Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Using Python Requests

Get all sensors and save as csv

Code Block
titleGet All Sensors
import requests
import json
import csv
from csv import DictWriter

api_server = r""
output_directory = r"downloads"

sensors = requests.get(api_server + "/api/sensors").json()["sensors"]

with open(output_directory + '/gltg_sensors.csv', 'w') as f:
    fieldnames = [
        'source','name','location', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'max_end_time', 'min_start_time',
        'parameters' , 'huc8', 'huc_name', 'online_status'

    writer = DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames)

    n_sensors = 0
    n_sensors_pos = 0
    for sensor in sensors:
        n_sensors += 1
        parameters_list = []
        for param in sensor['parameters']:
            if param in ['owner','source','unit_code']:
            if param[-3:] != "-qc":
                parameters_list.append(param + ',\n')
        parameters = "".join(parameters_list)

        huc8 = None
        if 'code' in sensor['properties']['huc']['huc8']:
            huc8 = sensor['properties']['huc']['huc8']['code']
            huc8 = sensor['properties']['huc']['huc8']

        if len(parameters) == 0:
            n_sensors_pos += 1

            "source": sensor['properties']['type']['title'],
            "name": sensor['name'],
            "location": sensor['properties'].get('location', ""),
            'longitude': str(sensor['geometry']['coordinates'][0]),
            'latitude': str(sensor['geometry']['coordinates'][1]),
            'max_end_time': sensor.get('max_end_time',''),
            'min_start_time': sensor.get('min_start_time',''),
            'parameters': parameters,
            'huc8': huc8,
            'huc_name': sensor['properties']['huc'].get('huc_name',''),
            'online_status': sensor['properties'].get('online_status',"")
print("Sensors skipped " + str(n_sensors_pos) + " of Sensors total " + str(len(sensors)))

Get Datapoints by Sensor ID 

We request that a user not try to pull all datapoints concurrently.  It is preferred that datapoints be pulled in series by sensor id.

Code Block
titleDownload JSON of datapoints by Sensor ID
import requests
import json

sensor_id = 22
api_server = r""
output_directory = r"downloads"
user = {'identifier': '***email***', 'password': '***password***'}

r = + '/api/authenticate', data=json.dumps(user), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
print("Authentication status:", r.status_code, "for", api_server)
headers = {"x-auth-token": r.headers["x-auth-token"], "Content-Encoding": "application/json"}

route = api_server + "/api/datapoints?sensor_id=" + str(sensor_id)

r = requests.get(route, headers=headers)

with open(output_directory + '/datapoints_sensor_' + str(sensor_id) + '.json', 'w') as f:
    f.write(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=2))
print("Route: " + route)
print("Request Status:", str(r.status_code))
print("Number of datapoints:", len(r.json()))
print("Datapoint JSON saved to " + output_directory + '/datapoints_sensor_' + str(sensor_id) + '.json')

Code Block
titleDownload Datapoints as CSV by Sensor ID
import requests
import json

sensor_id = 22
api_server = r""
output_directory = r"downloads"
user = {'identifier': '***email***', 'password': '***password***'}

r = + '/api/authenticate', data=json.dumps(user), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
print("Authentication status:", r.status_code, "for", api_server)
headers = {"x-auth-token": r.headers["x-auth-token"], "Content-Encoding": "application/json"}

route = api_server + "/api/datapoints?sensor_id=" + str(sensor_id) + "&format=csv"

r = requests.get(route, headers=headers)

with open(output_directory + '/datapoints_sensor_' + str(sensor_id) + '.csv', 'w') as f:

print("Route: " + route)
print("Request Status:", str(r.status_code))
print("Datapoint JSON saved to " + output_directory + '/datapoints_sensor_' + str(sensor_id) + '.csv')

Jupyter Notebook 

Jupyter notebook example can be downloaded here geostreams_jupyter.ipynb