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WhoMonday - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo
Edgar F. Black 
  • MSC
    • Explore adding sparse params in HMM model (CRI-102 and CRI-107)
    • Continue AJT first draft paper.
  • New data for the PO1 monitor set was received this week and added to the web application.
  • However, this new data contains changes in some attribute names which broke some features of the HMM analysis program.
  • The problem was temporary solved by manually correcting the original data (excel file). A question was sent to the researchers asking if that change in attribute names is really needed.
  • HMM analysis for subjects with new data were produced and sent to Miami researchers.
  • Since the data was put into the web application before the problem of changed attribute names was detected, the database of the web application is not in correct state. This problem can be solved after the researches answer the question sent to them.
  • Effect of using (non-regular) parameters in addition or in substitution of the conventional parameters is still being explored  in HMM.
  • AJT first draft paper is still undergoing changes.
Rob Kooper
  • BD
    • report
  • PEcAn
    • Finish qsub
    • VM
  • SEAD
    • merge spaces into develop
  • MWRD
    • Work with Michal on VM
    • setup clowder
  • BD
    • Finished report
  • PEcAn
    • submit pull request for qsub code
  • MWRD
    • VM closer to ready
    • ran into issue with mounted drive and permissions
Jong Lee 
  • NIST training session in Texas
  • NIST training session in Texas
Rui Liu
  • BD:
    • Submit quarterly report sections.
    • Docker: start new VMs and suspend idle Docker VMs.
  • Earthcube: SAS GUI.
  • BD: submitted quarterly report sections, Docker: finished implementing starting new Docker VMs and suspend idle Docker VMs.
  • Earthcube: SAS GUI, investigated select2, still couldn't get it to work in Clowder metadata page. Last week added hardcoded synonyms in querying.
  • BW: For a user's question on using TAU to visualize memory profiling data, investigated, found the way to do it and replied to the user.
Kenton McHenry
  • Finish Brown Dog Report sections
  • BD presentations
  • BD webpage, add signup, video, etc...
  • Other BD sprint related tasks
  • BD Report
  • BD presentations
  • NDS stuff
Luigi Marini
  • BD report
  • IMLCZO NSF review
  • SEAD cleanup sprint
  • Clowder documentation
  • BD report section submitted on time
  • IMLCZO NSF review went ok
  • SEAD: meetings to figure out next steps and started on designs to clean up some pages based on feedaback
  • Partial draft of clowder documentation deployed at
Christopher Navarro
  • BrownDog - finish report section on Cyberintegrator/DataWolf
  • NIST - Review pull requests, fix bugs in develop, cleanup developer training to remove old mharp images
  • Personal day - Oct. 12th
  • BrownDog - finished report section on DataWolf/Polyglot
  • NIST - reviewed pull requests, discussed IP issues, fixed branch build issues & updated build plan to clean target, finished report section for task 1.4 for the COE Briefing book for NIST.
  • CyberSEES - helped Bardia with issues running DataWolf on windows, reviewed birdview git repository structure
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. finish database set up on the VM
  2. js files to the VM
  3. DataWolf ids on the VM
  1. DONE
  2. broken layers, in retrospect (Rob) the monitor=1 flags in the database have not been set, fixed
  3. DONE
Michal Ondrejcek  
Smruti Padhy
  • BD
    • Submit BD quarterly report sections
    • Landsat extractor - wrap up
    • startup allocation proposal
  • SDN
    • Combining the heuristics flow size and criticality, update the write-up
    • Fix the shortest-path algorithm in the admission control module

  • BD
    • Finished Brown Dog Report sections
    • Landsat extractor – Implemented method to unzip zipped input folder recursively for more than two scenes
    • Prepared first set of slides for IEEE Big Data presentation slides and gave a practice presentation to Kenton.
  • SDN
    • Tested the classification algorithm with combined weights heuristic and updated the draft
    • Fixed the shortest-path algorithm in the admission control module. Updated the design document with the algorithm for admission control decision criteria.
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • BD
    • Submit quarterly report section
    • Install needed packages in Greenfield and test the script
  • VAT
    • Setup Gordon instance for next batch upload
    • Start with UI changes
    • Prepare for the meeting
    • Try to run the data using on extractor for form segmentation
    • Fix issue with image-preview extractor for processing RAW file formats CR2 / ORF
  • BD
    • Submitted quarterly report section
    • Installed needed packages in Greenfield and tested the script using a sample extractor
  • VAT
    • Completed setting up Gordon instance for next batch upload
    • Batch upload was successful
    • Worked on fixing issue with image-preview extractor for processing RAW file formats CR2 / ORF
      • Identified the issue and will continue to work on fixing it


Inna Zharnitsky
  • Brown Dog Tool Collection - repos view pull request, go through comments and make required changes
  • Levels for interface - test and create pull req.
 Brown Dog Tool Collections - finished levels-related tasks, created pull request.
Marcus Slavenas
  • GLTG
    • Testing on gltg-dev: continue testing/debugging USGS and test cron, test/verify wq portal
  • BD
    • Add taking csv input for green index route extractor
  • IARP
    • Add more existing extractors to
  • GLTG
    • usgs parser - working on excessive memory usage
      • change to while loops and pop raw data when parsing
      • refactor to parse one year at time
      • still some small issue with accumulating load logic
  • IARP
    • get opencv extractors and ocr running on iarp on init
  • BD
    • start refactoring greenindex for pyclowder
  • 1 vacation day
Indira Gutierrez Polo
  • Personal Day - Oct 12
  • SEAD
    • Updates to ORE MAP & Post request
  • CyberSEES
    • Review & next steps with Jong.
  • SEAD
    • Updates to ORE MAP & Post request
  • CyberSEES
    • Updates suggested by Chris Review.
    • Shared project in Research-Software-Institute GIT
    • Started working on including datawolf to gidesigner.
Jason Votava
  • BD
    • Submit quarterly report
  • NIST
    • send final survey reminder
  • GLTG
    • review demo needs
  • MWRD
    • review and submit final tech docs
  • NCSA
    • prepare for NDS trip next week
  • BD
    • quarterly report submitted
  • NIST
    • Final survey reminder sent
    • submitted reporting for 1.4
  • GLTG
    • booked task priority meeting in support of demo
  • MWRD
    • final planning for training trip complete
  • NCSA
    • onboarding doc for Max complete
    • goin' to California
Yong Wook Kim
  • Switch scenario selection widget map from SWT to Swing
  • Research the feasibility of NASA worldwind to ERGO
  • Finished scenario selection widget map switching from SWT to Swing
  • Fixed Modifying the tornado path picker widget to move out from hazard plugin to tornado plugin
  • Review ERGO-295
  • Perform data type analysis for the report


Omar Elabd
  • Prepare for Trip
  • Travel to Texas (Thursday, Friday)
  • RDF
  • Data Conversion
  • RDF
  • Texas Training
Yan Zhao
  • SEAD
    • Allow selection of collections / spaces using ajax calls
  • MSC
    • talk to Amelia
    • svm on interstitial inflammation
  • SEAD
    • Allow selection of collections / spaces using ajax calls
  • MSC
    • full label TLS, cross validation
    • svm on interstitial inflammation