong Wook Kim
  • Add line data as an ouput for Tornado EPN analysis
  • Finish Wildfire Simulation
  • Debugging NIST-CORE
  • Finished wildfire simulation
  • Added point raster overlay validator
  • Updated raster animation
  • Updated tornado elecetric power network damage analysis
  • Review serveral pull requests
Omar Elabd
  • Out Monday
  • Tuesday Group Meeting
  • Architecture/Process for Metadata
  • Incorporate field study data
  • Investigate Census Data
  • Out Monday
  • Tuesday merge-athon
  • Reviewed Pull Requests
  • Data Architecture
  • Field Study Data
Omar Elabd  
Maxwell Burnette
  • get sample TERRA data on Roger loaded into Roger Clowder instance
  • get gantry/globus log up and running
  • sample data load in-progress, ~30,000 datasets loaded so far
  • polish gantry/globus services, worked w/ JD Maloney to prepare for deployment
Eugene Roeder  
Yan Zhao
  • SEAD
    • review code
  • MSC
    • finish the draft, I hope
  • SEAD
    • SEAD-946, SEAD-950, CATS-492,
  • MSC
    • rewrite the code for glomeruli locating to be consistent with CAD part.
    • refine the paper
    • try some simple matlab extractor on mscp01.