Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Code Block
titleProcessing the Job
public File processJob(ExtractionJob receivedMsg) throws Exception{"Downloading text file with ID "+ receivedMsg.getIntermediateId() +" from " + receivedMsg.getHost());
  callingExtractor.sendStatus(receivedMsg.getId(), callingExtractor.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Downloading text file.", log);
  DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
  HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(receivedMsg.getHost() +"api/files/"+ receivedMsg.getIntermediateId()+"?key="+playserverKey);    
  HttpResponse fileResponse = httpclient.execute(httpGet);;
  if(fileResponse.getStatusLine().toString().indexOf("200") == -1){
    throw new IOException("File not found.");
  HttpEntity fileEntity = fileResponse.getEntity();
  InputStream fileIs = fileEntity.getContent();
  Header[] hdrs = fileResponse.getHeaders("content-disposition");
  String contentDisp = hdrs[0].toString();
  String fileName = contentDisp.substring(contentDisp.indexOf("filename=")+9);
  File tempFile = File.createTempFile(fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")),      fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".")).toLowerCase());
  OutputStream fileOs = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);   
  "Download complete. Initiating word count generation");
  File textFile = processFile(tempFile, receivedMsg.getId());  
  return textFile;       
Code Block
titleProcessing the file
private File processFile(File tempFile, String originalFileId) throws Exception  {
    Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
    Process p;     // Process tracks one external native process
    String tempDir = System.getProperty("");
    if (new Character(tempDir.charAt(tempDir.length()-1)).toString().equals(System.getProperty("file.separator")) == false){
      tempDir = tempDir + System.getProperty("file.separator");
    String processCmd = "";
    String operSystem = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();

	// TODO: windows impl
    if(operSystem.indexOf("nix") >= 0 || operSystem.indexOf("nux") >= 0 || operSystem.indexOf("aix") > 0 ){
      "wc -w " + tempDir +  tempFile.getName();
    p = r.exec(processCmd, null, new File(tempDir));
    StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(p.getInputStream(), "INFO", log);
    StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(p.getErrorStream(),"ERROR", log);
    File outFile = new File(tempDir + tempFile.getName().substring(0, tempFile.getName().lastIndexOf(".")) + ".txt");
      throw new Exception("File not processed correctly. File is possibly corrupt.");
  return outFile;




Code Block
titleConnecting to RabbitMQ
#include <amqpcpp.h>

namespace CPPExample {

  class RabbitMQConnectionHandler : public AMQP::ConnectionHandler {
      *  Method that is called by the AMQP library every time it has data
      *  available that should be sent to RabbitMQ. 
      *  @param  connection  pointer to the main connection object  
      *  @param  data        memory buffer with the data that should be sent to RabbitMQ
      *  @param  size        size of the buffer
     virtual void onData(AMQP::Connection *connection, const char *data, size_t size)
         // @todo 
         //  Add your own implementation, for example by doing a call to the
         //  send() system call. But be aware that the send() call may not
         //  send all data at once, so you also need to take care of buffering
         //  the bytes that could not immediately be sent, and try to send 
         //  them again when the socket becomes writable again

      *  Method that is called by the AMQP library when the login attempt 
      *  succeeded. After this method has been called, the connection is ready 
      *  to use.
      *  @param  connection      The connection that can now be used
      virtual void onConnected(Connection *connection)
         // @todo
         //  add your own implementation, for example by creating a channel 
         //  instance, and start publishing or consuming

      *  Method that is called by the AMQP library when a fatal error occurs
      *  on the connection, for example because data received from RabbitMQ
      *  could not be recognized.
      *  @param  connection      The connection on which the error occured
      *  @param  message         A human readable error message
      virtual void onError(Connection *connection, const std::string &message)
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation, for example by reporting the error
        //  to the user of your program, log the error, and destruct the 
        //  connection object because it is no longer in a usable state

