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PersonMonday- PlannedFriday- Accomplished
Brock Angelo 
  • Work on a PUT or UPDATE method for the sensors and streams endpoints in the Medici Geostreaming API.
  • Created a PUT endpoint to modify the sensor metadata property.
    • The endpoint merges parameters inline, and will not accidentally delete sibling keys.
  • Updated the sensor list page to allow editing sensors for logged in users.
  • Changed the "sensor" view to "edit" and re-used the sensor create styling so that existing fields are pre-populated into the form.
Dave Mattson  
Edgar F. Black 
  • Continue working on MSC spreadsheets from Chicago
    • Prepare question and send them to the Chicago Team
    • Start reading on data mining techniques that can possible be used analyzing this data.
  • Brown Dog quarterly report
  • Discussion with Miami team about HMMs results.
    • The Miami team is using HMM's prediction to adjust their prediction of decrease in graft function for some subjects
    • Comparison report was updated at request of Miami researchers.
  •  Brown Dog quarterly report completed.
  • Some improvement achieved in understanding the data in the MSC spreadsheets from Chicago, however there is still the question of what they want us to find within the data.
Liana Diesendruck  
Mario Felarca  
Rob Kooper 
  • Support browndog PEcAn use case
    • ED conversion script
  • Test Medici
    • Fix bugs
  • Took Monday off
  • Created script to convert ED specific output
  • Fixed bug in extractors (too many open files)
  • Fixed swagger api pages
Jong Lee  
Rui Liu 
  • BD elasticity bug fix;
  • BD review elasticity demo;
  • Earthcube: continue implementing semantic tagging service.
  • BD
    • Fixed the two elasticity bugs as planned.
    • Showed elasticity demo to Rob, he gave good suggestions on using plots, then demoed in Friday ISDA group meeting.
  • Earthcube: attended teleconf regarding CSDMS standard name, helped Peishi set up Play Framework and use git on his Windows laptop, helped Mostafa debug Play and pywikibot issues on his Windows laptop. Used pywikibot and imported the SKOS ontology into SMW.
Luigi Marini


  • Prepare spaces SEAD demo (SEAD)
  • Prepare dibbs e2c2 presantation
  • Prepare BrownDog DTS presentation
  • Add ability to have datasets previews
  • Add extraction tab to files page (medici)
  • Design and develop demo for jsonld (BD)
  • Dataset geospatial path previewer
  • XSEDE report and paper
  • Prepare and submit budget for seagrant interim work
  • Merge bugfixes into Medici develop and release a new master
Kenton McHenry
  • Workshop report
  • BD Review presentations
  • BD Review demo follow-up
  • BD Review demo vidoes
  • BD QSR
  • Workshop report
  • BD QSR
  • sections
  • BD Review demo follow-up
Christopher Navarro
  • Continue working on Ergo issues, currently working on fixing CRLF issues in some files

  • Start looking at what refactoring Ergo would involve

  • (MSR) NFIE meeting, look at WRF-Hydro

  • Fixed/tested CRLF fix for Ergo, reviewed Task 1.4 deliverables/tasks & added comments

  • Fixed a DataWolf bug where workflow output could not be used as input to multiple tools, deployed fix to datawolf-dev and tested the CZ use case

  • Started working on allowing users to edit DataWolf tools, a highly requested feature

  • Attended NFIE meeting

Michal Ondrejcek
  1. Finish weather related Datawolf workflows; MWRD-111, MWRD-112, MWRD-113 especially the NEXRAD
  2. Continue on Station management; MWRD-114MWRD-116
  3. Insert 2005 Plant flow data to the database (digitized by Shailin); MWRD-66
  1. Workflow works, no css yet. The Stickney precipitation number is off, the lat, long get adjacent pixel.
  2. I worked on workflow pane of the Tool.
  3. DONE
Smruti Padhy 
  • BD CZO use case demo
  • Learned Datawolf workflow
  • Created first version of the workflow for the demo along with all the tools
  • Deployed shape extractor and geotiff extractor
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan  
Eugene Roeder  
Inna Zharnitsky  
  • Complete XSEDE paper draft
  • Complete development in person tracking previewer branch MMDB-1771
  • Worked on XSEDE paper and submitted the content to the team.
  • Did development tasks on person tracking previewer branch MMDB-1771. Yet to be completed.
Eugene Roeder
  • Update API Suite test script
  • Document wiki test suite cases ()
  • Check in Preview Test cases
  • Small Demo on test suite/Walk-through
  • Start work on testing report section
  • Diagnose build issues on develop and json-ld spring 1 branches
  • API Test Suite script check in (BD-473)
  • Document wiki API test suite
  • Check in Preview test cases (BD-584)
  • Demo on test suite
  • Started Testing report section for 18-month Brown Dog review
  • Diagnosed both build issues.
    • Develop branch needed the target and source/target folders removed
    • The JSON-LD sprint branch needed the modify.js file moved to a different location.
Inna Zharnitsky
  • Change dts extension popup to keep running in the background even after the popup window is closed
Marcus Slavenas
  • Clean up issues with GI use case extractors
  • Get pool/pond detector working properly
  • Preparations and presentations for GI demo
  • Implement sentiment extractor on VM extractor-0014 with start-up script
  • Greenroute and humanpref extractors
    • added generated files list to uploaded files' metadata
    • Add ordered list of streetview and Green index images to dataset for preview
    • added functionality for step_size and exclude_fill options to xml file
    • changed block extraction code
    • Added definitions of values to metadata
  • Write code that groups pixels from pond detector that were designated as pond
  • 2 meetings with Bill Sullivan/Preparing for GI use case presentation
Marcus Slavenas  
Jason Votava
  • Two weeks for BD
  • NIST wiki front end
  • BD monthly report
  • In late Tues (car repair)
  • BD monthly report went out
  • Created requirements page and other clean-up for NIST
  • Dry Run prep and schedule
  • Added users to browndog-announce mailing list
  • Presented more PM process to other NCSA managers
  • Reporting for 18mo review progress