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This article provides the step-by-step instructions to download a template Brown Dog converter, customize it, test it and contribute a new converter to the repository.

Step 1. Set up environment to run the Brown Dog template converter project 

  1. Install Docker.
    For different OS, installation steps will be different.

          For Mac OS X, follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the link:

          Note: The steps work even if you have pre-installed virtualbox. Make sure that you close virtual box before starting the installation procedure.


       2. Click on the icon for the Quickstart Terminal window to launch it from the Application/Docker folder.  Verify the installation by running the hello-world container.

        $docker run hello-world

            If Quickstart Terminal startup script did not configure the shell correctly, you may get message “docker: cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?.”

            The following commands to configure the shell:

$docker-machine env default

$eval $(docker-machine env default)

            Now, you should be able to run hello-world container.

            For some common troubleshooting during installation can be found here :

            Creation, Run and Deletion of Docker machine/container using bash shell can be found here:

            Note: You do not need superuser/root privileges to install Docker.


Step 2. Download the template project from the NCSA opensource repository

The template-converter directory consists of one file (docker-compose.yml), and one sub-directory, example-server , with two files: Dockerfile and


Step 3: Launching the development set up environment

  • Change to the template-converter directory:

$cd template-converter

  • Run the docker-compose.yml:

       $docker-compose up

Docker Compose obtains the ncsa/polyglot-server image, mongodb image and rabbitmq from docker Hub, builds, launches these services within different containers and links them.

Step 4: Testing the example-server

  • Open another docker terminal

                  Open Kitematic, press button 'DOCKER CLI' in bottom-left corner

  • Change to the example-server directory:

     $cd example-server

  • Make sure the permission for is 755.

 $chmod 755

  • Build and launch the example software server with the converter

 $docker build –t example-server .

 $docker run --rm -t -i --link polyglot_rabbitmq_1:rabbitmq example-server

  • Check in the browser, you should be able to see the test-endpoints of polyglot server.

TODO: Redirection to Software Server IP:8182 not working because of the internal/private IP within Docker machine.

Step 5: Modifying the template and creating your own converter

    • Create a directory for your converter outside the directory of example-server

 $mkdir mysoftwareserver

    •  Change to the directory and copy the files from example-server to current directory       

$cd mysoftwareserver

$cp –R /path/to/template-converter/example-server .

  • Rename the


  • Modify the  using any editor (e.g. vim). A simple example is shown below:


Example conversion script
#ImageMagick (v6.5.2)
#png bmp foobar

output_filename=$(basename "$2")

#Output PGM files as ASCII
if [ "$output_format" = "pgm" ]; then
  convert "$1" -compress none "$2"
  convert "$1" "$2"

Line 2 : Change ImageMagick to MyTool

Line 4 :  Replace foobar with gif

Line 5:  Add ico

Then save the file.

A detail document explaining how to write converter for any tool can be found here:

  • Modify Dockerfile file using any editor (e.g. vim):

1 # Create softwareserver for polyglot.
2 FROM ncsa/polyglot-server:latest
3 MAINTAINER Rob Kooper <>
5 USER root
6 # - install requirements
7 # - enable shellscripts to be scanned
8 # - enable imagemagick conversion by adding to .aliases.txt
9 RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install imagemagick && \
10 /bin/sed -i -e 's/^\([^#]*Scripts=\)/#\1/' -e 's/^#\(ShellScripts=\)/\1/' /home/polyglot/polyglot/SoftwareServer.conf && \
11 echo "ImageMagick" > /home/polyglot/polyglot/scripts/sh/.aliases.txt
13 # copy convert file to scripts/sh folder in container
14 # this is done to keep cache so you can debug script easily
15 COPY /home/polyglot/polyglot/scripts/sh/
17 # back to polyglot
18 USER polyglot
19 CMD ["softwareserver"]

Line 11:  Add MyTool to the .aliases.txt


echo "ImageMagick" > /home/polyglot/polyglot/scripts/sh/.aliases.txt


echo "MyTool" > /home/polyglot/polyglot/scripts/sh/.aliases.txt

Line 15: Copy script to the script directory

COPY /home/polyglot/polyglot/scripts/sh/

        Save the file

  • To build, launch and test the new converter, run the following command:

$docker build –t mytool .

$docker run --rm -t -i --link polyglot_rabbitmq_1:rabbitmq mytool


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