Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  - name: nfs
      server: <NFS_SERVER_IP>
      path: /

Dynamic Volumes with the NFS Client Provisioner

For an easy way to get up and running serving shared volumes on Kubernetes from an existing NFS server, check out the nfs-client provisioner.


For more details, see


In-Cluster Server Example

Following this example, I was able to easily get an NFS server pod running within a Kubernetes 1.9 cluster.


Code Block
# Create some duplicate pods consuming the same NFS mount
ubuntu@mltf-master:~/kubernetes-nfs-server$ kubectl create -f web-pod2.yaml -f web-pod3.yaml 
pod "web2" created
pod "web3" created

# Wait for containers to start
ubuntu@mltf-master:~/kubernetes-nfs-server$ kubectl get pods -o wide
NAME               READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE       IP           NODE
nfs-server-wc8h6   1/1       Running             0          49m   mltf-storage0
web                1/1       Running             0          39m   mltf-storage1
web2               0/1       ContainerCreating   0          8s        <none>       mltf-storage0
web3               0/1       ContainerCreating   0          8s        <none>       mltf-worker0

# Verify that the file created inside of our original web pod (running on "storage1") also shows up here
ubuntu@mltf-master:~/kubernetes-nfs-server$ kubectl exec -it web2 -- cat /usr/share/nginx/html/pod-write
asdf 1234 Hello, World!
ubuntu@mltf-master:~/kubernetes-nfs-server$ kubectl exec -it web3 -- cat /usr/share/nginx/html/pod-write
asdf 1234 Hello, World!

Dynamic Volumes using the NFS Provisioner



Congratulations! Wasn't that easy?

Testing it Out

A simple test case for consuming a dynamic PVC can be found below:
