Versions Compared


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  1. MongoDB must be running first
  2. Optional - If you intend on using search:
    1. Start ElasticSearch?
  3. Optional - If you intend on using extractors:
    1. Next, start the RabbitMQ
    2. Start Then, start any extractors that you want
  4. Finally, start Clowder itself


kubectl scale --current-replicas=1 --replicas=2 rc clowder-image-preview

NOTE: --current-replicas is optional, but highly recommended when scaling down a controller.

NOTE: --replicas=0 is an acceptable value, allowing you to start a controller without starting its pods right away.

Hot-swapping Extractors

Using the "Pseudo Pod Restart" technique requires a Replication Controller enforcing a particular pod configuration. Simply take the RC name (clowder-clowder) and the current number of replicas as N and use the command below:

kubectl scale --current-replicas=N --replicas=N rc clowder-clowder

As you bring up and take down extractors, they will (every few minutes or so) automagically register / unregister themselves from Clowder. Based on the behavior, this is likely done via a polling process. 

If you are trying to modify which extractors you are currently using, be sure to give Clowder up to 15 minutes to discover the changeNOTE: In order to avoid needlessly changing the current configuration, we recommend fixing --replicas == --current-replicas, but this need not be true if you intend to scale up the controller anyways.