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Creating an Account

You can create an account for yourself by registering at NCSA. Once the account is approved, you will have basic access rights, you can add bug reports to most projects, clone repositories. Once you have an account you can use that to contact the admins of a project you are interested in joining on the project page (

Creating a Project

You can request a new project by sending an email to Please make sure you include the following information:

  • License: what is the license your project will be distributed under
  • Contact: who is the main contact (include NCSA Open Source account)
  • Key: All caps key (5 chars or less)
  • Short Description: A twitter like description (140 chars or less)
  • Long Description: A longer description about the project
  • What is needed: Subset of confluence, jira, Bitbucket and bamboo

Project Pages

All projects hosts on this server are listed on the project page ( You can there select a single project and get more information about that project. You can also go directly to that page, for example to get to the Brown Dog page (key is BD) you can go to Each project will have a unique page that can be reached using the project key.

Each project page will show you a short description of the project, status of the project and the people involved in the project, as well as links to services provided by NCSA Open Source as well as links to external pages. At the top the menubar has the following options. The Projects menu shows all of the projects hosted at this server. The Demo menu will give you quick access to any of the demo sites for each project. Services menu will show you all the services provided by NCSA Open Source. The About menu entry will show you information about what version each of the services is. The last entry in the menu, either allows you to login, or if you are logged in shows a link to crowd (where you can modify your personal information, such as name email and password) and a link that only shows those projects you are involved in.

People Categories

There are 4 categories that people can be assigned to for each project:

  • admin : allows you to modify project information in project page, JIRA, Confluence and stash.

  • developers : allows to check in code in Stash, can be assigned tasks in JIRA and edit pages in Confluence.

  • contributors : can be assigned tasks in JIRA and edit pages in Confluence.

  • alumni : people that have worked on this project in the past, no special privileges.

In confluence you can use the groups of people to limit access to specific pages. For example you might want to have some internal pages where you discuss new features. You can limit access to those pages using the groups <KEY>-admin, <KEY>-dev, <KEY>, <KEY>-alumni, where <KEY> is replaced by your project KEY (for example BD for BrownDog). Each project should have these four groups that they can use.

Project Status

A project can be in one of the following three states:

  • active : the project is actively maintained. New features are constantly added, and bugs are fixed.

  • supported : the project is no longer actively maintained, no new features, but bugs will be fixed.

  • archived : the project and its information will always be around, no new features or bug fixes.

On the right you will see a bunch of links, not all of these links will appear for each project:

  • external webpage : a link to a webpage describing the project outside of NCSA Open Source

  • demo site : a link to an external site hosting a demo of the software (also shown in the Demo menu)

  • manual page : manual pages copied from the source (send email to for information no how to set this up)

  • API pages : JavaDoc pages copied from the source (send email to for information no how to set this up)

  • Confluence/JIRA/Stash/Bamboo/FishEye : links to project space in each of the services

  • Contact Admin : Allows any signed in user to send an email to admins of a project.

  • Downloads : any downloads available (send email to for information no how to set this up)

For those people that are admins of the project you will also see an edit button, you can use this to add and remove people from the project, and change any of the information shown on the project page. Don¹t add/remove the links to Confluence/JIRA/Stash/Bamboo/FishEye as those require special setup to enable them. Any of the changes to the project page should be reflected immediately. Adding or remove people from the groups can take up to 30 minutes to be reflected in the separate services.

Project Artifacts

Project artifacts can be either stored in nexus ( or can be shown on the project page. You can attach a license that the user needs agree to when downloading the files. All downloads are tracked allowing the project to get an idea of what files are downloaded and how often. Admins can see these statistics on the download page.

Project Pages Source Code

The source code for the project pages can be found at, please feel free to make suggestions for improvements of new features you would like to see added to the project pages.

This is the home of the The NCSA Open Source Process space.



Welcome!  As a member of an open source community you are empowered to correct any deficiency in the project.  If you identify a deficiency in a project, the onus is on you to address the deficiency by making recommendations, writing up the issue(s) in Jira, creating a software fix it, or correcting an error in the documentation,  etc...  Open source projects provide you with the means and mechanism to remove inadequecies in any part of the project and improve the project.






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