Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This is meant to be a brief overview of the concepts necessary in understand how to use Apache Maven.

For a more complete reference, see:

Table of Contents



Sometimes, your dependency might not be hosted publically publicly or may be unavailable for download.


Most people will have stopped reading by now, but if you're part of the unlucky few, then you have my condolences.

Self-Hosted via Docker

To run your own test Nexus repository via the official Docker image:

Code Block
$ docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --name nexus sonatype/nexus:oss

You should then be able to follow the steps below (untested) using the IP/hostname of this machine and port 8081.

You can test it with the following command:

Code Block
$ curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8081/service/metrics/ping

Open-Source Software Repository Hosting (OSSRH)


For a more long-term solution for hosting your (open-source) Maven artifacts, you can follow these steps to deploy them to OSSRH.

Choosing Project Coordinates


First and foremost, your Maven groupId should be the reverse of a FQDN over which you have some management rights. For example, edu.illinois.lis or org.nationaldataservice or org.ndslabs.* might be acceptable groupIds for the biocaddie code.

Ideally, your Maven groupId and Java packages should match or at the very least be fairly similar.

Create a Ticket on the Sonatype JIRA

If you don't already have one, create an account on the Sonatype JIRA
Plug your JIRA account credentials into the <servers> block of your settings.xml file (on OS X, this was located at /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.5.0/libexec/conf/settings.xml):

Code Block

Next, create a New Project ticket on the Sonatype JIRA describing the artifacts that you plan to deploy to OSSRH.

The Sonatype team will reach out to confirm that you "own" the domain used for the groupId (see above), and can answer any questions you might have.
The turnaround time was really quick for my ticket, and they will respond in the comments with next steps or problems (if any arise).

Configuring your POM for Deployment

Once your project ticket has been approved, you can add the following block to your project's pom.xml file:

Code Block
          <!-- When your version ends with "-SNAPSHOT", it will be deployed here -->

          <!-- When your version does not end with "-SNAPSHOT", it will be deployed here -->

NOTE: The <id> here should match the <servers> entry in your settings.xml.

You should now be able to deploy to the above repositories by running the following command:

Code Block
mvn deploy

Syncing to Maven Central

OSSRH will even sync your released artifacts with Maven Central on your behalf, but still has a strict list of requirements for artifacts synced to Maven Central.


In general, the requirements are as follows:

  1. Final pom.xml must include:
    1. Project coordinates: groupId / artifactId / version
    2. Project name and description
    3. License information
    4. Developer information
    5. SCM information
  2. Final pom.xml must NOT include:
    1. <repositories> tags
    2. <pluginRepositories> tags
  3. Final bundle.jar must include:
    1. Project POM (i.e. ir-utils-0.1.0.pom)
    2. Compiled JARs (i.e. ir-utils-0.1.0.jar)
    3. JavaDoc JAR alongside each compiled JAR (i.e. ir-utils-0.1.0-javadoc.jar)
    4. Sources JAR alongside each compiled JAR (i.e. ir-utils-0.1.0-sources.jar)
    5. GPG signatures for all of the above (i.e. ir-utils-0.1.0.jar.asc, ir-utils-0.1.0-javadoc.jar.asc, etc)

You will then need to comment back on your OSSRH ticket after promoting your first release for them to enable sync to Maven Central.

After that, any future releases that you promote from the staging repository will be automatically synced to Maven Central (within a few hours).

Generating JavaDoc via Maven

Add the following to your pom.xml to generate a *-javadoc.jar alongside each JAR that is output during the package phase of your build:

Code Block
            <!-- More plugins... -->         
			<!-- Maven JavaDoc Plugin -->

            <!-- More plugins... -->


Generating Sources via Maven

Add the following to your pom.xml to generate a *-sources.jar alongside each JAR that is output during the package phase of your build:

In order to deploy artifacts to a remote repository, Maven recommends syncing them to The Central Repository (so that other projects can easily consume their artifacts for reuse).

