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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
Brock Angelo  
Edgar F. Black  
  • Was out for a couple days using sick leave
  • Created new branch of GEOD that removes Play Framework
  • Revised IMLCZO scripts that ingest data.
Rob Kooper
  • PEcAn
    • XSEDE paper
    • filter sites
  • SEAD
    • upload files
    • review pull requests
  • LSST
    • create stories/tasks in JIRA
Rob Kooper 
Jong Lee 
Rui Liu
  • BD: write xsede 16 paper sections, sprint tasks
  • Earthcube tasks
  • XSEDE IHPCSS application review.
  • BD: wrote xsede 16 paper sections, sprint task: BD-983. Inna TC/EM PR review and integration testing.
  • Earthcube tasks: Helped Yao Hu build libpnetcdf (ECGS-75).
  • XSEDE IHPCSS application review done.
Kenton McHenry
  • RDA Meeting
  • NDS Project Planning
  • BD Sprint follow up
  • RDA meeting
  • NDS components matrix
  • NDS monthly report
  • LSST staffing
Christopher Navarro
  • CyberSEES - hackathon Mon - Wed.
  • BD - put together skeleton code for BD-970
  • NIST - review pull requests, help with bundling JRE
  • CyberSEES - hackathon, assisted with required workflows, updated rhessys workflow to handle specifying climate station
  • BD - created skeleton code for service demo
  • NIST - reviewed pull requests, helped with bundling JRE, discussed NGA models, added tool considerations to the v2 wiki
Luigi Marini
  • CZO data managers presentation
  • SEAD demo
  • BD sprint
  • GLM development
  • CZO presentation went well
  • SEAD demo was fine
  • BD in progress (including my task)
  • No GLM development (sad)
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. MDF - NDS/2016-02-29+Kickoff, Skype with Ben on We
  2. MWRD - internal meeting Tue, update storm table
  1. MDF - NDS/2016-02-29+Kickoff, discussed json metadata structure, visit DIBBs practice talks
  2. MWRD - detail discussion about the 0.62-0.68" threshold (as seen from the table and evaluated by Sammy, Erhu)
Smruti Padhy 
  • BD
    • Sprint - Contributors Landing page
    • XSEDE paper sections review
    • iPRES paper overview section
  • SDN
    • Experiments with IFB - wrote a script for qdisc, class, filter settings for IFB and testing the packet classification and redirection.


Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan  
Inna Zharnitsky  
  • BD
    • Sprint tasks
    • XSEDE Paper sections
    • Present updates to team
    • Handwritten digit extractor
  • BD
    • Working on sprint tasks
    • Completed most of the XSEDE Paper sections; working on the rest
    • Presented updates to team
    • Created datasets on DEBOD Clowder instance
    • Working on testing handwritten digit extractor using DEBOD data
    • Fixed dark previews issue with the help of Rob
Inna ZharnitskyBD Tool Catalog - work on my spring tasks

BD Tool Catalog - 

  • finished code to deploy tools/interfaces, created pull request
  • Had several meetings with Rui to review pull request
  • Had the pull request approved, and Rui suggested some improvements - to be done next week
Marcus Slavenas 
  • BD
    • tested converter templete
    • put converted template code in repo
      • converted Smruti's readme to markdown and added to repo
  • IARP
    • run wordcount on comet with added functionality that each extractor runs on 1 core
    • web-app: working on handling long php processes with jquey/ajax and php sessions to update client
Marcus Slavenas  
Indira Gutierrez Polo


  • Hackathon (Mon - Mid Wed)


  • To be decided for next sprint on Wednesday Meeting.
  • Review Pull requests.


  • Hackathon (Mon - Mid Wed)
  • Updated GiDesigner to point to the new version of the API.
  • Deployed latest version of GiDesigner to wssi, and UNC's Renci's web server


  • Adding Folders to the ORE Map.
  • Started working on refactoring of user to mini user in most models.
Yong Wook Kim
  • Write a code for Wildfire simulation
  • Worked on wildfire simulation code
  • Updated pull requests
Omar Elabd
  • Finish/Test Roadway PGD
  • Finish NGAs
  • Finished Roadway PGD
  • Finished NGAs
Maxwell Burnette
  • implement remaining features for tool launch service & demo on Friday
  • implemented PUT on datasets, server-side instance tracking, cleaned up service code and committed as v1.0 for Clowder/NDS pieces
Eugene Roeder  
Yan Zhao
  • SEAD
    • review code?
  • MSC
    • experiment part for glomerulus segmentation report
  • SEAD
    • CATS-354, CATS-94, CATS-458
  • MSC
    • use CMYK instead of HSV
    • experiment part for glomerulus segmentation report