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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
Brock Angelo
  • GLTG:
    • Create release for demo on Thursday
    • Update production database with latest changes to dev
    • Scope out an estimate and start work on dynamic binning in compare view
  • IMCLZO / EarthCube
    • Update IMLCZO parameter config that Derek and I worked on
    • Work on a Sensor View page for showing metadata related to a sensor.
      • Experiment a bit with ways to organize the metadata between a collection, dataset and a sensor
  • Created pull request for configurable layer zooming
  • Started cleanup of USGS super-station data.
  • Started work on a sensor metadata view.
  • Started work on a script to add metadata for imlczo sensors and streams to the datasets.
Edgar F. Black 
  • MSC
    • The AJT paper was read by Jason, who provided some comment on grammar, figures positions, etc. It is getting ready to be sent to the researchers in Miami for comments.
    • New data monitor was received this week. Currently two subjects are under post-operation care.
    • HMMs for the two subjects were produced. The results, as well as some comments, were sent to the researchers in Miami.
    • Additional analyses obtained using body temperature or appetite as parameter instead of the regular parameters produced mixed results.
Rob Kooper
  • PEcAn
    • clean up scripts
  • SEAD
    • import data in sead3
    • All day meeting
  • BD
    • extractor migrations
  • PEcAn
    • Fixed script that loads the database
    • Added to web interface ability to specify remote folder
  • SEAD
    • Start to modify import to use JSON-LD
    • Excellent all day meeting
  • BD
    • dts-dev now using clowder-dev#dts


Jong Lee
  • USDA
Rui Liu
  • BD: Elasticity and Tool Catalog integration.
  • Earthcube: SAS unit annotation.
  • BD:
    • Elasticity and Tool Catalog integration: revised the design with Rob's suggestion and sent it out for review.
    • Migrated elasticity dts-dev instance after Rob changed its vhost and exchange.
  • Earthcube:
    • SAS unit annotation: done backend google-unit also. Finished a first attempt of frontend implementation of unit annotation with variable, showed to and discussed with Luigi. As he suggested, started a different implementation.
    • Discovered and volunteered to fix a bug where restarting Clowder would override the metadata definition changes a user made with the default values. CAT-294. Made a PR, updated it with Rob's comment.
Kenton McHenry
  • NDS Arch
  • NDS HR
  • MBDH
  • NDS Arch
  • NDS HR
  • MBDH
Christopher Navarro
  • NIST - review pull requests, review Tornado matlab code
  • BD - Need to discuss with Jong/Kenton/Rob next task, possibly DW with BD
  • CyberSEES - provide feedback on GI designer, help Barbara's student with DataWolf workflow
  • NIST - reviewed pull requests, reviewed Tornado scenario event matlab code, sent questions to author. Looked into library requirements for the tornado simulation
  • CyberSEES - provided feedback on GI Designer, helped Barbara's student with DataWolf workflow questions.
Luigi Marini
  • Review XRAC proposal
  • BD API gateway
  • Clowder new create dataset interface
  • SEAD 2.0 beta preparations
  • Clowder 1.0 RC
  • XRAC proposal reviewed
  • Spent one afternoon writing some simple finagle gateway endpoints for BD api gateway
  • Clowder new create dataset pull request created
  • Still need to spend more time on SEAD 2.0 beta and Clowder 1.0 RC
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. SEAD - version 3 - Normalize buttons links and icons (CATS-239)
  2. SEAD - more JIRA (CATS-236)
  3. MWRD - Storm identification (add name string to the database, DataWolf and javascript)
  1. DONE
  2. Started, progress. We have three different API calls which treat non-existent file id differently.
  3. Started, database and Javascript
Smruti Padhy 
  • BD
    • Started running the tool provided by Qina for Chi analysis. Found problem with the input data. Contacted Qina and had a meeting with her. We finally managed to have a correct input data and discussed on the approach for converting the tool to DTS extractor.
    • Tested the pyClowder library modifications to address the blocking connection and heart-baset issue, did code clean up and created a pull request
    • Cross-project group meeting with Praveen's group
  • Mon-Wed Vacation
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • BD
    • Fix issues with OpenCV installation in Greenfield and start running VAT running extractors
    • Continue with PyClowder HPC development after getting opinions about approaches
    • Try converting curved lines to straight lines
    • Look into text segmentation
  • BD
    • Worked on fixing opencv installation issues in Greenfield
    • Will reinstall everything from scratch on Monday based on information gathered this week (final try)
    • Worked on flattening scanned images
    • Started getting initial results
  • Looked into PyClowder pull request for resolving RabbitMQ heartbeat issue and tested the changes
Inna Zharnitsky
  • worked over the weekend, changed creating a new interface, now can delete a file and it;s NOT getting re-uploaded again (see notes for the last week).
  • Meet w/Kenton and get his feedback for the interface creating gui
  • make a two-step process to create a new interface
  • test and create a pull req
  • made changes to gui
  • created a pull req
  • edit interface - have DELETE button for each file
  • display interface - have DOWNLOAD button for each file

