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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
Brock Angelo  
Rob Kooper
  • PEcAn meeting
  • PEcAn meeting was successful
  • Updated HipChat
    • Discovered issue with IllinoisNet and Docker
Jong Lee
  • Brown Dog tutorial planning
  • SSA presentation
  • HR
Rui Liu
  • BD: polyglot endpoints that redirect to SS (servers/, software/); review Sandeep PR; other tasks.
  • Earthcube: return namespaces in the end points, start working with Peishi regarding search data for emeli-web.
  • .
  • BD:
    • SS-registration-heartbeat PR: updated code according to Kenton's comments. Kenton merged it. Auto-deployed to dap-dev. To work with the new POL, created a new SS VM image, and updated the elasticity configuration to use it.
    • Demoed SS registration and heartbeat in Monday BD dev meeting.
    • Finished polyglot endpoints that redirect to SS, created a PR.
    • Updated POL dev wiki page with Rui's notes.
    • Reviewed and merged Sandeep TC PR;
    • purged tmp files on dap-dev; improved purging script (POL-173); created a PR (POL PR#70); Kenton merged it.
    • Created BD-1071 to delete ERROR VMs without an IP address. Fixed, created PR, merged, deployed.
    • Created BD-1072: "Remove idle VMs after a while".
    • Investigated intermittent DAP test failure (jp2 -> jpg), no conclusion yet.
    • Debugged DTS-DEV test failure; created BD-1076 to add TTL in request messages.
  • Earthcube:
    • Project meeting.
    • Studied Clowder's code for search capability.
    • Worked a bit on including namespaces in SAS endpoints.
Kenton McHenry
  • Prepare presentations for trips next week (BDPI, Psi, DASPOS)
  • HR
  • Review MSC paper
  • SSA presentation
  • HR
  • Preparing presentations for next week
  • SSA Presentation
  • Review MSC paper
  • Review pull requests
  • HR
Christopher Navarro
  • BD - assist with bdfiddle dev
  • NIST
    • Code Review
    • Send follow up information request for combining EQ + Tsunami damage, continue working on the analysis
  • NIST
    • Code review
    • Sent follow-up email about Tsunami+Eq dmg
    • built 64 bit VTK libraries for linux/windows
  • CyberSEES - tested latest rhessys workflow
  • Other - looked into issue with rapid server used by MSR project
Luigi Marini
  • Great Lakes Monitoring
    • Release planning
    • Reactjs search page prototype
  • BrownDog
    • sprint analysis and scheduling
    • Fence bug: services hangs
    • Finish executions of specific extractors
  • SEAD
    • Resurrected old code to select and relate datasets (big merge of old branch)
    • Sprint setup
    • MVP features estimation
    • beta upgrade
    • production update
  • Clowder
    • 1.0 planning and schedule meetings
Luigi Marini 
Michal Ondrejcek
  • SEAD -
  • MDF - NDS/2016-05-09+Kickoff
  • MWRD - find water consumption graph for Chicago
  • SEAD - 404 Done, 534 Done in separate branchImage Added
  • MDF - NDS/2016-05-09+Kickoff
  • MWRD - not found, asked MWRD, graph d3
Smruti Padhy  
  • BD
    • Finished BD-CLI to support keys/tokens support, created a pull request
    • Fixed - Deletion of test files after every test run, created a pull request
    • C# library
  • SDN
    • Experiment to measure time with/without IFB
  • Friday off
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan Vacation Vacation
Inna Zharnitsky Finish BD-994 and make a pull request 
  • Pull request - done
  • Worked with Smruti to create screen shots for Tool Catalog part of the XSEDE paper

Marcus Slavenas
  • BD
    • review pull requests BD-1048 and BD-1016
    • continue work on bd-1046 and bd-1047: software server returns file (not url) to polyglot steward
  • GLTG
    • deploy usgs continuous parsing on production site
    • continue work on greon continuous parsing on development site
    • parse raw files to clowder - test on dev, then test on prod
  • GLTG
    • parsing raw files to clowder on dev working and running on cron
  • BD
    • Polyglot - moving file from software server to polyglot
      • changed method for downloading file - use wget in polyglot restlet, not post method
      • downloads file and returns the correct url
        • nonetheless, not exactly sure how it's working and it needs some cleanup and testing
  • 1 Day off to chaperon field trip
Indira Gutierrez Polo


  • (Pending). Discuss on Wednesday meeting


  • Integrating Chris workflow


  • Search Page refactoring
  • Bug with using arrow from visualization page back to map, when trying to look at new stations


  • Fix the showing of files in a curation object on Safari.
  • Fixing count of datasets and collections within curation object.
  • Changing to use viewProfileUUID instead of viewProfile(email) in several places.


  • Integrating Chris workflow - Some work, not complete yet


  • Search Page refactoring - - Some work, not complete yet
  • Bug with using arrow from visualization page back to map, when trying to look at new stations - Some work, not complete yet
Yong Wook Kim 
  • Work on NIST-CORE raster data style
  • Worked on NIST-CORE raster data style
  • Made intervals and unique raster style work in ERGO
Omar Elabd  
  • Tornado Analysis
  • Investigate Geotools Style issue
  • Completed Tornado Analysis Scenario 3
Maxwell Burnette
  • update Clowder dataset update message to include number and name of updated files
  • outstanding issues/pull requests for TERRA May milestone
  • refactoring of Globus transfer pipeline components for memory management issues
  • pull request for Clowder permissions
  • work w/ CyberGIS & Danforth on TERRA extractors
  • TERRA github cleanup
Maxwell Burnette  
Eugene Roeder  
Yan Zhao
  • SEAD
    • some small bugs.
  • MSC
    • rewrite the part for glomeruli extraction
    • submit abstract by this weekend.
  • SEAD
    • have one event when multiple files are uploaded – not finish
    • image full screen – not finish
  • MSC
    • submit abstract