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About this Page

This page contains some initial ideas about how to organize data within Clowder for this project. 



Clowder Information


There are three basic sections within Clowder:

  • Spaces
  • Collections
  • Datasets

Access Control Details:

  • Being a Clowder User does not automatically provide Access to all Spaces
  • Access type is established at the Space level (Admin, Editor, Viewer)
  • Access must be set for each Space individually
  • All Datasets and Collections inherit permissions from the Space to which they belong

Graphical Description



Organization Ideas

Naming Conventions

Some ideas for how to name items that are placed in Clowder:

  • When able, include the name of the Sensor in the title of Spaces, Collections, and Datasets
  • Including the name of the Sensor may make it is easier to search for items

Metadata and Tags

Metadata and Tags can be utilized to enhance organization and search capabilities.

  • Metadata
    • Metadata is searchable
    • Datasets can have Metadata
    • Files (in either Datasets or Folders) can have Metadata
    • Definition sources are provided for each Metadata field
  • Tags
    • Tags are searchable
    • Can view a list of all Tags in the application
    • Datasets can have Tags
    • Files (in either Datasets or Folders) can have Tags

Using the Sections Within Clowder

It would be good to have a general organization methodology moving forward.

This section will contain various contains ideas for organization.

One An idea for utilizing and organizing these sections:

  • Spaces
    • Named after each Sensor or a general category (e.g.: "How To" Documentation, Images, etc.)
    • Contains both Collections of Datasets and individual Datasets
    • Can have an image appear in the listing on Clowder
  • Collections of Datasets
    • Naming Include would include the Sensor name
    • Sub-collections can be used to logically organize datasets, for example data ranges
    • Contains Datasets
  • Datasets
    • NamingWhen possible, the The name would include the name of the Sensor
    • Should be placed in Collections
    • Some Datasets can contain raw data and other derived data
    • Can contain Folders that contain filesShould be placed in Collections
    • Datasets and Files can both have Metadata and Tags

This is an example illustrating this idea:

  • This is based upon the Flux Tower data (information about this Dataset is available in this Wiki space at Flux Tower Data)
  • Space
    • There is only one of these for this Space
    • Space Name: Flux Tower DataSite
    • Space Description: Flux Tower located at location-description
    • Space Image: Suggestion - provide an image of the site or the instrument or a logo (if available)
  • Collection
    • There can be several of these for this Space
    • Raw Data Measurements Example
      • Collection Name: Flux Tower Raw Data Files date-rangeThe date-range could be years or months depending upon the size of the dataset
      • Collection Description: Collection of Raw Data Files for date-range
      • Collection Content: This will contain all relevant Datasets for this collection
    • Data Measurements Example
      • Collection Name: Flux Tower Data Files
      • Collection Description: Collection of Data Files
      • Collection Content: This will contain all relevant Datasets for this collection A: date-range is a year
        • If date-range is 2010
        • Then Datasets would be all the Datasets that include 2010 data
      • Example B: date-range is January 2010 to March 2010
        • If date-range is January 2010 to March 2010
        • Then Datasets would be all the Datasets that include 2010 data from January to March
      • Example C: date-range is the Year 2010
      • If date-range is 2010
      • Then there would be one Dataset for all 2010 data
    • Documentation Example
      • Collection Name: Flux Tower Documentation
      • Collection Description: Documentation for the Flux Tower Sensor
      • Collection Content: This will contain any relevant documentation that describes the Sensor (types of measurements gathered, etc.)
        • Datasets would be present in this collection for enhanced organization
        • Files can be of any preferred format
  • Datasets
    • There can be several of these for each Collection in the Space
    • To simplify managing data, either of these can be implemented:
    • Individual Datasets can be grouped by month
    • Use use Folders in yearly Datasets to group files by month
    • Without Datasets with Folders Example
      • Would be in the Flux Tower Raw Data Files Collection
      • Dataset Name: Flux Tower Raw Data Sept 2016, Flux Tower Data 5TE Soil Probe 30 cm Sept 2016, etc.
        • Flux Tower information Sept for 2016
        • The information would just describe the general content of the Dataset (type of measurement, type of data, etc.)
      • Dataset Name: Dataset Content: This will contain any relevant files
      With Folders Example
      • Description: Flux Tower Raw Data collected during the year of 2016
        • A Dataset with Flux Tower information for 2016The information would just describe the general content of the Dataset (type of measurement, type of data, etc.)
      • Dataset Metadata: This will contain any relevant Metadata
      • Dataset Tags: This will contain any relevant Tags
      • Dataset Content: This will contain Folders for each month of data
        • Folder 1: January 2016
          • This will contain all January files
        • Folder 2: February 2016
          • This will contain all February files
        • Folder 3: March 2016
          • This will contain all March files
        • Keep creating Folders for the year as needed


Organization Tasks

General Tasks to be completed:

  • Decide upon the organization methodology
  • Removing any extraneous or duplicated data
    • Remove "imlczo" Space and move Datasets contained within to appropriate Spaces
  • Where possible, moving and renaming items to fit the decided upon organization methodology
  • Provide a "How To" wiki page about the decided upon organization methodology
  • Make some example changes in Clowder that reflect the ideas presented herein