Marcus Slavenas
  • IARP
    • fix image fetcher for spaces
  • BrownDog
    • improvements to green index extractor
  • GLTG
    • continue usgs refactor
  • More time trying to get hardware up - little success
  • IARP
    • image fetcher - improvements for spaces
  • BD
    • green index csv
      • don't upload empty images
      • upload subset of images
    • green index circles
      • started work on xml file extractor that gets green index for circle around location - finished creating coordinate list based stepsize and radius
  • GLTG
    • push to prod
Indira Gutierrez Polo
  • SEAD

Add Https to post and matchmaker queries

Update Edit functionality for datasets and collections title and description.

  • CyberSEES

Modify Birdview editor based on feedback from Jong & Chris

  • SEAD

Update Edit functionality for datasets and collections title and description.

Review Pull Requests

Update missing list views

Fix Delete glyphicon for detaching dataset from collection.

  • CyberSEES

Modify Birdview editor based on feedback from Jong & Chris

Jason Votava
  • Brown Dog
    • Drafting for user survey
  • NIST
    • Bi-weekly reporting
  • MWRD
    • Follow up on data ingestion test
  • GLTG
    • Final work before EPA demo
  • NCSA
    • Onboarding group
  • Brown Dog
    • Survey ready for next review
  • NIST
    • reporting complete
    • starting leg work to plan thrust 2 workshop
  • MWRD
    • need to contact joe again
  • GLTG
    • planning for dec 7 and 17th demos
  • NCSA
    • SC15 booth retrospective
    • Onboarding document drafting
Yong Wook Kim
  • Fix raster data opacity issue
  • Fix map pane redraw error
  • Review pull requests
  • Review ERGO-331 Error in double buffer map rendering
  • Review ERGO-332 Update geotools from 14 beta to 14
  • Fixed ERGO-305 Input variable error with Earthquake pick map locator
  • Fixed ERGO-315 Raster dataset opacity error
Omar Elabd
  • Out Monday
  • Update Roadway Pull Request Package Names
  • Survey Compilation
  • RDF
  • Survey Compilation
  • Updated Roadway Pull Request
  • RDF Presentation
  • RDF
Yan Zhao
  • SEAD
    • metadata
  • MSC
    • svm on glom
  • SEAD
    • limit files listed in dataset page
    • a new page for listing files in dataset
    • fix width for Spaces/collections containing the dataset/collection. IN case the name of space/collection is to long.
    • edit curation name & decription
    • delete space's curation before deleting the space.
    • scroll to the error message in the page of select repository
    • review code.
  • MSC
    • prepare the samples for glomeruli
    • reuse the sample by rotate 90 degree and get a better result
    • code for generate positive/ negativesamples from mask

Maxwell Burnette


  • Meeting w/ Danforth on Tuesday
  • Get BETYdb instance up and running
  • Work through use cases for Clowder -> BETY transfer, using CSVs for bulk upload


  • Installed BETYdb locally
  • Danforth meeting for TERRA
  • Completed rough implementation of new API endpoint for bulk file + metadata uploads in single call