In general, the requirements are as follows:

  1. Final pom.xml must include:
    1. Project coordinates: groupId / artifactId / version
    2. Project name and description
    3. License information
    4. Developer information
    5. SCM information
  2. Final pom.xml must NOT include:
    1. <repositories> tags
    2. <pluginRepositories> tags
  3. Final bundle.jar must include:
    1. Project POM (i.e. ir-utils-0.1.0.pom)
    2. Compiled JARs (i.e. ir-utils-0.1.0.jar)
    3. JavaDoc JAR alongside each compiled JAR (i.e. ir-utils-0.1.0-javadoc.jar)
    4. Sources JAR alongside each compiled JAR (i.e. ir-utils-0.1.0-sources.jar)
    5. GPG signatures for all of the above (i.e. ir-utils-0.1.0.jar.asc, ir-utils-0.1.0-javadoc.jar.asc, etc)

Choose Project Coordinates

The first step is to confirm your project coordinates (groupId:artifactId:version).


First and foremost, your Maven groupId should be the reverse of a FQDN over which you have some management rights. For example, edu.illinois.lis or org.nationaldataservice or org.ndslabs.* might be acceptable groupIds for the biocaddie code base.

Ideally, your Maven groupId and Java packages should match or at the very least be fairly similar.

There are several options for doing so, including hosting your own staging repository.

Choose Hosting Solution

You will then need to secure access to a staging server. I used OSSRH for my artifacts, but several other options exist 

Self-Hosted via Docker (Development / Internal Use Only)

WARNING: I am assuming that this would run an interface similar to, but I have not tested it myself
OSSRH was easier configuration and more long-term than self-hosting, so try this at your own risk... you have been warned!

To run your own test Nexus repository via the official Docker image:

Code Block
$ docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --name nexus sonatype/nexus:oss

You should then be able to follow the steps below (untested) using the IP/hostname of this machine and port 8081.

You can test it with the following command:

Code Block
$ curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8081/service/metrics/ping

NOTE: Don't forget to change the default password

Open-Source Software Repository Hosting (OSSRH)



For a more long-term solution for hosting your (open-source) Maven artifacts, you can follow these steps to deploy them to OSSRH.

If you don't already have one, create an account on the Sonatype JIRA

Next, create a New Project ticket describing the artifacts that you plan to deploy to OSSRH.

The Sonatype team will reach out to confirm that you "own" the domain used for the groupId (see above), and can answer any questions you might have.
The turnaround time was really quick for my ticket, and they will respond in the comments with next steps or problems (if any arise).

Once approved, you should be able to follow the steps below to upload your artifacts, as well as access the staging server using your JIRA credentials to perform releases.

Other Options

See (Section: Approved Repository Hosting)

titleApproved Repository Hosting

Instead of maintaining repository rsync feeds for each projects, we now encourage projects to use an approved repository hosting location.

Currently approved repository hosting locations:

Automatic publication will be provided for Forges that provide hosting services for OSS projects and other large project repositories that meet certain minimum criteria such as validation of PGP keys and pom contents as defined above. If you are interested in becoming an approved Forge, contact us at

Add Credentials to settings.xml

NOTE: Below I use OSSRH as an example, but this should work for any repository.

Plug your Nexus credentials into the <servers> block of your settings.xml file.

On OS X, this was located at /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.5.0/libexec/conf/settings.xml

For OSSRH, this is your JIRA username/password from the account that you created above.

For the Docker version, the default credentials are admin:admin123 - please change this before using.

For example:

Code Block
    <!-- other <server> blocks -->


    <!-- other <server> blocks -->

Deploying a Single Artifact

NOTE: Below I use OSSRH as an example, but this should work for any repository.

You can use a syntax similar to that of install-file to deploy a single artifact to a remote Nexus repo:

Code Block
# Deploying a SNAPSHOT (non-release) artifact
$ mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=./indri-5.11.jar -DgroupId=edu.illinois.lis -DartifactId=indri -Dversion=5.11-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Durl= -DrepositoryId=ossrh

# Deploying a non-SNAPSHOT artifact to the staging server
$ mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=./indri-5.11.jar -DgroupId=edu.illinois.lis -DartifactId=indri -Dversion=5.11 -Dpackaging=jar -Durl= -DrepositoryId=ossrh


  • SNAPSHOTs will overwrite each other... I still haven't figured out how to deploy a full set of SNAPSHOT artifacts. Maybe manually bundling them up before calling deploy-file?
  • Deployment of SNAPSHOT artifacts to a staging server will result in failure (HTTP 400: Bad Request). Your artifacts must not end with SNAPSHOT to successfully deploy to staging.
  • Similarly, deploying non-SNAPSHOT artifacts to a snapshot server will also fail with HTTP 400: Bad Request.

