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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
Brock Angelo  
Rob Kooper  
Jong Lee  
Rui Liu  
Kenton McHenry  
Christopher Navarro  
Luigi Marini  
Michal Ondrejcek  
Smruti Padhy  
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan  
Inna Zharnitsky  
Marcus Slavenas  
Indira Gutierrez Polo


Yong Wook Kim  
Omar Elabd  
  • Work on script for parsing Decagon XML
  • Work on Marionette demo for Geodashboard
  • Help Gene with GEOD-685 and GEOD-515
  • Finished Decagon parser for IMLCZO, testing and validation of data against Windows client. Verified data matches at suggested precision.
  • Completed several issues for Great Lakes Monitoring
  • Completed remaining issues for Geodashboard Release 2.2
Rob Kooper
  • ISDA
    • update hypervisors
    • update Atlassian software
  • LSST
    • Report use cases
    • Assign workflows to review
  • PEcAn
    • Look at flux camp milestone
    • Install Shiny
    • Install Thredds
  • SEAD
    • User Agreement
    • Chicana
    • review May sprint
    • plan June sprint
  • ISDA
    • hypervisors updated
      • two servers are bad (all pun intended)
      • recovered most data (debod is old)
      • migrated everything of bad servers
    • Atlassian suite updated
  • LSST
    • Update task list for next 6 months
  • PEcAn
    • Fix bug which prevented downloaded of BrownDog result
    • Fix scratch folder for ED
    • Added pre/post run commands
    • Install Shiny
  • SEAD
    • Chicana meeting
Jong Lee
  • HR
  • Vacation
  • HR
  • Vacation
Rui Liu
  • BD: update extractors.
  • Earthcube:
    • search clowder data for model: integrate spatial in the search.
    • Arrange travel for Earthcube All-Hands meeting.
    • More documentation on sw/module installation on the VMs.
  • BD
    • updated OCR extractor, dockerized and tested it, checked into branch.
    • added sbt and related files in Tools Catalog, so it is self-contained.
  • Earthcube:
    • search clowder data for model: done integrating spatial in the search. Discussed with Yao. Will add more info for his RAS code.
    • Made travel plan, asked Deanna to start booking for Earthcube All-Hands meeting.
    • Wrote a script to automate setup test files in Clowder: add a dataset, add 6 files, put the files in ds, annotate the files with time, bounding box and variable name metadata.
Kenton McHenry
  • Vacation
  • Vacation
  • Migrated NDS wiki
  • Workshop proposal
  • HR
Christopher Navarro
  • Vacation until June 8th
Luigi Marini
  • GLM
    • Finish coding new search page using redux
  • BD
    • Finishing coding extractors-dbpedia with improved json-ld example and docker container
  • SEAD
    • Development tasks
  • Earthcube
    • Finish developing annotate-csv app
  • Clowder
    • Documentation
    • 1.0 planning
  • Misc
    • cicana por mi raza
    • trying to get out from having to review a proposal at the last minute (sad)
  • GLM
    • Implemented redux flux selection of API
  • BD
    • Implemented registration method in pyclowder
  • SEAD
    • MVP / Sprint ready to start
  • Clowder
    • 1.0 GUI Cleanup
  • Misc
    • Cican por mi raza
    • reviewed allocation proposal
Michal Ondrejcek
  • SEAD - work on Beta 2 Sprint 6;
  • MDF - meeting with Andre (Tue), Iwona (We)
  • MWRD
  • SEAD - design and development 
  • MDF - done
  • MWRD
Smruti Padhy
  • BD
    • XSEDE Tutorial Session
  • SDN
    • Prepare poster for the SoSSDN workshop
  • BD
    • Finalized XSEDE Tutorial Session Design
    • Started the process of creating a VM in Openstack
    • Started looking into jsonld support in extractor.
    • iPRES 16 paper got accepted
  • SDN
    • Prepared poster for the SoSSDN workshop
  • HR

Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • VAT
    • Make sure that both instances are stable (Urgent)
    • Complete spaces integration with search
  • IARP
    • Get back to development
    • Make sure that debod instance is stable with the help of Rob
    • Digital media project dev tasks
  • BD
    • Backlogs
  • VAT
    • Started updating VAT instances
    • Spaces integration in progress
    • Debod instance is stable now - thanks to Rob
    • Started with DMP tasks
  • BD
    • Started working on extractor refactoring of VAT extractor
Inna ZharnitskyExtractors - work on updating the selected extractors.
  • Read and worked through several docker tutorials
  • Learned more about JsonLD
  • Dockerized the SimpleLanguage extractor
Marcus Slavenas
  • GLTG
    • look into issue with greon data that some files' headers don't match
    • start working on tennesse data on dev
  • BD
    • finish upgrade of speech2text (java) extractor
    • Determine which extractors to use/build for tutorial
  • GLTG
    • started parser for tennessee data
  • IARP
    • some admin work for accepted paper
  • BD
    • finished dockerizing speech2text
    • stategizing for tutorial outline - which extractors to use
  • ISDA
    • with michal, met with iwona jasiuk and grad students about material data storage
Indira Gutierrez Polo


Yong Wook Kim
  • Work on style editor UI
    • Raster: Unique and Interval Style
    • Vector: Unique Style
  • Vacation
  • Worked on raster unique data style UI
Omar Elabd
  • Out Tuesday
  • Add Circular Mean and Standard Deviation for Tornado Random Angle
  • Thrust 2
  • Looked into Directional Statistics for Std. Dev Angle
  • Thrust 2: Modified Architecture
  • Paper Review
Maxwell Burnette


  • trip to Arizona Wed - Fri
  • prep for presentations
Maxwell Burnette 
Eugene Roeder  
Yan Zhao 
  • SEAD
    • SEAD-984
  • vacation on Thursday & Friday
  • SEAD
    • discussion about SEAD-984, waiting for dependencies to finish first
    • SEAD-1004, not finish
  • vacation on Thursday & Friday