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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
  • BD
    • Continue working on DAP endpoint
    • Review pull requests
  • NIST
    • Continue working on version 2
  • Ergo
    • Answer email questions
  • BD
    • Continued working on DAP endpoint
  • NIST
    • Fixed bug with PGV ground motion not being scaled for soil conditions (Ergo)
    • Updated datawolf bug fix for handling multiple files per dataset, including potential name collisions (e.g. dataset contains multiple files with the same name)
  • Ergo
    • Answered user questions and fixed PGV bug (see above) found by the researcher
  • Other - Vacation day Monday
  • worked on rewriting the message validation system with XML. Our earlier XML doesn’t handle recursive tree-like structure and I wrote the whole thing and it is now more robust.
  • I also get to play around with OpenSplice, which is a Data Distribution Service.
  • My win for this week is getting to understand OpenSplice more. I have been reading documentations on it and playing around with it.
  • Sucks - missed meeting because car died - Having to wait for AAA really sucks. They always take an hour to process and come. 
  • GLM
    • Zooplankton Parser
    • Training Materials
  • BD Polyglot information loss planning
  • BD tasks on Polyglot/BDFiddle
  • BD code reviews
  • NCSA Hosted dataset planning
  • EZID followup
  • Final NDSC6 prep
  • ICI Career paths for Research Programmers
  • BD Polyglot information loss planning
  • Polyglot endpoint to get path
  • BD code reviews
  • EZID followup
  • Final NDSC6 prep
  • ICI Career paths for Research Programmers
  • ESIG presentation
  • HR
  • UIUC
    • ethics training
  • BD
    • jupyter server - pass input file to jupyter server
  • GLTG
    • continue running usgs sites
    • look into slowness of production site
    • prepare for advisory meeting
      • update source list
  • monday off


  • Add polygon support to geostreams API
  • Add collection extractor support


  • deploy FLIR extractor
  • talk w/ cyberGIS about scheduling hyperspectral extractor on large compute nodes (~256 GB RAM)
  • documentation
  • Jira
  • created FLIR extractor VM and deployed extractor code
  • finishing up geospatial metadata extractor
  • discussion with Yan L. about roger qsub scheduling
  • wrote Extractor Development page, work ongoing: Extractor Development
  • TERRA sprint planning
  • pyClowder 2 pull requests
    • local path mounting
    • error queue for failed extractions
  •  MDF - 2016-10-10+Kickoff
    • finish (finally) handout flier
    • start metadata description again
    • NDS/MDF web page
  • MWRD - presentation Friday, new NEXRAD data, refactor storm code, new libraries
  • PEcAn
  • LSST
    • swimlanes
    • orchistration
  • BD
    • pytest
  • PEcAn
    • THREDDS server up and running, returning pecan results
  • BD
    • pytest up and running, configured people, disabled old test emails
  • BD
    • Brown Dog sprint tasks
    • Start with deployment tasks in Bridges
  • Clowder bug fixes for release 1.0
  • Find and fix issues with VAT extractor failing on some videos
  • BD
    • Worked on couple of tasks for the sprint
    • Started with deployment tasks in Bridges
  • Fixed a Clowder bug for release 1.0
  • Worked on identifying VAT extractor issue
  • Monday off
  • BD
    • signup process for BD
    • feed back on bdfiddle
    • prepare for pecam dockerization.
  • seagrant
    • GLENDA parser
  • Create zonal aggregation python script for Harvey's group
  • Work on INCORE-V2
  • Made python script for zonal aggregation using fiona and shapely
  • Testing React for INCORE version 2