Configuring Upstream POMs for Deployment

NOTE: Below I use OSSRH as an example, but this should work for any repository.

Once your project ticket has been approved, you can add the following block to your project's pom.xml file:

Code Block
Code Block
            <!-- More plugins... -->

			<!-- Maven Sources PluginWhen your version ends with "-SNAPSHOT", it will be deployed here -->

           <!-- More plugins...When your version does not end with "-SNAPSHOT", it will be deployed here -->

Signing Your Artifacts via Maven





This will ensure that consumers of your artifacts can verify the authenticity of those that they download (similar to MD5 checksum).

Add the following to your pom.xml to generate a *.asc alongside each output file during the verify phase of your build:

Code Block
            <!-- More plugins... -->

            <!-- Maven GPG Plugin -->

            <!-- More plugins... -->


NOTE: You will now be asked for your passphrase when running "mvn deploy"

NOTE: If your build fails with "gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device", run the following before the retrying the mvn command:

Code Block
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

Generate a Keypair

If you don't already have one, you will need to generate a GPG key with which you can sign your artifacts.

You will need the gnupg command line tool (on OSX, this can be installed via brew):

Code Block
$ gpg --gen-key

Upload to Keyserver

Once you have generated a keypair, you will need to upload your public key to a public keyserver.

To list existing keys:


NOTE: The <id> here should match the <servers> entry in your settings.xml.

You should now be able to deploy to the above repositories by running the following command:

Code Block
$ mvn deploy

Configuring Downstream POMs for Consumption

NOTE: Below I use OSSRH as an example, but this should work for any repository.

Now that you've deployed your first SNAPSHOT, you should be able to download the SNAPSHOT artifacts for consumption during development/testing.

Add the following section to your root POM to automatically inherit the necessary configuration from OSSRH:

Code Block
    <!-- the rest of your POM -->


    <!-- the rest of your POM -->

NOTE: This <parent> can also be another module whose <parent> is OSSRH, and this should still work

You should now be able to pull SNAPSHOT artifacts for OSSRH projects when building using the usual command:

Code Block
$ mvn clean package

If your build completed successfully, then congratulations! You are now able to access your development / pre-release SNAPSHOT artifacts!

For some projects, this will be far enough to sustain development and testing.

Central Sync Requirements (Expert)

NOTE: Below I use OSSRH as an example, but this should work for any Accepted Hosting Repository.

OSSRH (and probably other approved repository hosts) will even sync your released artifacts with Maven Central on your behalf.

Sadly, this process did not seem to lift any of the strict requirements for the artifacts synced/



If you used OSSRH, you will then need to comment back on your Project JIRA ticket to enable sync to The Central Repository after promoting your first release for them

After that, any future releases that you promote from the staging repository will be automatically synced to Central (within a few hours).

Generating JavaDoc via Maven

Add the following to your pom.xml to generate a *-javadoc.jar alongside each JAR that is output during the package phase of your build:

Code Block
            <!-- More plugins... -->         
Code Block
$ gpg --list-keys
pub   rsa2048 2017-05-05 [SC] [expires: 2019-05-05]
uid           [ultimate] Craig Willis ( <>
uid           [ultimate] Garrick Sherman ( <>
uid           [ultimate] Mike Lambert ( <>
sub   rsa2048 2017-05-05 [E] [expires: 2019-05-05]

Then execute the following command to upload your public key:

Code Block
$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <YOUR_KEY_ID_WHICH_WILL_BE_FAIRLY_LONG>

where <YOUR_KEY_ID_WHICH_WILL_BE_FAIRLY_LONG> is pulled from the output above

Manually Signing a Single File

To sign a file with your GPG key:

Code Block
$ gpg -ab ir-utils-0.1.0.jar

NOTE: You will be asked to enter your GPG key's passphrase

This will output a .asc file that should be included alongside the file that produced the signature.

