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WhoMonday - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo
  • IMLCZO Conference Tuesday-Thursday.
  • Prepare presentation for Tuesday
  • Meet with ClearCreek team to help integrate their site with Clowder.
Edgar F. Black
  • MSC
    • Continue draft of AJT Paper
    • Exploring options to visualize and analyze images from Chicago team
  • MSC
    • Chicago sent xml files complementary to images files sent last week
    • An exploration of the images was initiated:
      • Images are in the "Aperio" format
      • an open source C library called "Openslide" claims  to allow to read the files.
      •  Openslide is combined with a program called "vips"
      • Apparently, vips converts the images into the Google Maps format, much easier and much, much faster to handle. However this is not working yet.
Rob Kooper
  • Vacation
  • PEcAn
    • nada
  • SEAD
    • collection/dataset filter based on permission
    • moved VMs from one server (statler) from VMWare -> XENserver
    • converted VMWare server (statler) -> XENserver
  • ISDA
    • moved VMs from one server (lips) from VMWare -> XENserver
Jong Lee
  • CyberSEES hackathon
Rui Liu
  • BD: SC15 poster.
  • BW: user ticket on using TAU (BWAPPS-1140).
  • BD: SC15 poster, worked closely with Smruti, finished the draft. Working on shortening and polishing it.
  • BW: the ticket is done. Need a bit more time to update the user portal with documentation.
Kenton McHenry
  • Software Server Logs
  • HR Stuff
  • Tools Catalog deployments
  • Submitted pull request for POL-142 regarding both Polyglot and Software Server logs.
    • Cleaned up logs
    • Added timestamps, file sizes, and highlighted input/output files
    • Preserved command execution logs from stdout/stderr
    • Added means of retrieving lots from REST API by adding a .txt to the end of the returned file
  • HR Stuff
  • Helped with the submission of BD annual report
  • Revised BD Fliar
  • Drafted ISDA mission/elevator pitch
  • Sent text for T2C2 annual report
  • Didn't get to Tools Catalog this week
Luigi Marini
  • Vacation
Christopher Navarro
  • CyberSEES - Hackathon Monday - Wednesday
  • NIST - tornado analysis, review pull requests, work on updating build server to build with Eclipse Mars
  • Hackathon - created example backbone code for working with GI database API, discussed new datawolf tools for generating worldfile from geotiffs, updated/tested latest rhessys model
  • NIST - re-worked tornado analysis custom execution to generate over the tornado coverage area instead of the region of interest since tornado events typically cover smaller areas than the smallest region of interest in NIST-CORE. Initial version is working and needs to be cleaned up and additional outputs added (e.g. shapefile representing tornado path and polygon representing EF boundaries)
  • Reviewed fragility metadata for NIST-CORE, submitted a fix for building the geotools-upgrade branch, reviewed pull requests
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. NEXRAD tool DataWolf on MWRD VM, part of MWRD-102, MWRD-103
  2. Continue with the documentation for the data Ingestion
  3. Continue on data ingestion design for Stations, MWRD-114
  1. css done, upload single file, no zip yet, workflow works, boundaries are wrong
  2. New screenshots, Storm, Storm parameters text
  3. Continued, waterways and station types checkboxes removed, populating drop down lists instead.
Smruti Padhy
  • BD
    • SC Poster
    • BD R Library
  • SDN
    • Heuristics for Flow Classification Algorithm and correctness proof
    • Find better way to write kernel debug message

BD - SC Poster - Second Set of Experiments completed, Analysis of Data and prepared Graph, related work and started going through the draft

SDN- Heuristics for Flow Classification Algorithm and examples, started going through the code for the experiments

Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • Final few touches to the XSEDE presentation
  • XSEDE conference (Wednesday - Friday)
  • Discussion with Virginia about the talk
  • Discussed with Virginia about VAT presentation
  • Presented VAT paper at XSEDE
  • Attended training sessions on Comet and Wrangler
Eugene Roeder


  • Load Heidelburg Data
  • Load USGS Data


  • Work on requests 482
  • Work on requests 353
  • Work on requests 453
Inna Zharnitsky
  • Adding extractors to spaces.
  • Next three weeks on vacation.
  • Adding extractors to spaces - list all running extractors, choose and save to mongo - done
  • Display extractors already associated with this space with an option to remove - started
Marcus Slavenas
  • GLTG - Update production site
  • BD - matlab requests library
  • IARP - set up clowder
  • BD
    • matlab requests work for list conversions from dap using java objects
    • greenroute extractor - block use of empty image files where imagery not available
    • meetings with Sun Young Park, Art Schmidt, Barbara Minsker
  • IARP
    • site up (thanks Rob), upload loc images
  • GLTG
    • run all sources except usgs to production site
    • fix gap filling for usgs parser - test on dev site
    • improve memory usage on usgs parser -test on dev site
Indira Gutierrez Polo
  • SEAD: Updates to the create dataset page
  • CyberSEES: Hackathon monday through wednesday
  • SEAD: Working on inviting users to a space that are not registered in the server.
  • CyberSEES: Hackathon. Communication with Brian Miles API, reading and writing operations.
Jason Votava
  • Submit Brown Dog annual report draft for approval
  • Make final revisions, if any
  • Catch up on 1-1s
  • Adjust MWRD meeting schedule
  • Prepare NIST onboarding materials
  • Follow up with PA about Brown Dog flier
  • Brown Dog annual report submitted
  • MWRD reschedule completed
  • Drafting of BD intro/quick reference flier in progress
  • NIST-CORE monthly reporting completed
  • GLTG meeting schedule to be updated this afternoon
Winston Jansz
  • Vacation
Yong Wook Kim
  • Fixing Geotools-update problems
    • ERGO-229,230,231,232,233,235,236,237
  • Tornado path code compatible for geotools 2.4
  • ERGO-229
  • ERGO-232
  • ERGO-233
  • ERGO-235
Omar Elabd
  • Software Requirements Survey
  • ERGO-226
  • ERGO-234
  • Software Requirements Survey (In progress)
  • RDF Reading
  • ERGO-226, 234
  • Fixed ERGO Setup
Yan Zhao
  • MSC
    • CRI-82, 89, 91
  • SEAD
    • authorization request

  • MSC
    • CRI-82, 91
  • SEAD
    • authorization request

Action items
