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WhoMonday (Or Tuesday this week) - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo
  • Update JIRA tasks with estimates for IMLCZO and GLTG
  • Create Sprints for IMLCZO and assign tasks
  • Make progress on first sprint for IMLCZO 1.1 Release
Edgar F. Black
  • Continue implementing remote running of PEcAn models
    • Install and verify SIPNET model on host (local) machine
    • Install and verify SIPNET model on remote cluster machine
    • if possible repeat previous two steps using other PEcAn Models
  • MSC
    • for Chicago data: study the possibility of "decision trees" to discover interesting relationship in the data
    • for Miami team: waiting for outline of journal paper to write.
  • PEcAn models
    • SIPNET model installed and tested on host (local) machine
    • SIPNET model installed and tested on remote machine
    • ED2.2 r46 model installation failed in host (local) machine
      • compilation errors: header files not found
    • ED2.2 r82 model installation failed in host (local) machine
      • compilation errors: header files not found
  • MSC
    • No progress with respect to Chicago data
Mario Felarca
  • Make switch over to IntelliJ for development environment
  • Bugfix regarding comment text - review, attempt to duplicate, fix
  • Review Chosen API for necessary callbacks to hook into
    • Update user lists for roles dynamically as users are added and removed
Rob Kooper
  • vacation
  • SEAD
    • create roles if none exist
    • merge branches
Jong Lee
  • CyberSEES
    • Administrations such as budgets and proj management
    • Reviewing collected User Story
    • Attending task meetings to define the tasks for NIST-CORE v1 regarding 6 mo milestone
      • Preparing presentations to explain current Ergo capability regarding the task group
    • Reviewing geotools upgrade
    • Helping new hire in terms of technology
    • Revising Joint Lab agreements
    • Preparing August meeting at NCSA
  • BrownDog
    • Reviewing the error Smruti Padhy's execution of the student's ArcGIS script code regarding NDVI
    • Budget
    • Prepared a presentation for transportation group
Rui Liu
  • Traveling to Washington DC for presentation - Earthcube All Hands Meeting
Kenton McHenry
  • Interviews
  • Budgets
  • NCSA organization
  • Staff evaluations
  • USDA proposal
  • BD JIRA tasks
Luigi Marini
  • Traveling to Washington DC for presentation - Earthcube All Hands Meeting
Christopher Navarro
  • NIST - meet with Yong Wook and Omar to give Ergo overview, meet with Christine to discuss Tornado scenario event algorithm, NIST conf calls
  • MSR - review issue Fernando is having with a DW workflow
  • CyberSEES - meeting to discuss IUHM model, meeting with Tingting to discuss workflow needs for a web app she's working on
  • Browndog -Finish editing DW tools
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. Continue with the Data Ingestion, MWRD-114MWRD-116, work on functionality - workflow management and return fields, errors and text for our next June 9 meeting
  2. Documentation for the data Ingestion per Barbara's request MWRD-152
  3. Format values and change icons of the Backflow layer, MWRD-153
  4. Slides for Chicago meeting on Wednesday, May 27, MWRD-154





Smruti Padhy
  • Tuesday off
  • IEEE Big data paper sections- DTS and Tools Catalogue
  • Follow up with Rui on Hands on VM Elasticity
  • Arranging BD Use case meeting
  • Tuesday off
  • Tools Catalogue Section(Done)
  • DTS Section(In Progress)
  • Copied all test and plot data for VM elasticity
  • BD Use case Meeting arranged
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • Complete MMBD-1823
  • Apply unique colors to different bounding boxes
  • Get started with tasks for using shared queue in VAT gateway
Eugene Roeder
  • Write list and remove routes for the Preview end point (MMDB-1846)
  • Write test cases for list and remove route for Preview end point (MMDB-1846)
  • Complete cleanup of files from API Test Suite
    • Thumbnails file cleanup was submitted (MMDB-1845)
    • Previews file cleanup is tied to MMDB-1846
  • Continue work on Collections Controller/HTML test cases 
  • Shooting to finalize all controller test cases by June 15
Inna Zharnitsky
  • Finish download As functionality
  • Clean up the code
  • Make a pull request
Marcus Slavenas
  • GLTG - JIRA tasks
  • BrownDog - handwriting recognition investigation
Indira Gutierrez Polo


  • Use custom created roles in Spaces.
    serverOpenSource JIRA


  • Backbone.js tutorials


Jason Votava
  • Onboarding Omar
  • NIST change control process
  • Brown Dog JIRA check
  • MWRD proofreading/scheduling
  • Many NIST conference calls
  • Omar is good to go. Week 2 activities planned out (business cards, hopeful hardware)
  • GLTG task review went well. Added new confluence members
  • NIST organizational meetings progressing well. Meet with Water/Sewer team today.
Winston Jansz
  • SEAD - Clowder tasks. (Currently down with the ' flu, however.)
Yong Wook Kim
  • Finish ERGO tutorial

  • Work on ERGO-89

  • Work on ERGO-95
  • Meet Chris for understanding more about ERGO

  • Update ERGO tutorial

  • Help Omar for what I've learn so far

Omar Elabd  