Verifying GPG Signatures

As a consumer, you can verify the authenticity of the Maven artifacts by using the gpg command line tool:

			<!-- Maven JavaDoc Plugin -->

            <!-- More plugins... -->


Generating Sources via Maven

Add the following to your pom.xml to generate a *-sources.jar alongside each JAR that is output during the package phase of your build:

Code Block
            <!-- More plugins... -->

			<!-- Maven Sources Plugin -->
            <!-- More plugins... -->


Signing Your Artifacts via Maven


This will ensure that consumers of your artifacts can verify the authenticity of those that they download (similar to MD5 checksum).

Add the following to your pom.xml to generate a *.asc alongside each output file during the verify phase of your build:

Code Block
            <!-- More plugins... -->

            <!-- Maven GPG Plugin -->

            <!-- More plugins... -->


NOTE: You will now be asked for your passphrase when running "mvn deploy"

NOTE: If your build fails with "gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device", run the following before the retrying the mvn command:

Code Block
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

Generate and Upload a Keypair

From Maven's own uploading guide:

titlePGP Signature

To improve the quality of the Central Maven repository, we require you to provide PGP signatures for all your artifacts (all files except checksums), and distribute your public key to a key server like Read Working with PGP Signatures for more information.

If you don't already have one, you will need to generate a keypair with which you can sign your artifacts.

You will need the gnupg command line tool (on OSX, this can be installed via brew):

Code Block
$ gpg --gen-key

Once you have generated a keypair, you will need to upload your public key to a public keyserver.

To list existing keys:

Code Block
$ gpg --list-keys
pub   rsa2048 2017-05-05 [SC] [expires: 2019-05-05]
uid           [ultimate] Craig Willis ( <>
uid           [ultimate] Garrick Sherman ( <>
uid           [ultimate] Mike Lambert ( <>
sub   rsa2048 2017-05-05 [E] [expires: 2019-05-05]

Then execute the following command to upload your public key:

Code Block
$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <YOUR_KEY_ID_WHICH_WILL_BE_FAIRLY_LONG>

where <YOUR_KEY_ID_WHICH_WILL_BE_FAIRLY_LONG> is pulled from the output above

NOTE: You may need to share this public key with other keyservers, if your artifacts fail the Central Sync Checks for GPG signing due to a missing key

Manually Signing a Single File

To sign a file with your GPG key:

Code Block
$ gpg -ab ir-utils-0.1.0.jar

NOTE: You will be asked to enter your GPG key's passphrase

This will output a .asc file that should be included alongside the file that produced the signature.

As a consumer, you can then verify the authenticity of the Maven artifacts by using the gpg command line tool:

Code Block
$ gpg --verify target/ir-utils-0.1.0.jar.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'target/ir-utils-0.1.0.jar'
gpg: Signature made Thu Jun  1 21:21:16 2017 CDT
gpg:                using RSA key <YOUR_KEY_ID_WHICH_WILL_BE_FAIRLY_LONG>
gpg: Good signature from "Craig Willis ( <>" [ultimate]
gpg:                 aka "Garrick Sherman ( <>" [ultimate]
gpg:                 aka "Mike Lambert ( <>" [ultimate]

This will output the signature data from the .asc file, which should give some confidence that the artifacts were not modified or replaced by a malicious party.

Bringing It All Together

If you followed all of the above steps, then running the following command should build up all of the necessary artifacts and deploy them to the appropriate repository:

Code Block
$ mvn clean deploy

This single command will:

  • Clear out your existing build artifacts
  • Compile and package up your code into a JAR
  • Generate JavaDoc from your project and package it as a JAR
  • Package up your source code as a JAR
  • Sign the JAR and POM files with your GPG key
  • Install the resulting artifacts into your local Maven cache
  • Deploy the resulting artifacts into the remote Nexus repository

Staging a New Release (Expert)


At some point, you will likely want to assemble a release (non-SNAPSHOT) version of the code that people can be confident will not change out from under them suddenly. This is where releases come in - since they are unique and permanent, users can consume released artifacts confidently without fear of them changing in the future. without warning.


