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Table of Contents

Clowder Spec

Latest Stable Tag: 0.9.2


Required Docker Images

The following images will be automatically pulled from Docker Hub if they are not present on your machine:

Docker Image Build

If you would rather build up your own version from source, rather than pulling from Docker Hub:

  • Clone the repository.
  • Change directories to dockerfiles and run the ./ command.
  • You should see the images start building from the Dockerfiles present.
  • Coming Soon: Core Extractors!
    • audio-preview
    • audio-speech2text
    • image-metadata
    • pdf-preview


WARNING: plantcv may take 10 - 25 minutes to complete its build. Plan accordingly.

Test Setup

Start Tool Server

  • Start up a new toolserver using the following command:
    • NOTE: Ensure that the image is tagged as ncsa/clowder-toolserver
      • This is a manual step until the image gets tagged and pushed to Docker Hub.
    • Save the Public IP of the node where this is running.

      Code Block
      docker run -d -p 8082:8082 --name toolserver

TODO: Update this

NDSLabs Test Cases


Start Tool Server

  • Start up a new toolserver using the following command:
    • NOTE: Ensure that the image is tagged as ncsa/clowder-toolserver
      • This is a manual step until the image gets tagged and pushed to Docker Hub.
    • Save the Public IP of the node where this is running.

      Code Block
      docker run -d -p 8082:8082 --name toolserver -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ndslabs/toolserver:terra toolserver

Start NDSLabs

Start up NDSLabs as described below:

Run the NDSLabs System Shell:




    •  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ndslabs/toolserver:0.9.2 toolserver

Start NDSLabs

  1. Start up NDSLabs as described below:

    • Run the NDSLabs System Shell:

      Code Block
      docker run  -it --volume=/:/rootfs:ro --volume=/sys:/sys:ro --volume=/var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:rw --volume=/var/lib/kubelet/:/var/lib/kubelet:rw --volume=/var/run:/var/run:rw --net=host --pid=host --privileged=true -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ndslabs/system-shell 
      Unable to find image 'ndslabs/system-shell:latest' locally
      latest: Pulling from ndslabs/system-shell
      ff12aecbe22a: Already exists
      287750ad6625: Already exists
      ca98bdf222fa: Already exists
      a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
      97ef68d67ea6: Pull complete
      8c53c989a967: Pull complete
      79d911a06f41: Pull complete
      807cecd8f466: Pull complete
      7f887f3746f8: Pull complete
      0cadab32de06: Pull complete
      aff97fd2a6c1: Pull complete
      Digest: sha256:4128fff8a0234ee6cc25d077b7f607358e681370e5a483b6c89fe1a3dfc3e77e
      Status: Downloaded newer image for ndslabs/system-shell:latest
      [root@default NDSLabsSystem ] / # 
  2. From the NDSLabsSystem shell:system-shell Unable to find image 'ndslabs/system-shell:latest' locally latest: Pulling from ndslabs/system-shell ff12aecbe22a: Already exists 287750ad6625: Already exists ca98bdf222fa: Already exists a3ed95caeb02: Already exists 97ef68d67ea6: Pull complete 8c53c989a967: Pull complete 79d911a06f41: Pull complete 807cecd8f466: Pull complete 7f887f3746f8: Pull complete 0cadab32de06: Pull complete aff97fd2a6c1: Pull complete Digest: sha256:4128fff8a0234ee6cc25d077b7f607358e681370e5a483b6c89fe1a3dfc3e77e Status: Downloaded newer image for ndslabs/system-shell:latest [root@default NDSLabsSystem ] / # From the NDSLabsSystem shell:
    • Start Kubernetes by running
      • This will pull the necessary Kubernetes images and start up a single-node (development) Kubernetes cluster.
    • Start NDSLabs by running
      • This will start the API Server and GUI in Kubernetes
      • NOTE: You may need to wait 30 seconds or more for the GUI server to start while npm and bower download the GUI's dependencies
    • Check the API server logs and verify that the specs were loaded correctly:
      • Code Block
        Cloning into '/specs'...
        I0325 01:52:58.670716      15 server.go:127] Starting NDS Labs API server (0.1alpha 2016-03-24 14:03)
        I0325 01:52:58.671129      15 server.go:128] etcd PRIVATE_IP:4001
        I0325 01:52:58.671145      15 server.go:129] kube-apiserver https://PRIVATE_IP:6443
        I0325 01:52:58.671159      15 server.go:130] volume dir /volumes
        I0325 01:52:58.671170      15 server.go:131] specs dir /specs
        I0325 01:52:58.671181      15 server.go:132] host PUBLIC_IP
        I0325 01:52:58.671192      15 server.go:133] port 8083
        I0325 01:52:58.671205      15 server.go:134] V1
        I0325 01:52:58.671216      15 server.go:135] V2
        I0325 01:52:58.671227      15 server.go:136] V3
        I0325 01:52:58.671237      15 server.go:137] V4
        I0325 01:52:58.671257      15 server.go:675] GetEtcdClient PRIVATE_IP:4001
        I0325 01:52:58.672692      15 server.go:165] Using local storage
        I0325 01:52:58.672746      15 server.go:175] CORS origin http://PUBLIC_IP:30000
        I0325 01:52:58.673061      15 server.go:276] Loading service specs from /specs
        I0325 01:52:58.673910      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/clowder/clowder.json
        I0325 01:52:58.674621      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/clowder/elastic.json
        I0325 01:52:58.675383      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/clowder/extractors/image-preview.json
        I0325 01:52:58.675999      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/clowder/extractors/plantcv.json
        I0325 01:52:58.676513      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/clowder/extractors/video-preview.json
        I0325 01:52:58.677121      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/clowder/mongo.json
        I0325 01:52:58.677516      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/clowder/rabbitmq.json
        I0325 01:52:58.678111      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/dataverse/dataverse.json
        I0325 01:52:58.679353      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/dataverse/postgres.json
        I0325 01:52:58.679768      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/dataverse/rserve.json
        I0325 01:52:58.680253      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/dataverse/solr.json
        I0325 01:52:58.682642      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/dataverse/tworavens.json
        I0325 01:52:58.684168      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/elk/elastic.json
        I0325 01:52:58.684700      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/elk/kibana.json
        I0325 01:52:58.685192      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/elk/logspout.json
        I0325 01:52:58.686697      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/elk/logstash.json
        I0325 01:52:58.689697      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/irods/cloudbrowser.json
        I0325 01:52:58.691582      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/irods/cloudbrowserui.json
        I0325 01:52:58.692906      15 server.go:1875] Adding /specs/irods/icat.json
        I0325 01:52:58.693939      15 server.go:283] Listening on PUBLIC_IP:8083
  3. You should now be able to reach the GUI by navigating to http://CLUSTER_IP:30000
  4. Create an account on the NDSLabs GUI as described below:
    1. GUI Test Cases: Create an Account

