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  1. Login to the Nginx server.  If you are using the project key pair it will look like this (make sure you have the key in your .ssh folder, get it from Nebula interface

    Code Block
    ssh -i ~/.ssh/<key> ubuntu@<vm floating ip address>

  2. Install Nginx:

    Code Block
    apt-get install nginx

  3. Edit nginx config 

    1. create and edit

      Code Block
      sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/gltg gl	# creates file name gltg and opens vim editor (change to your key name)

    2. populate config (this is bare min without ssl, more docs coming)

      Code Block
      server {
        listen 80;
        client_max_body_size 0;
        proxy_read_timeout 300;  # answer from server, 5 min
        proxy_send_timeout 300;  # chunks to server, 5 min
        proxy_set_header   Host $host;
        proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        port_in_redirect   off;
        root /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index index.html index.htm;
        # Deny all attempts to access hidden files
        # such as .htaccess, .htpasswd, .DS_Store (Mac).
        location ~ /\. {
          deny all;
        location / {
            try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
        rewrite ^/geodashboard$ /geodashboard/ permanent;
        location /geodashboard {
          proxy_pass http://<geodashboard floating IP>:9000;				# replace <geodashboard floating IP> with the floating IP of your geodashboard machine
        rewrite ^/clowder$ /clowder/ permanent;
        location /clowder/ {
          proxy_pass http://<clowder floating IP>:9000;					# replace <clowder floating IP> with the floating IP of your geodashboard machine

    3. delete (soft link) of default config and enable new config

      Code Block
      sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
      sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/gltg /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/gltg

    4. Add (Edit) index file to root

      1. For the tutorial we will only put a redirect to the /geodashboard route.  If you want to put in a static landing page with links to /geodashboard, /clowder, etc, please do - everyone will love you.

        Code Block
        sudo vim /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html			# This is the root path in the config we just created

      2. Add this text to file

        Code Block
        <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http:/geodashboard/" />

  4. Install geodashboard-v3 (as of this documentation, geodashboard-v2 runs on the geodashboard server, but uses the v3 search page which is installed on the nginx server)

    1. In the nginx root directory (where we put the redirect above), create a directory 'gd3' which contains the build files bundle.js, config.js, index.html.  If v3 doesn't work, there is an issue that on a build an extra "}" needs to be added at the end of config.js

      Code Block
      ls /usr/share/nginx/html/gd3						# if gd3 directory is in correct nginx root path, 'ls' will show you the v3 build files 
      bundle.js  config.js  index.html

  5. Get an ssl

Setup Clowder Server 

  1. Setup Puppet (Getting started - Marcus will need to do before docs will be good)
    1. Login to foreman
      1. verify existence of host - the name will be <name of vm>
      2. puppet env
        1. production
      3. puppet classes
        1. clowder
        2. or install java

          Code Block
          sudo apt-get install default-jre

    2. maybe service puppet restart on host machine
  2. configure clowder
    1. login to clowder machine

    2. Edit /home/clowder/clowder/custom/custom.confconf 

      1. clowder should (as in must) have a security token if exposed to internet. If using ssl, set:

        Code Block

        Code Block
        permissions = public
        initialAdmins=""   		# add admin emails between quotes""
        # securesocial customization
        # rabbitmq
        clowder.rabbitmq.uri="amqp://clowder:***********" 	# you'll need the security code"gltg-clowder-dev"
        # mongodb      These are the IP addresses for the current mongodb servers
        # postgres
        postgres.user="***********"			# you'll need the postgres username
        postgres.password="**************"  # you'll need the postgres user password""		# This is the IP of the current postgres vm
        postgres.db="geostream-dev"         # you can start by using one of the existing databases - this is for gltg-dev
        # cache
        # security options
        application.secret="******************************************************"  	# you'll need to create and application.secret (random)
        commKey=************															# you'll need to create	commKey (random)
        # storage

    3. Edit /home/clowder/clowder/custom/play.plugins

      Code Block


  1. Setup Puppet (Getting started - Marcus will need to do before docs will be good)
    1. Login to foreman
      1. verify existence of host - the name will be <name of vm>
      2. puppet env
        1. production
      3. puppet classes
        1. clowder
        2. what about java?
    2. maybe service puppet restart on host machine

Databases: Dump, Copy, and Restore

  1. Clowder Disk Storage
    1. Goto the clowder custom configuration /home/clowder/clowder/custom/custon.conf on the server you are copying from
      1. find the path of clowder file storage - something like this

        Code Block

      2. Likewise create or get the clowder file storage path from the server you are copying to (might be same path):
    2. authentication
      1. create a key, or
      2. user auth
    3. rsync the data
      1. in the source server

        Code Block
        rsync -az /home/clowder/data/uploads <source server>:/home/clowder/data

      2. For example using user auth from source server to target server 'kryptonite' by user 'luther'

        Code Block
        rsync -az /home/clowder/data/uploads luther@kryptonite:/home/clowder/data

  2. Postgresdb
    1. On source machine in a directory where you have permissions to write, dump the postgres database (assumed named 'geostream')

      Code Block
      sudo -u postgres pg_dump geostream > geostream.sql

    2. Scp the file to the target server
    3. On the targer server, if you already have a geostream database

      Code Block
      sudo -u postgres psql geostream < geostream.sql

    4. if you need a new database or to replace and existing database, look here Recreate a Database
  3. Mongodb
    1. In a directory on the source VM

      Code Block
      sudo mongodump

    2. Copy the 'dump' file to the source VM

    3. Restore the database on the target VM

      Code Block
      sudo mongorestore --drop -h mongo-db-1:27017 dump

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