There is a way to automate this process using the Maven Release Plugin (see below), but I did not fully explore the capabilities of this plugin, as the steps were easy enough to perform manually once I figured out the process.


Without the Maven Release Plugin, it is still fairly easy to upload your artifacts to the staging server using the steps below.

Bundle Your Artifacts

First, make sure your version string does not end with -SNAPSHOT, then perform a full build of your project using the big command from above and the cd to where the build artifacts were output:

Code Block
$ mvn clean package verify install:install deploy:deploy 
$ cd target/

NOTE: For complex project with multiple subprojects, it may be best to look into the Maven Bundle Plugin.

Bundle your build artifacts (JAR / POM / ASC files, see below for how instructions to generate these) into a single bundle.jar to upload them to OSSRH staging:

Code Block
$ jar cvf bundle.jar *.pom *.jar *.asc

Upload Your Artifact Bundle

Then log into with your JIRA username / password and choose "Staging Upload" on the left side.

Choose "Artifact Bundle" from the dropdown, and select your bundle.jar for upload.

After uploading, select "Staging Repositories" on the left side, and locate your bundle in the list.

To abort the process, you can choose "Drop" to delete your staged bundle.

Select the repository and choose "Close" at the top. This will run a set of checks to verify that the artifacts are of sufficient quality to upload to Maven Central.

You can see the list of checks by selecting the staging repository and viewing the "close" item of the "Activity" tab, and are examined in more details above (See "Central Sync Requirements")

Problems Closing?

  • If you artifact(s) fail the GPG signing stage, you may need to upload them to an accepted keyserver (it should list the keyservers that its checking, just pick any one and give it some time to propagate the change before trying again):

    Code Block
    $ gpg --keyserver <KEYSERVER_URL> --send-keys <YOUR_KEY_ID_WHICH_WILL_BE_FAIRLY_LONG>

  • If your artifacts fail the sources or javadoc checks, make sure you have generated them as part of your build (ensure they each have  an <executions> tag in your pom.xml). If they are third-party artifacts that are missing source or javadoc, see below.

If you repository "closed" successfully, then you are now ready to begin testing the staged artifacts!

Testing a Closed Repository

On the Nexus UI, click "Repositories" on the left side and from the small dropdown in the top-center of the screen, choose "Nexus Managed Repositories"

This will update the list to be quite lengthy. Locate your repository (which should be named after your project's groupId).

Closed repositories should be listed here with a URL in the right-most column, and will likely contain the name of the repository (i.e. eduillinoislis-1007).

Copy this url to a <repositories> section of your downstream POM (remember to remove this section after you finish testing):

Code Block
      <id>ossrh1</id> <!-- This does not need to match the <id> in your settings.xml -->
      <name>OSSRH Staging for indri-5.11 release</name>

You should then be able to build your downstream project using the staged artifacts you specified here! Running "mvn clean package", you should see something similar to the following:

Code Block
Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2:ir-tools lambert8$ mvn clean package
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building IR Utils 0.1.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Downloaded: (2.1 kB at 1.5 kB/s)
Downloaded: (260 kB at 789 kB/s)

[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:copy-dependencies (default) @ ir-utils ---
[INFO] Copying indri-5.11.jar to /Users/lambert8/workspace/ir-tools/target/lib/indri-5.11.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 21.890 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-06-03T16:24:25-05:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 59M/746M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

And just like that you've built your downstream project against your staged upstream artifacts! These downstream artifacts can now be used to verify the correctness of your upstream artifacts before releasing them to the public! Typically, your Maven build would also run unit and/or integration tests against the code as well to verify that everything is working properly.

Release the Bundle

Now that your repository is closed and you've tested your artifacts (and you did test your artifacts, didn't you?), you have the option to Release, Promote, or Drop the repository


Choosing Release will finalize the artifacts and release them for public consumption on OSSRH. Choose this when the artifacts are ready to be deployed to concrete version.

