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WhoMonday - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo I apologize for not getting this filled out before I left on Monday.Primarily worked on IMLCZO-72 and IMLCZO-67, ingesting data for Sangamon River Forest Preserve and ISWS105. That data is now on the imlczo-dev server, and will get pushed to production today. 
Edgar F. Black
  • MSC
    • A dimensionality reduction technique (Principal Component Analysis and/or Singular Value Decomposition)
      will be applied to the the CMV data from the Chicago research team
    • The goal is to find a link between CMV levels to allele (either presence of allele or its count)
  • PEcAn
    • Continue developing web application.
    • The goal is to match users - security keys - clusters accounts.
    • .
  • MSC
    • The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was implemented and verified
    • Use of the PCA to data from the Chicago research team lead to in inconclusive results.
  • PEcAn
    • web application to launch remote jobs is underway.
    • a new php script (08-remote.php) to be incorporated into the regular work flow is working using basic setup.
    • next step is to add web features that permits the input of users and password or security keys.
Mario Felarca  
Rob Kooper
  • PEcAn
    • NARR data
    • Misc fixes from github
  • SEAD
    • permissions
  • Open Source
    • DES JIRA
  • SEAD
    • Start work on permissions
  • Open Source
    • Start work on migration of DESDM Jira
Jong Lee  
Rui Liu
  • Vacation
Kenton McHenry
  • Big Data Paper
Luigi Marini
  • Linked Data support for BrownDog, JSON-LD sprint 2
  • Clowder Documentation
  • SEAD clean up Clowder permissions and default roles
  • Clowder migration to play 2.4
  • Status
    Linked Data support for BrownDog, JSON-LD sprint 2
  • Status
    Clowder Documentation
  • Status
    SEAD clean up Clowder permissions and default roles
  • Status
    Clowder migration to play 2.4
Christopher Navarro
  • Backup old laptop and configure new laptop
  • NIST - review outstanding pull requests, cleanup git projects, finish branding/feature plugins, review tornado scenario wiki page
  • CyberSEES - conference call, birdseye view editor
  • MSR - see if Tingting still needs help running scripts on the rapid VM and help with workflow needs for her web app
  • Received new laptop partially configured, need to finish configuring linux on it
  • NIST - reviewed pull requests, worked with Jong to review training material for NIST meeting, received information on the priority order for the tornado scenario event, pushed the initial branding plugins for NISTCORE as well as buckminster build pieces
  • CyberSEES - attended conference call
  • MSR - Need to send information to Tingting about running rapid in parallel
  • Vacation day Friday
Michal Ondrejcek 
  1. Data Ingestion, MWRD-114MWRD-116, work on functionality - workflow management and return fields, errors
  2. Documentation for the data Ingestion  MWRD-152
  3. Work on the general documentation
  4. check 9refactor) the restMWRD storm selector
  1. ready to migrate to mwrd VM
  2. New screenshots, text for the mwrd related workflows
  3. No, postponed
  4. DONE
Smruti Padhy
  • Experiments for Big Data paper
  • BD use case- Debug Landsat arcpy script
  • Went through the elasticity module and was able to run the code.
  • Ran the experiments to get the information such as load average, queue length, number of consumers and plotted them in 2D and 3D graphs. Still need further investigation on the algorithm being used for scaling up/down. Also reported a bug in the scale down action.
  • Fixed the Landsat arcpy script
  • Reviewed the json-ld pull request and README of DTS extension
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • Work on Groupscope Annual report text and images
  • Fix final couple of issues with person tracking visualization and get started with editing the tracks functionality
  • Completing the Groupscope annual report
  • Started with fixing the preview registration issue with person-tracking extractor
Eugene Roeder
  • Review GLTG parser efforts done by Marcus
  • Provide time estimates for Sea Grant "summer" tickets effort
  • Finalize HTML controller test case so I can present Clowder tests to group
  • Complete environment setup of Pecan project and start working on ensemble and std deviation GUI changes.
Inna Zharnitsky
  • Driving to Boston
  • Pollyglot plugin - refactor the code
  • Polyglot plugin - handle exceptions
  • README for chrome extension
  • Plugin - in case of exception, display webpage with message. Using future.recover. Possible exceptions - time out, missing/incorrect credentials.
  • Exceptions handling: if couldn't get output formats - do nothing, display regular file page w/o the pull-down list of outputs.
  • Refactored plugin as several smaller methods.
  • README for chrome extension - re-worked and improved according to Smruti's comments. Committed and merged to opensource.
Marcus Slavenas
  • GLTG - write script to upload GREON files to clowder
  • GLTG - add data owner to datapoints
  • IARP - write script to sort images by included metadata
  • BD - implement handwriting extractor in VM for DTS-DEV
  • Gltg - wrote script to upload greon raw files to clowder
  • Bd - added sections to k nearest handwritten digits extractor
  • Iarp - wrote script to get and sort keywords from json for all images
Indira Gutierrez Polo
  • Out of office
  • Out of office
Jason Votava
  • First draft of NIST change control process request template
  • Add criteria to NIST change control levels
  • GLTG usability testing questions
  • Review and send tech transfer doc to MWRD
  • HR stuff
  • NIST change control ready for next level of approval
  • Got sick.
  • Trying to get better.
Winston Jansz
  • Clowder tickets: Complete CATS-39 (Only show most recent x collections on space page). Followed by CATS-25 (Remove ability to upload files outside a dataset), and CATS-30 (List who has access to a dataset or collection).
  • Finished CATS-39 (see left-side column for details).
  • Just started on CATS-30; continuing on it today.
  • Setup new laptop, including IntelliJ, etc.
  • ..
  • Recovered entire contents of Exchange Calendar, which had been wiped out by Thunderbird (3rd party) calendar plugin on the desktop.
Yong Wook Kim
  • ERGO-176
  • ERGO-177
  • ERGO-178
  • Update GeoTools in ERGO to latest version
  • Migrate data in PostGIS database to new schema
  • Fixed ERGO-176
  • Fixed ERGO-177
  • Fixed ERGO-178
  • Fixed ERGO-80Fixed
  • Working on ERGO-198189
Omar Elabd
  • ERGO-85, 78, 95
  • Fixed ERGO-85
  • Fixed ERGO-78,
  • Fixed ERGO-95
  • Git Tutorial
  • Report JIRA Issues
  • ERGO-41 in Progress