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SEAD's Clowder component has a service api that allows you to read/write/annotate/tag/delete datasets and collections (among other things). These services are used within SEAD's bulk upload/sync command line tool and can be called from Curl or your own code to allow your application to read/write directly to/from Clowder spaces.


java -cp sead2.3.jar org.sead.uploader.clowder.SEADUploader <-listonly> <-limit=<X>> <-skip=<n>> <-verify> <-ex<Y>> ex=<Y>> <-key=<apiKey>> <-forcenew> -server=<serverUrl> -id=<id> <directories list...>


-skip=<n>: skip the first <n> files found on disk before starting to check whether files exist on the server and uploading those that are not yet in SEAD (any required collections will be automatically created)

-ex<Y>ex=<Y>: exclude any file that matches the provided regular expression pattern, e.g. -ex^ex=^\..*  (exlude files that start with a period) -ex*.txt (exclude all files ending in .txt). Multiple repeats of this flag can be used to exclude based on multiple patterns.


-id=<id>: if you know a dataset exists, specifying it's id here will improve performance as the uploader won't have to scan through all datasets to find it.

serverUrl-server=<serverUrl>: the base URL of the SEAD/Clowder server  you're interacting with, e.g.  -server=


java -cp sead2.3.jar org.sead.uploader.clowder.SEADUploader -listonly listonly -server= mydir


java -cp sead2.3.jar org.sead.uploader.clowder.SEADUploader SEADUploader -server= mydir

 Using SEAD's 2.0 instance, create a 'mydir' Dataset in your account on and create Folders and Files for all contained items. Each File will be annotated with metadata indicating the original path (user metadata: "instanceOf ( with the value /mydir for the mydir directory in this example and /mydir/<relative path> for all Files). Note that if this command is run without the -merge flag, it will create a new Dataset and upload all folders and files again, even if a Dataset already exists from a prior run (which is not usually what you'd want). -merge makes the Uploader check for an existing Dataset and only uploads missing content, or folders/files added to your local directory since the last upload.

java -cp sead2.3.jar org.sead.uploader.clowder.SEADUploader -limit100 -limit100 server= mydir

 Using SEAD's 2.0 instance, locate/create a 'mydir' Dataset in your account on and create Folders and Files for the first 100 contained items. Running the command again will add the next 100 items (becasue of the -merge flag it will find/skip the ones already uploaded). 

java -cp sead2.3.jar org.sead.uploader.clowder.SEADUploader -verify -verify server= mydir

 Using SEAD's 2.0 instance, verify that all files previously uploaded to SEAD 2 are exactly the same as those on your disk.  Since SEAD 2 currently calculates hash values with a delay, the -verify flag should be added on a second run of the Uploader.


If you experience problems with using the SEADUploader, please contact SEAD at and we will be happy to walk you through the steps.