NOTE: Make sure your artifacts are ready, as once they are released they are extremely difficult to remove, if not impossible.


Choosing Drop will remove this staging repository and delete the artifacts within. Choose this if a problem is found during testing and the artifacts need to be re-staged. 


In more complex setups, choosing Promote will supposedly "promote" your artifacts to a "Build Profile", enqueueing them for some larger build process before release. This option was unavailable to me, so I may be misinterpreting its use.

Enabling Maven Central Sync

If you've made it this far, then your artifacts are ready to be synchronized to Maven Central.

Don't forget to comment back on your OSSRH to enable Maven Central sync for your project's groupId.

NOTE: You will only need to perform this once per groupId, not per project

Potential Plugins of interest

Some plugins that might be worth looking into:

  • Maven Bundle Plugin, which supposedly helps to automate the process of creating a bundle.jar for upload
  • Maven Release Plugin or Nexus Staging Maven Plugin, which supposedly helps to automate the process of uploading, closing, and promoting uploaded bundles

For example:

Code Block
            <!-- More plugins... -->

			<!-- Maven Release Plugin -->

            <!-- More plugins... -->


Third-Party Dependencies

What do you do if one of your dependencies has not been uploaded to The Central Repository? All is not lost!

You could reach out to them to see if they are willing to perform the steps necessary to publish them, but it's unlikely that they will be open to this idea if it was not already in their plans, or if they don't use Maven at all..

If the project is open-source and accepts contributions, you could contribute a modified pom.xml allowing them to publish their artifacts to OSSRH or similar.

If you can obtain permission from the developers, they may allow you to publish it on their behalf:

  1. First and foremost, ask for the developers' permission to publish their code, consult the license, etc
    1. DO NOT publish another developer's code without their permission!
  2. Locate the source code (if possible)
    1. If found, generate a JAR containing the source code (don't forget to include the LICENSE, if necessary):

      Code Block
      jar -cvf indri-5.11-sources.jar *

    2. If found, generate JavaDoc HTML from the source code and bundle it into a separate JAR (don't forget to include the LICENSE, if necessary):

      Code Block
      mkdir -p ./target/javadoc
      javadoc -d ./target/javadoc lemurproject.indri
      cd target/javadoc
      jar -cvf indri-5.11-javadoc.jar *

      NOTE: Scala projects can supposedly skip this step

  3. Locate compiled binaries (you can choose to download them, or build them yourself if you are able)

  4. Author a simple POM for this dependency. Below is an example POM.xml that might be used for edu.illinois.lis.indri:

    Code Block
    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <name>Indri 5.11</name>
        <description>Indri is a text search engine developed at UMass. It is a part of the Lemur project.</description>
          <!-- Indri actually uses BSD-old / "original BSD", but its link is no longer available via
                 This is likely due to the controversy surrounding the 4th clause -->
          <connection>scm:svn: lemur-code</connection>
          <developerConnection>scm:svn: lemur-code</developConnection>
            <name>David Fisher</name>
            <organization>University of Massachusetts at Amherst</organization>
            <name>Stephen Harding</name>
            <organization>University of Massachusetts at Amherst</organization>
            <name>Cameron VandenBerg</name>
            <organization>Carnegie Mellon University</organization>

  5. Sign all artifacts with your GPG key (*.pom, *.jar, *-sources.jar, *-javadoc.jar):

    Code Block
    gpg -ab indri-5.11.pom
    gpg -ab indri-5.11.jar
    gpg -ab indri-5.11-sources.jar
    gpg -ab indri-5.11-javadoc.jar

