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WhoMonday - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo
  • Prepare presentation for the IMLCZO conference next week
  • Make progress on the 1.2 release for IMLCZO.
    • Finalize the data ingestion in production
    • Update JIRA issues that should be moved to later releases
  • Start work on GLTG UI features and make a plan for implementation of tasks from the usability study
  • Had a call with the ClearCreek team in Iowa to prepare for the IMLCZO conference
  • Met with Luigi to discuss the presentation for next week
  • Reviewed current tasks for IMLCZO Release 1.2
    • Cleaned up parser scripts used for production ingestion. Will do a bit more cleanup and get them pushed to the repo, hopefully this weekend.
  • Met with GLTG and the internal team to discuss priorities for UI changes in response to the usability study.
Edgar F. Black
  • MSC
    • Review Islet Isolation Extractor
    • Start draft of AJT Paper
  • MSC
    • Old Islet Isolation Extractor (contained within the Clinical Research Informatics/msc-extraction directory) works.
    • The new Islet Isolation Extractor (contained within the Clowder/extractors-msc/IsletExtractor directory) does not work
    • Images were received form Chicago. However, the files (3) they sent were among the ones we have had for months.
    • Some new references for the AJT Paper on HMM were collected.
Rob Kooper
  • PEcAn
    • Release 1.4.3 VM
    • qsub
  • SEAD
    • filter collections/datasets by permission
  • Open Source
    • migrate DESDM
  • Vacation Thursday, Friday, next Monday
  • PEcAn
    • VM 1.4.3 released and ready for download
  • SEAD
    • Filter on datasets working, next collections (which should be easier)
  • Enjoying vacation, see you Tuesday.
Jong Lee  
Rui Liu
  • BD: SC15 poster. Work with Smruti on more experiments, writing short paper.
  • Earthcube: external cooperation meeting on Wednesday, internal all-member project meeting on Thursday.
  • Earthcube: 2 days of project meetings.
  • BD: SC15 poster. Good progress on experiments with Smruti. At first, uploading was very slow.
  • Added 4 indexes to 3 MongoDB collections, reduced the time for uploading 1200 files from 2+ hours to ~3 minutes. Created a pull request. Rob, Luigi and Smruti quickly approved and merged it. Thanks! (smile)
  • BW: started working on a user ticket regarding using TAU on BW.
Kenton McHenry
  • HR stuff: resumes, staff allocations
  • Software Server Logs
  • Polyglot Software Server endpoint
  • Tools Catalog deployment
  • HR stuff
  • Auto update script for Windows based Software Servers
  • Drafted short eScience paper to go along with poster
Luigi Marini
  • Earthcube all day meeting and visitors Wednesday and Thursday
  • JSON-LD search resource by field
  • JSON-LD gui
  • Clowder documentation
  • SEAD development
  • 2 days of Earthcube meeting shenanigans
  • Simple JSON-LD gui done. Includes collapsible tree!
  • Wrote some code for DTS tools for BD
Christopher Navarro
  • NIST - review pull requests, continue work on tornado analysis, look into ERGO-119, continue working on upgrading eclipse build version
  • CyberSEES - prepare for hackathon July 27 - 29th
  • BrownDog - technical meeting
  • NIST - Reviewed/merged pull requests, worked on Tornado analysis, successfully built Ergo/NIST-CORE against Eclipse Mars, emailed Paolo about ERGO-119, they will look into the possible fragility data issue
  • CyberSEES - meeting with Brian/Jong to discuss hackathon, checked out materials for hackathon and obtained required dependencies for my laptop
  • BrownDog - attended technical meeting
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. NEXRAD and Storm data ingestion with DataWolf on MWRD VM, part of MWRD-111
  2. Continue with the documentation for the data Ingestion;
  3. Continue on data ingestion design for NEXRAD and Storm, MWRD-114MWRD-116
  4. slides for Tuesday meeting
  1. Storm data done, new DW tool with string parameter
  2. Updated screenshots and Storm, Precipitation calculation text
  3. Storm and Precipitation, new css
  4. ...
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. DONE
Smruti Padhy
  • Brown Dog
    • SC Poster experiments and writing the paper
    • IEEE eScience Poster final copyright & poster submission
    • Pull Request Review
    • Thursday off
  • SDN
    • Obtain the timing measurements for various flow rates
    • Heuristics for flow Classification algorithm
  • Brown Dog
    • Discussions and worked with Rui Liu on fixing long upload time in Clowder so that elasticity experiments can be performed.
    • Completed the first set of elasticity experiments, created the graph with error bars.
    • Worked with Kenton McHenry on IEEE eScience short paper draft, updated the poster and submitted the final version of poster, paper, copyright form.
    • Reviewed One pull Request
  • SDN
    • Obtained the timing measurements for various flow rates. But some debug messages are dropped while writing to kern.log, mostly due to high rate.
  • Thrusday off
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • Work on XSEDE presentation
  • Add and test Community user to gateway user mapping - VAT
  • Continue with person tracking edit feature
  • Pull requests
  • Completing XSEDE presentation
  • Completed and tested the community user to gateway user mapping
Eugene Roeder
  • Test out new Pecan vm image
  • Start loading USGS and Heidleber data for seagrant
  • Make pull requests for Unit tests on Clowder
Inna Zharnitsky 
  • Vacation
Marcus Slavenas
  • GLTG - Update production site
  • BD - matlab requests library
  • IARP - set up clowder
  • out sick 2 days and generally wimpy
  • BD
    • matlab requests library
      • able to use webread to get list of conversions from dap
      • unable to use webwrite to post file to dap for conversions
      • will probably call java libraries instead
    • built major functionality for route green index extractor from csv file
      • Stopped because most areas from Dong Ying's example file do not have streetview images available
    • Cleaned up handwritten digits extractor repo and added readme
Indira Gutierrez Polo
  • SEAD - Add ability to edit title and description to a collection
  • CyberSEES - Updates to match Brian Miles mock-up
  • SEAD - Add ability to edit title and description to a collection
  • CyberSEES - Partially added Flowtable-editor to the cybersees app.
Jason Votava
  • Submit Brown Dog Annual Review
  • MWRD tech transfer discussion
  • Confirm travel
  • Provide guidance for GLTG next steps based on useability
  • First content pass complete, some late submissions will be included this afternoon.
  • Tech transfer documentation delivered for MWRD. Final agreement meeting set for two weeks from now
  • Travel booked for CO and GER.
  • GLTG conference and follow-up meetings complete
Winston Jansz
  • Working on CATS-86 (Invite non-account holders to a Space).
  • CATS-86 (incomplete).
Yong Wook Kim
  • Tornado path and EF zone coding
  • Finished Tornado path and EF zone coding
    • create tornado path shapefile with given coordinates, width, and length
    • create EF zone shapefile based on given EF category
    • create wind speed raster based on tornado path and ef zone
    • started converting tornade path code using old version of geotools
  • Checking geotools-updated version of ERGO
    • reported multiple issues and started working on some of them



Omar Elabd
  • ERGO-228
  • ERGO-226
  • ERGO-60
  • ERGO-228
  • ERGO-226
  • ERGO-60
  • ERGO-238
  • ERGO-142 Updates
  • Task Readings
Yan Zhao
  • MSC
    • Normalize parameter names
    • Add extractor event messages to extractors-msc
    • Move old-msc/msc-web to standalone git repository
  • MSC
    • Normalize parameter names
    • Add extractor event messages to extractors-msc
    • Move old-msc/msc-web to standalone git repository
    • wiki
  • SEAD
    • Fix layout for profile-> My Datasets