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    • Cluster has been deployed for Phenome 2017 workshop on 2/10. Everything looks OK so far.
    • Unclear what the possibility is with UW?
  • Discussed DataDNS
    • Reviewed diagram in proposal and initial summary
    • First steps toward DataDNS will be design tasks
  • Discussed workbench for researchers
    • Can we generalize the platform and rename (e.g., Project X) such that is "Powered by Project X"?
    • We know that Project X can already be used as a platform for workshops and training
    • Can Project X be used to replace the TERRA toolserver? If so, it can serve as an analysis environment platform for DataDNS?
    • Can Project X be extended to support the John Zuhone use case? 1) a way to develop a data portal near the data (uses current developer support) and 2) a way to deploy the data portal near the data.
    • Can Project X be used to host the active data (e.g., Clowder/Girder) environments at HPC sites?
    • If yes, then "Workbench" can evolve to be a central component of DataDNS


Mike, Kenton, David, Craig, Christine


  • Direction on where we're going next
  • Talk about rollout plan for workbench
  • Priorities:
    • Funding
    • Communicate value to the community
  • Looking at our goals, there are two things the next sprint should cover:
    • Get workbench running on SDSC for the iSchool pilot
    • Start working toward DataDNS


iSchool pilot

  • Pilot application should be coming based on NDSC6 subgroup considering workbench as a learning platform
  • Likely for March/April semester
  • Get in touch with pilot applicant
    • Try and scope things out expectations
    • Contact Kevin as a good source about supporting classes (e.g., issues with add/drop)
  • Likely run like tutorial but
    • Needs to stay stable for 10-11 weeks
    • Need help saving their stuff (instance crashes, instability)
  • Action:
    • Contact UW group
    • Contact Kevin about course support
  • Takeaway:  Workbench as learning platform



  • Workbench as platform for workforce education
  • Action:
    • Still in early contact phase


  • What can we do to start working on DataDNS?
  • Kandace tasked with breaking DIBBs proposal into sprints/tasks.
  • Discussed ideas from earlier meeting:
    • Workbench as toolserver for DataDNS
    • Workbench for researchers
    • Hard questions:
      • Does this help us get more funding?
      • Defer to group
  • Discussion of funding opportunities
    • SI2 mid tier
    • NIH solicitations
    • DOE
    • NASA
  • Priorities:
    • Workbench as a learning platform
      • What does this mean?
      • ACTION: Look at Elasticbox (David) – should we give up?
    • DataDNS
    • #1 Crawling/indexing/learning service (search engine?)
      • Probably the easier one to monetize 
      • Filling some kind of niche no one else is
      • It does something novel and new
      • It strikes at the heart of DataDNS
      • Mess of data floating around
    • #2 Moving analysis to data
      • Within the astronomical community is pretty exciting


  • Communication plan
    • Will write a blog post to go up on the website and gets emailed (on the trello cards)
  • Success stories
    • iSchool story
    • Phenome workshop (picture + what we did)
    • Quote from Odum for past work?
  • Rollout plan
    • More concerned about iSchool pilot than beta release
    • "Public" instance is important to share with external stakeholders
    • Mike to write two paragraphs about beta release by end of next week
  • Discussion of software beta versus service betae
    • In the end, we need both.  Service as a demonstration of the software.
    • We need to announce something in the next week or two
      • Beta plan
      • Phenome 
      • etc.
    • Set some goals about what we'd show at NDSC workshop