    1. This will produce a *.asc file for each artifact

      Code Block
      lambert8:5.11 lambert8$ ls -al
      total 65168
      drwxr-xr-x  14 lambert8  staff       476 Jun  2 16:50 .
      drwxr-xr-x   5 lambert8  staff       170 Jun  2 15:48 ..
      -rw-r--r--   1 lambert8  staff     93941 Jun  2 15:18 indri-5.11-javadoc.jar
      -rw-r--r--   1 lambert8  staff       488 Jun  2 15:42 indri-5.11-javadoc.jar.asc
      -rw-r--r--   1 lambert8  staff  16384085 Jun  2 15:41 indri-5.11-sources.jar
      -rw-r--r--   1 lambert8  staff       488 Jun  2 15:42 indri-5.11-sources.jar.asc
      -rw-r--r--   1 lambert8  staff    259518 May 22 10:54 indri-5.11.jar
      -rw-r--r--   1 lambert8  staff       488 Jun  2 15:42 indri-5.11.jar.asc
      -rw-r--r--   1 lambert8  staff      2035 Jun  2 16:49 indri-5.11.pom
      -rw-r--r--   1 lambert8  staff       488 Jun  2 16:49 indri-5.11.pom.asc

  6. Bundle everything up and upload this bundle to the Staging repo in the same way as described above:

    Code Block
    jar -cvf indri-5.11-bundle.jar *.jar *.pom *.asc


Do the one-time steps:

  • Generate or import a PGP key
  • Upload your key to the keyserver
  • Create an account on OSSRH JIRA
  • Create New Project ticket

Add this to your pom.xml:

Code Block
Code Block
$ gpg --verify target/ir-utils-0.1.0.jar.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'target/ir-utils-0.1.0.jar'
gpg: Signature made Thu Jun  1 21:21:16 2017 CDT
gpg:                using RSA key <YOUR_KEY_ID_WHICH_WILL_BE_FAIRLY_LONG>
gpg: Good signature from "Craig Willis ( <>" [ultimate]
gpg:                 aka "Garrick Sherman ( <>" [ultimate]
gpg:                 aka "Mike Lambert ( <>" [ultimate]

This will output the signature data from the .asc file, which should give some confidence that the artifacts were not modified or replaced by a malicious party.

Bringing It All Together

If you followed all of the above steps, then running the following command should build up all of the necessary artifacts and deploy them to the appropriate repository:

Code Block
$ mvn clean package gpg:sign install:install deploy:deploy

This single command will:

  • Clear out your existing build artifacts
  • Compile and package up your code into a JAR
  • Generate JavaDoc from your project and package it as a JAR
  • Package up your source code as a JAR
  • Sign the JAR and POM files with your GPG key
  • Install the resulting artifacts into your local Maven cache
  • Deploy the resulting artifacts into the remote Nexus repository

Staging a New Release

Bundle your build artifacts (JAR / POM / ASC files) into a single bundle.jar to upload them to OSSRH staging:

Code Block
$ jar cvf bundle.jar *.pom *.jar *.asc

Then log into with your JIRA username / password and choose "Staging Upload" on the left side.

Choose "Artifact Bundle" from the dropdown, and select your bundle.jar for upload.

After uploading, select "Staging Repositories" on the left side, and locate your bundle in the list.

To abort the process, you can choose "Drop" to delete your staged bundle.

Select the repository and choose "Close" at the top. This will run a set of checks to verify that the artifacts are of sufficient quality to upload to Maven Central.

Insert snippet about Maven Release Plugin

Code Block
            <!-- More plugins... --><!-- More plugins... -->

            <!-- Maven GPG Plugin -->

			<!-- Maven JavaDoc Plugin -->

			<!-- Maven ReleaseSources Plugin -->
					<artifactId>maven-release-plugin</artifactId>	<phase>package</phase>
					<useReleaseProfile>false<	</useReleaseProfile>goals>

            <!-- More plugins... -->

Execute this:

Code Block
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
mvn   <!-- More plugins... -->

        </build>clean deploy

If all goes well, you should be prompted to enter the passphrase for your PGP key, and your artifacts should be deployed!

Common Problems

  • ioctl failed to allocate tty
    • Execute export GPG_TTY=$(tty) before executing
  • *.asc.asc files in target/ folder
    • GPG plugin is executing twice, double-check your POM settings against the command executed
    • NOTE: It is unnecessary to explicitly specify the gpg:sign or verify goals
  • HTTP 400
    • You are deploying a SNAPSHOT to a release repo, or vice versa