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BD-base runs the necessary dockerized Brown Dog Data Transformation Services (Clowder, Polyglot, Fence, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Redis, an example extractor, an example converter, and the BD CLI) and combines them into one integrated program.    You can get the BD-base by cloning the repo:

git clone

or download the VM and run it:

After downloading BD-


base, users can simply run the bash script


in the command-line to start up the BD


development base.

Code Block

The BD-


base script will split your terminal into panes and start each of the services needed for the  Brown Dog


DTS.  This provides a useful and convenient way to view the logs of running services in panes. 

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Users can switch between panes using Tmux commands.


The panes are as follows: Fence (top), Clowder (middle-left), example extractor (middle-right), Polyglot (middle-left), example convert (middle-right), and the BD CLI (bottom).  Users can run BDCLI commands to interact with Brown Dog Data Transformation Services (


There is an example to perform a conversion from jpg to bmp.


username: bd, password: browndog):

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Here we described the process for taking a working piece of code and deploying it as a Brown Dog extractor.  It is assumed that the method can be invoked from a single call.  In this example, we are using the python extractor wrapper and will invoke a python function.  In a very similar fashion, a method developed in a language other than python can be invoked using subprocess.
