Versions Compared


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  • Custom catalog of tools supported for the environment as well as user-defined catalogs
  • User accounts that can be created without requiring registration (API). For example, shared auth with Clowder for TERRA-REF.
  • Authentication that ties to existing systems (e.g., Shibboleth, Oauth)
  • Long-term stable and scalable resources. Ability to add/remove nodes as needed.
  • Ability to terminate long-running containers to reclaim resources
  • Custom documentation and branding, although the UI itself may be optional
  • Ability to mount data stored on remote systems (e.g., ROGER) as read-only and possibly read-write scratch space
  • Ability to add data to a running container, retrieved from a remote system?
  • Clear REST API to
    • List tools; list environments for a user; launch tools; stop tools;
  • Security/TLS/vulnerability assessment

Another case coming out of the Phenome conference is the possibility of using workbench to provide R/Jupyter support for Cyverse:

"I am very interested in setting up the CyVerse DataStore with iRODS on the Workbench. CyVerse has been talking for months about integrating Jupyter and RStudio into our ecosystem. The Labs workbench appears to be just the sort of thing we (or at least, I) need."

The Cyverse Data Store supports iRODS iCommands, FUSE,  or an API ( We can envision several approaches: 1) Workbench mounts the Cyverse data directly; 2) Workbench mounts data via iRods; 3) Workbench retrieves data via API.

Platform for the development and deployment of research data portals


  • Ability to develop data portal using common tools (e.g., development environments or portal toolkits)
  • Ability to deploy (host) data portal services "near" datasets (e.g., ythub)
  • Security (TLS)
  • Monitoring (Nagios)
  • Custom DNS entries (
  • Optional authentication into portal services (i.e., restricting access to service from end users)



Current features/components
