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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Release 0.81

Unsupported features


This release contains only a parser. There is no unparser functionality in this release.

DFDL properties specific to unparsing are all unimplemented, and are generally ignored. These are:

  • outputNewLine
  • fillByte
  • textPadKind
  • textOutputMinLength
  • generateEscapeBlock
  • extraEscapedCharacters
  • truncateSpecifiedLengthString
  • outputValueCalc


The following types are unsupported. Their use will cause schema definition errors. Properties specific to them are also unimplemented.

  • decimal
  • integer
  • nonNegativeInteger
  • hexBinary
  • boolean
  • date - unimplemented for dfdl:representation='binary'
  • time - unimplemented for dfdl:representation='binary'
  • dateTime - unimplemented for dfdl:representation='binary'

XML Schema Features

Of the subset of features in XSD that DFDL uses, these are unimplemented, and are ignored by the Daffodil system unless otherwise noted:

  • fixed - property of element declarations
  • default - property of element declarations
  • attributeFormDefault (an attribute of the xs:schema element) - causes schema definition error (behaves as 'unqualified')

DFDL Features

These features of DFDL are broadly absent from the implementation in this release.

DFDL properties associated with these features may be entirely unrecognized or ignored.

  • Defaulting of values for required elements
  • All 'packed' binary number representation (packed, bcd, etc.)
  • All 'zoned' text number representations.
  • Rich text number format properties
  • All bi-directional text
  • unordered sequences
  • floating elements in sequences
  • external variables
  • raw-byte entities
  • validation
  • alignment
  • the 'type' component of the DFDL Infoset
  • runtime-computed format properties (i.e., computing the value of dfdl:byteOrder at parse time based on data)
  • IANA standard encodings other than: utf-8, utf-16BE, utf-16LE, utf-32BE, utf-32LE, and US-ASCII.

Daffodil-specific Features

These features are specified as part of the Daffodil API or Command-Line Interpreter, but are unsupported:

  • save/reload of a compiled parser

Properties and Property Enumerations

The following properties or property enumeration values are unsupported.

Their use in a DFDL schema may cause a schema definition error, or they may simply be ignored.

  • documentFinalTerminatorCanBeMissing="yes"
  • utf16Width='variable'
  • ignoreCase='yes'
  • textNumberPattern
  • textNumberCheckPolicy
  • textNumberRoundingMode
  • textNumberRounding
  • textNumberRoundingIncrement
  • textStandardGroupingSeparator
  • textStandardDecimalSeparator
  • textStandardExponentCharacter
  • textStandardInfinityRep
  • textStandardNaNRep
  • textStandardZeroRep
  • textStandardBase - only '10' supported
  • textNumberRep="zoned"
  • textZonedSignStyle
  • decimalSigned
  • textBooleanTrueRep
  • textBooleanFalseRep
  • textBooleanPadCharacter
  • textBooleanJustification
  • integerBooleanTrueRep
  • integerBooleanFalseRep
  • textBidi
  • textBidiTextOrdering
  • textBidiOrientation
  • textBidiSymmetric
  • textBidiTextShaped
  • textBidiNumeralShapes
  • alignment
  • alignmentUnits
  • leadingSkip
  • trailingSkip
  • lengthKind='delimited' when representation='binary'
  • lengthKind='endOfParent'
  • lengthKind='prefixed'
  • prefixIncludesPrefixLength
  • prefixLengthType
  • binaryNumberRep (only "binary" supported, all packed are unsupported)
  • binaryDecimalVirtualPoint
  • binaryNumberCheckPolicy
  • binaryPackedSignCodes
  • binaryFloatRep="ibm390Hex"
  • binaryCalendarRep
  • binaryCalendarEpoch
  • nilKind='literalCharacter'
  • nilKind='logicalValue'
  • useNilForDefault
  • sequenceKind="unordered"
  • floating="yes"
  • separatorPolicy (TBD: is this accepted)
  • choiceLengthKind="explicit"
  • choiceLength
  • occursCountKind='stopValue'
  • occursStopValue

(TBD: mark them as ignored or SDE)


The following functions are unsupported in DFDL expressions:

  • dfdl:contentLength
  • dfdl:valueLength


The following DFDL annotations are unsupported:

  • dfdl:newVariableInstance

Some additional limitations:

  • File sizes are limited to 4Gigabytes due to underlying Java libraries using type int for offsets.
  • A Java 7 JVM is required as a number of its regular expression capabilities are passed through to Daffodil's DFDL implementation (as is required by the standard).
  • An expression enclosed in { ... } cannot have whitespace before or after the brace {, } characters. To work around this limitation, use CDATA, that is, as the body of an element, wrap expressions like this: <![CDATA[{...expression...}]]>


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