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SEAD's restful service api (see ) allows you to read/write/annotate/tag/delete datasets and collections (among other things). These services are used within SEAD's bulk upload/sync command line tool and can be called from Curl or your own code to allow your application to read/write directly to/from ACR spaces.

The sead1.22b.jar file mentioned in the text is available at :,20092015:data_Xd-1M4dPa7RNqXh3zuiKXQ Loxx_jF8tEE_oU0mq4f3bw

SEAD's google id for devices is in sead-google.json


The uploader is invoked as

java -cp sead1.22b.jar org.sead.acr.client.SEADUploader <-listonly> <-merge> <-limit<X>> <-ex<Y>> <serverUrl> <directories/files list...>


directories/files lists - a list of one or more directory or file names the Uploader should work on. The Uploader will recurse (depth first) through the files and subdirectories contained within any listed directory.


java -cp sead1.22b.jar org.sead.acr.client.SEADUploader -listonly http mydir

Check ./mydir and list all collections and datasets that would be created without the -listonly flag

java -cp sead1.22b.jar org.sead.acr.client.SEADUploader http mydir


Note that if this command is run a second time, new collections and datasets will be created - probably not what you'd want. Instead use:

java -cp sead1.22b.jar org.sead.acr.client.SEADUploader -merge http mydir

This command will only create collections and datasets that have not previously been uploaded. (The "instanceOf" metadata is used to identify matching items, so starting with the same directory on your disk is required (i.e. starting up or down one directory will result in new uploads))

java -cp sead1.22b.jar org.sead.acr.client.SEADUploader -merge -limit100 http mydir

Upload a maximum of 100 datasets (files) and only create the collections (directories) required. Using this command repeatedly (with the -merge flag) will upload the next 100 datasets, so repeated use will eventually upload all datasets, as though the limit flag had not been used. Since this mode (with -merge and -limit) requires the Uploader to check for existing files to identify where to begin, it will be slower than not using the -limit switch.

java -cp sead1.22b.jar org.sead.acr.client.SEADUploader -merge http file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt


To acquire a Google access token, invoke the following tool:

java -cp sead1.22b.jar org.sead.acr.client.SEADGoogleLogin 
