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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
Brock Angelo
  • Work on script for parsing Decagon XML
  • Work on Marionette demo for Geodashboard
  • Help Gene with GEOD-685 and GEOD-515
  • Finished Decagon parser for IMLCZO, testing and validation of data against Windows client. Verified data matches at suggested precision.
  • Completed several issues for Great Lakes Monitoring
  • Completed remaining issues for Geodashboard Release 2.2
Rob Kooper
  • ISDA
    • update hypervisors
    • update Atlassian software
  • LSST
    • Report use cases
    • Assign workflows to review
  • PEcAn
    • Look at flux camp milestone
    • Install Shiny
    • Install Thredds
  • SEAD
    • User Agreement
    • Chicana
    • review May sprint
    • plan June sprint
  • ISDA
    • hypervisors updated
      • two servers are bad (all pun intended)
      • recovered most data (debod is old)
      • migrated everything of bad servers
    • Atlassian suite updated
  • LSST
    • Update task list for next 6 months
  • PEcAn
    • Fix bug which prevented downloaded of BrownDog result
    • Fix scratch folder for ED
    • Added pre/post run commands
    • Install Shiny
  • SEAD
    • Chicana meeting
Jong Lee
  • HR
  • Vacation
  • HR
  • Vacation
Rui Liu
  • BD: update extractors.
  • Earthcube:
    • search clowder data for model: integrate spatial in the search.
    • Arrange travel for Earthcube All-Hands meeting.
    • More documentation on sw/module installation on the VMs.
  • BD
    • updated OCR extractor, dockerized and tested it, checked into branch.
    • added sbt and related files in Tools Catalog, so it is self-contained.
  • Earthcube:
    • search clowder data for model: done integrating spatial in the search. Discussed with Yao. Will add more info for his RAS code.
    • Made travel plan, asked Deanna to start booking for Earthcube All-Hands meeting.
    • Wrote a script to automate setup test files in Clowder: add a dataset, add 6 files, put the files in ds, annotate the files with time, bounding box and variable name metadata.
Kenton McHenry
  • Vacation
  • Vacation
  • Migrated NDS wiki
  • Workshop proposal
  • HR
Christopher Navarro
  • Vacation until June 8th
Luigi Marini
  • GLM
    • Finish coding new search page using redux
  • BD
    • Finishing coding extractors-dbpedia with improved json-ld example and docker container
  • SEAD
    • Development tasks
  • Earthcube
    • Finish developing annotate-csv app
  • Clowder
    • Documentation
    • 1.0 planning
  • Misc
    • cicana por mi raza
    • trying to get out from having to review a proposal at the last minute (sad)
  • GLM
    • Implemented redux flux selection of API
  • BD
    • Implemented registration method in pyclowder
  • SEAD
    • MVP / Sprint ready to start
  • Clowder
    • 1.0 GUI Cleanup
  • Misc
    • Cican por mi raza
    • reviewed allocation proposal
Michal Ondrejcek
  • SEAD - work on Beta 2 Sprint 6;
  • MDF - meeting with Andre (Tue), Iwona (We)
  • MWRD
  • SEAD - design and development 
  • MDF - done
  • MWRD
Smruti Padhy
  • BD
    • XSEDE Tutorial Session
  • SDN
    • Prepare poster for the SoSSDN workshop
  • BD
    • Finalized XSEDE Tutorial Session Design
    • Started the process of creating a VM in Openstack
    • Started looking into jsonld support in extractor.
    • iPRES 16 paper got accepted
  • SDN
    • Prepared poster for the SoSSDN workshop
  • HR

Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • VAT
    • Make sure that both instances are stable (Urgent)
    • Complete spaces integration with search
  • IARP
    • Get back to development
    • Make sure that debod instance is stable with the help of Rob
    • Digital media workshop project dev tasks
  • BD
    • Backlogs
  • VAT
    • Started updating VAT instances
    • Spaces integration in progress
    • Debod instance is stable now - thanks to Rob
    • Started with DMP tasks
  • BD
    • Started working on extractor refactoring of VAT extractor
Inna ZharnitskyExtractors - work on updating the selected extractors. 
  • Read and worked through several docker tutorials
  • Learned more about JsonLD
  • Dockerized the SimpleLanguage extractor
Marcus Slavenas
  • GLTG
    • look into issue with greon data that some files' headers don't match
    • start working on tennesse data on dev
  • BD
    • finish upgrade of speech2text (java) extractor
    • Determine which extractors to use/build for tutorial
  • GLTG
    • started parser for tennessee data
  • IARP
    • some admin work for accepted paper
  • BD
    • finished dockerizing speech2text
    • stategizing for tutorial outline - which extractors to use
  • ISDA
    • with michal, met with iwona jasiuk and grad students about material data storage
Indira Gutierrez Polo


Yong Wook Kim
  • Work on style editor UI
    • Raster: Unique and Interval Style
    • Vector: Unique Style
  • Vacation
  • Worked on raster unique data style UI
Omar Elabd
  • Out Tuesday
  • Add Circular Mean and Standard Deviation for Tornado Random Angle
  • Thrust 2
  • Looked into Directional Statistics for Std. Dev Angle
  • Thrust 2: Modified Architecture
  • Paper Review
Maxwell Burnette


  • trip to Arizona Wed - Fri
  • prep for presentations
Eugene Roeder  
Yan Zhao
  • SEAD
    • SEAD-984
  • vacation on Thursday & Friday
  • SEAD
    • discussion about SEAD-984, waiting for dependencies to finish first
    • SEAD-1004, not finish
  • vacation on Thursday & Friday