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Table of Contents



  • Loadbalancer, Nginx controller


  • Need to understand
  • Where? AWS, TACC, ISDA instance
  • Who gets notified?
  • When does it run


See NDS Labs Monitoring.

Backup/Disaster Recovery

  1. GFS, Etcd "best effort" for beta
  2. Cluster config (using kubectl)
  3. Deploy tools provisioning
  • Where? AWS, BW, TACC
  • How? Some script/Job/rsync
  • When? Daily rolling
  • Q
    • Hot backup of DBs – backupz + side car
  • GFS backup options, depends on # of users
    • Snapshots + diffs
    • Checkpointing
    • Replication to another GFS/geolocation



titleBackup and DR Procedures
Backup DR Plan:
    This backup/DR plan is intended for emergency use to recover the system to a recent and operational state quickly,
with user/system state restored to the time of the backup in toto.   It is not intended as a "user-backup" strategy where users
can request accidentally deleted data due to user error or as a partial-state restoration mechanism.

Sources of data at risk:
    Provisioning data (ansible/SAVED_VOLUME/provisioning image/version):
        includes original state of cluster, images, sizes, addresses, etc.
            Size is small and constant (kb-mb) : provisioning image reference, inventory, dump of all ansible variables post-provision
    Kubernetes cluster info (cluster-dump, etcd-dump)
        includes current cluster configuration from kubernetes admin view and the 
        raw data-dump of the full etcd configuration database
            Size is small and grows linearly in small increments with #users
    Global volume data (/var/glfs/global)
        All system and user data stored in the cluster global filesystem
            Size is variable and assumed to be in the GB to TB range

    At least one 'latest' state dump of the system is required, giving retention of one dump-period.
    A rolling stack of N 'latest' dumps is preferable for safety in case a dump failure leaves the latest corrupted,
    this increased retention to N times the dump-period, and requires N times storage capacity.
    A rolling level-based strategy rolls the last N dumps, and every cycle promotes the last dump to a higher-level M
    set where the period of M is N.    Typical strategies include N=7, M=5 which saves a week of daily dumps and 5 
    rolling weekly copies, giving retention of 5 weeks with M+N storage required.  The periods of M and N can be adjusted
    to accomodate tradeoff between ability to recover 'fresh' data, storage requirements, and operational requirements.

Incremental vs full-copy:   
    To achieve better resource utilization a 2 layer N/M strategy start with a full-copy M, followed by N incremental dumps
    against the most recent M.   This minimizes the data transfer and storage requirements according to how much data is
    recently changed.   For slow changing systems the lower limit is M copies, for high-churn filesystems the upper limit
    approaches N+M for total storage required.  This strategy is useful in low-change scenarios due to the savings, but adds
    complexity in the restore process which requires restoring the latest M, and then all the incemental N's since the last M.

DR storage requirements:
    DR should be off-site, geographically dispersed as widely as possible, and sized to support the storage needs of the
    retention policy.   Best practices for auditable systems require 3 geo-dispered copies for for regulatory compliance
    with FIPS/NIST, etc.   

Other comments:
    GlobalFS data dominates - the cluster and configuration information is of little use without the globalfs and it
        is quite simple to include the cluster and other data within the globalfs with the other data included.
    Starting simple:
        It is unclear what the filesystem usage and activity patterns will be, and the activity and patterns are subject
        to frequent change over time, requiring adaptation of the strategy.  This suggests that a simple strategy such as
        a rolling stack N-way full-dump, where N >= 4 (covers an extra day on 3-day weekend).
        Assuming that there is monitoring of both the cluster and backup system does not necessarily guarantee the integrity of
        the backups.   A corrupted filesystem can still be dumped with the cluster and the backup system presenting as normal
        in the monitoring system.
    Special data:
        Some applications can create files that are problematic for file-level backup systems.   These include files with
        "holes" of unallocated blocks (databases), device inodes (docker, vm's etc.), vfs binds, and hard-links.   These
        can be translated in unrestorable ways by filesystem-level programs and various tools handle these with varying degrees
        of "restorability".

Gluster backup options:
    Gluster currently has no native "dump" program that can export restorable contents of the filesystem such as xfs-dump or dumpe2fs.   The filesystem can be backed up with traditional file archiving and distribution tools:
        rdist - originally developed as a mirroring tool for content distribution mirroring.   It has options for incremental                     
            transfers using block hash differencing, optional removed file tracking, server mode, ssh tunnel transfer, retries, and performs decently on most special files like device inodes and links.   It is widely used but not frequently as a backup solution.
        tar/cpio/etc. -  simple archiving tools that have been around a long time.
        Gluster Geo-replication - Geo-replication allows multiple gluster clusters to operate in a replication-tree within a
            master-slave configuration.   After peering setup to the slave cluster at the remote-site, replication is managed via the command-line to synchronize geo-replicas and to restore data from a slave to a master.   Geo replication can operate security with TLS, and synchroizes at the gluster brick-level for efficiency.
        BareOS with gluster - BareOS is a descendant of the backula backup system originally developed as a client-server backup
            solution for various operating systems.  The latest gluster (v3.8) and BareOS (v16.2) have the capability to scrape
            and backup a gluster filesystem within the BareOS infrastructure which can manage backup schedules, data storage, restores, etc.   BareOS is highly customizable for many purposes.

Design Recommendation:
    Use geo-replication as it is native to gluster and likely to be most efficient.   File-level tools are easy but may have unpredictable results.  BareOS/backula might be preferred in scenario where such infrastructure was in place, but it's not.
    In the long-run, if we come to be managing backups of data across many systems, this would make sense.

    1. Bring up peer glusters on SDSC
    2. Configure geo-replication for globalfs with slaves on SDSC
    3. Test replication with some test data
    4. Repeat for TACC
    5. Setup alternating schedule to replate nightly to SDSC TACC alternating
        1. Dump cluster config, etcd backup to /var/glfs/global/backup
        2. Start geo-replicate
        3. Wait for replication checkpoint status
        4. Turn replication off
    6. Document replication performance
        1. Create large-sized file stucture 
        2. Replicate and time to slaves - baseline replication throughput



Performance Testing

  • GFS
  • “iassist” redux
    • est. per-user quotas?
    • what do we need on day 1 
