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  • Updates - LDAP
    • Rob needs Yan to make a server side to make a form post to make sure it works - a couple lines in flask
    • Check documentation in request library for info on post
  • CZO use case development
    • basic mapping function - changed to logic Luigi recommended
    • dockerization and docs (readme) - sandeep
      • wsgi standard - gunicorn is a recommended standard - look at BDBox definitions
      • there is also a new thing
      • what ever is quick and deployable
    • Bing PR - yan reviewed - Bing has screen shot in PR of what it returns
      • Rank - term is confusing?
      • List is random
      • do we need ID - need mapping, dat/time means this -
      • should we list the input headers and then the mappings below? discussion
    • Need a way to input new mappings - discuss design on Monday
  • Tool Catalog Updates/Cleanup
    • Need to clean it up - confusing and there is a lot of things we don't use now
    • We are using docker images now (before we were putting code in the catalog)
    • Script terminology is confusing
    • Clusterman call the list to do the deployment
    • Clowder extractors place to live
    • Clean up code base or start from scratch and go smaller - more like what we do in Clowder
    • Able to modify and add
    • Like NPM - has metadata - code and docker image live someplace else
    • Tags to provide info on different views - all extractors, all converters, all libraries/software used - all extractors/converters using that library
    • We know services libraries dependencies
    • Simple ways to add
    • Should be slim design
    • Discuss in design meeting
    • Port existing
    • PyPy lets you put anything in there and it is the user who has to be careful
  • Deployments
    • we can deploy any services
    • Rob says we are missing labels for scaling to work correctly
    • Need mongo entry to recreate if docker crashes - logging so it can be restarted
    • Clusterman does not provide parameters - environment variable, IP of swarm cluster master, polyglot docker container needs that
    • Can clusterman deploy an extractor and work with scaling?
      • needs reviewed and confirmed all is working
      • is it done for polyglot containers - no - clusterman can only set max min labels for scaling -
      • Bing Zhang  - walk thru this next Wednesday and confirm status / what needs done
  • 0.5 release
  • 0.6 start reviewing what is in here

Discussion items

BingFollow up
  • Some issues with connecting the extractor to the service
  • fixed
  • czo semnatic extractor: in the metadata of Clowder, add csv header and rename rank to mapping. and keep the mapping content.


In-Core is also annotating CSV files - Chen's semantic work

Yan talk to her to get info on what she is doing

They are using EarthCube project basis

w3c standard for annotating CSV files - was originally RDF - now making JSON ld version

In-Core using JSON ld version

Can the same information be encoded using that standard in BD


Pecan task - use fence key instead of token

Page is based on current BD page

Yan will give Shannon copy of what she is using now


CZO - 1 task - updating to include column numbers? mark as won't do

If current implementation - if it does not find a mapping does it post to clowder? no (well it posts an empty one)

Yan suggested posting headers to top? it should still post something that doesn't have mappings but at least has header

technically it is an ordered array ...

not explicit - consumer might not realize this

Headers - it is an array - it has an index - that is enough

Python3 of in review - has to be 3 and is not backward compatible - support ending this year

Work on bdcli python 3 next


Students did not make much progress last semester - 2 students - bar code and punch card - back next month to continue work

not CS students. Undergrads in the iSchool. (former CS students)

It's a bit frustrating - but they are also volunteers and not all of it is "easy"

students are new coders - They need a lot of coaching, which I will need to do 1 on 1. They don't have to write BD code at all.

Greg is going to package the services for them - Greg will use the new packaging

Looking at end of spring term

New testbed website ready to go - need to deploy for BD testbed

will have public dashboards and grafana

All tests are in containers - updated to docker swarm

Would like to start testing at new scale

Get an instance of BD running in a Docker swarm

2 January tasks. (a) deploy new testbed website w/public dashboards, and (b) resume regular testing, including higher scale stress tests

Who will send Greg list of docker compose files? Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan will find - could give bdbase, clowder has been updated, look at Ben's also

  • What is the status of Box Skills? What remains to be done?
  • Box is released
  • - we announced the GA of the Box Skills Kit late last year. We're trying to collect examples of the types of Skills to share via our developer blog. The goal (from Box's perspective) is to excite and inspire our developer community and showcase a range of different use cases for our Skills framework.

  • marketing will work on blog post
  • Waiting to hear back from Campus on if they will support Skills
  • Sign up for Box outside of U of I - without an Organization - to test and make sure it is working
  • Sandeep take over
  • Look at more skills we can put in
  • Check on galaxies going to Nebula

Action items