Test Cases

TERRA Clowder Configuration 


  • From the NDSLabs Dashboard, Click "View Logs" next to the Video Preview Extractor
    • The logs should will show that this extractor has ignored this file upload, since it is not a video file:
    • Code Block
      2016-03-27 00:40:30,299 INFO    : pika.adapters.base_connection - Connecting to
      2016-03-27 00:40:30,303 INFO    : pika.adapters.blocking_connection - Created channel=1
      2016-03-27 00:40:30,320 INFO    : pyclowder.extractors - Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C

Testing Text-Based Search (ElasticSearch)

  • Verify that elasticsearch is enabled by navigating to Clowder's endpoint
    • You should see elasticsearch: connected listed under the "plugins" section of http://YOUR_OPENSTACK_IP:30291/api/status
    • You should see a "Search" box at the top-right of the Clowder UI. This indicates that elasticsearch is enabled.
  • After uploading a file (as described above), attempt to search for the file extensions, such as "jpg" or "png".
    • You should see any matching file(s) that you have uploaded listed under the results of the search.

Testing the Tool Server

  • Navigate to the Dataset that you created above.
  • On the right side of the page, you should see the Tool Manager section.
  • Choose a tool (Jupyter / Rstudio) from the drop-down and press "Launch"
  • Once the image downloads and the container starts (this may take several minutes):
    • Rstudio:
      • Navigate to and log into the Rstudio instance
        • username: rstudio
        • password: rstudio
      • You should see the Dataset that you uploaded listed here
    • Jupyter:
      • Navigate to the Jupyter instance
      • You should see the Dataset that you uploaded listed here

Clowder Docker Images

Docker Image Build

  • Clone the repository.
  • Change directories to dockerfiles.
  • From dockerfiles, run the make command.
  • You should see the images start building from the Dockerfiles present.
  • Images that will be built include:
    • clowder
    • toolserver
    • extractors:
      • audio-preview
      • audio-speech2text
      • image-metadata
      • image-preview
      • pdf-preview
      • plantcv
      • video-preview



    • CTRL+C

Testing Text-Based Search (ElasticSearch)

  • Verify that elasticsearch is enabled by navigating to Clowder's endpoint
    • You should see elasticsearch: connected listed under the "plugins" section of http://YOUR_OPENSTACK_IP:30291/api/status
    • You should see a "Search" box at the top-right of the Clowder UI. This indicates that elasticsearch is enabled.
  • After uploading a file (as described above), attempt to search for the file extensions, such as "jpg" or "png".
    • You should see any matching file(s) that you have uploaded listed under the results of the search.

Testing the Tool Server

  • Navigate to the Dataset that you created above.
  • On the right side of the page, you should see the Tool Manager section.
  • Choose a tool (Jupyter / Rstudio) from the drop-down and press "Launch"
  • Once the image downloads and the container starts (this may take several minutes):
    • Rstudio:
      • Navigate to and log into the Rstudio instance
        • username: rstudio
        • password: rstudio
      • You should see the Dataset that you uploaded listed here
    • Jupyter:
      • Navigate to the Jupyter instance
      • You should see the Dataset that you uploaded listed here

Archived Test Cases

These test cases are kept for historical purposes and , but can be used to run and / test the Clowder stack in raw Kubernetes (without running NDSLabs).

Getting Started

Basic Clowder Startup 

  • Run . ./ with no arguments to spin up a vanilla Clowder, with only a MongoDB instance attached.
  • Navigate your browser to http://YOUR_OPENSTACK_IP:30291. You should see the Clowder homepage.
  • Verify MongoDB attachment by navigating to http://YOUR_OPENSTACK_IP:30291/api/status.
    • You should see mongodb: true listed under the "plugins" section.
