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-- Under Construction:  We are in the process of updating and aggregating information for the CI project with a goal of having it completed by the end of May 2011.  In the meantime, send your questions, suggestions and comments to:  and someone will help. ---



Cyberintegrator (CI) is a application that lets users create a workflow by defining a series of step-by-step actions as users explore data and tools.  CI is different from other workflow systems because it allows people to work in a natural way and provides a macro-recording approach to defining workflows. Other workflow systems require the user to define a workflow series and then execute it to determine a result; where CI lets the user define simple steps to identify a data source, a tool and view the result (data source > tool > result).  This approach provides the user a simple way to explore their data and tools while CI records the user's step-by-step actions to create an end-to-end workflow with detailed provenance of the data, tools and actions.    Image Removed

Figure 1:  The Cyberintegrator Desktop Application

All actions, sources, processes and results described in Cyberintegrator are stored in RDF (Resource Description Framework) which provides a simple yet powerful scheme, "Subject > Predicate > Object", to describe relationships between data and makes all descriptions portable.   

Cyberintegrator provides a user friendly environment that:

  1. enables users to easily integrate heterogeneous tools and data sets in a unified environment,
  2. provides data annotation, user defined tools and workflows with metadata, 
  3. enables immediate visualization of data and metadata, 
  4. shares data, tools and workflows through local and remote context repositories, 
  5. executes step-by-step workflows locally or remotely during scientific explorations, 
  6. and gathers provenance information about tool executions and data creations.

Cyberintegrator is a highly interactive environment that supports and addresses the various needs of a scientific process. It was created at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with the goal to simplify the creation of complex workflows to support scientific discoveries and provide a mechanism to conduct research more efficiently.

Cyberintegrator is built on top of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) which supports re-configurable user interfaces and a plug-and-play architecture that makes it extensible and easy to deploy.

Cyberintegrator User Guide

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scientific workflow system developed at NCSA.

A scientific workflow system is a specialized form of a workflow management system designed specifically to compose and execute a series of computational or data manipulation steps, or a workflow, in a scientific application

A workflow consists of a sequence of connected steps where each step follows without delay or gap and ends just before the subsequent step may begin. It is a depiction of a sequence of operations, declared as work of one or more simple or complex mechanisms.

Following is a list of goals we had in mind when developing Cyberintegrator:

  • Workflows as a communication mechanism
    • Make workflows documented and sharable
    • Separate science from ‘logistics’
  • Enable integration of independent tools
    • Keep models, algorithms, data in open formats accessible from outside the scientific workflow system
  • Expose workflow as a service
    • The model encapsulated by a workflow can be exposed a restful service

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