Our users did not like how the following feature worked, as it is missing some features usually present on platforms that allow following. If anyone can offer feedback, it would be much appreciated.

For improvements, I propose the following:

  1. Right now you can follow someone just by clicking 'follow.' Most platforms allow users to request to follow other users, but then they have to be approved.
  2. You cannot make someone stop following you. Allow users to manage/remove followers.
  3. If I follow a User, whenever they create anything or add/remove files this show up in my 'activity,' even if I don't have access. It might make more sense that, if I follow a user, I will only see Activity concerning items that I can view. Or this might be part of the 'public' vs 'private' - if the space is private, then activity is private by default and users only see it if shared, but if public, people will see activity even if they don't have access. 
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