Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


New approach is as follows:


      • For services that are not implemented, provide an no-op implementation
      • Enabled/disabled, is it in the config? Is it a common trait and the ability to provide implementation class in config file?
    • ??? (Add by end of this week Nov. 1st)


  •  Elasticsearch upgrade
    • Pull request exists to upgrate 2.3.5 to 7.5 
  •  Modify code to be compatible with newer versions of Playframework. 4.0+
    • Should jump straight to 2.7 or 2.6. We need to figure out which one. 
      • Update to Play 2.8, Update Scala to 2.12, keep Casbah because now it supports 2.12
        • One branch we all work on to do this that will be broken for a while. We can make PRs but we can't run the code in progress.
    • Migrate authentication / authorization:
  •  New MongoDB implementation. This will be 3.0+.


      • .





  • How do tests factor in? can we start writing them before the refactoring? For example unit tests of services vs play scala tests of controllers actions.


  •  Enforce style as part of this process. Using IDE? We should look at what rules and style software to use.


Here is a list of plugins that, as of 1/6/2020, nobody has created a pull request yet to turn into a service. Can any be deleted or ignored, and who is doing them in what order? 

  • MailerPlugin (it was not clear if this plugin actually gets used to send email to me - Todd.)
  • PolyglotPlugin (pull request created, 27 Jan 20)
  • PostgresPlugin (removal added to remove geostreams pull request, 27 Jan 20)
  • RDFExporterPlugin 
  • RDFExportService (implements plugin)
    • Since the RDF endpoints have been removed, can the RDF plugins be removed as well? 
    • Pull request created for removing these plugins (note added - 1/15/2020)
  • SecureSocialTemplatesPlugin
  • SpaceCopyPlugin SpaceCopyPlugin 
    • Todd - will replace with value in conf. This plugin is simply enabled or not. (Pull request created)
  • SpaceSharingPlugin
    • Todd - will replace with value in conf, again, either enabled or not. (Pull request created)
  • StagingAreaPlugin
    • This plugin worked pretty much the same as SpaceCopy and SpaceSharing, so I replaced it with a value in the application.conf in the same pull request as those 2 plugins. (Todd, 1/7/2020). 
  • TempFilesPlugin
  • ToolManagerPlugin
    • Removed by Todd (pull request now open)
  • VersusPlugin
    • Beginning this week (todd, 22 Jan 2020)


Sbt migration:

Play 2.8 Upgrade

  • Luigi started a Play 2.6 branch in progress - Will merge this in our current 2.0