


  • Overview/Feedback from All Paws Conference
  • S3 Buckets
    • spend some time next week discussing
    • Max will create an issue
  • Shell Script in Root Directory (Rob)

Discussion items:

Overall the conference went very well.

Folder for Clowder All Paws Slides:

We need to get the word out and get people to join with topics suggested, hopefully from the community, not just the developers at NCSA.

Luigi suggests that we open the Clowder Developers meeting to the Clowder community.

Katie asks what the Dev meeting is for? Luigi says this meeting is for all who are using Clowder for developers.  It has been internal, but we might want to make it an open meeting.

Hands-on tutorials need to be presented by people who KNOW Clowder and it helps to be live rather than recorded.

if you look at grafanacon ( they have presentations for 2.5 hours on tuesday, wednesday, thursday for 2 weeks.

Folder for Clowder All Paws Slides:


For a full zoom conference, a full day of zoom presentations is too long. We have All Paws webinars quarterly and the Slack Office Hour once a week.

Mike L.



Mark F
Mike B.


Rob notes that the katacoda class would teach people how to use Clowder. Syngenta would like to meet with Clowder folks in a zoom format.

Syngenta has a release on July 8th. Todd will be available to handle any issues.

Syngenta wants to know how to speed up Clowder.  They had 80,000 files in one folder. Can I get a folder back when I do a query? Can we get the new PR's merged before the next release - question from Charlotte.

Are there Pull Requests that are more urgent than others?

We need more reviewers. Can we get a slack channel to announce open PR's?  All reviewers need to do a thorough review and not just take a glance at the code.

Michael J

SandeepWould like to help reviewing.


Shared slides with feedback from Clowder All Paws. 68.9% of registrants attended at least one session.  Slides will be in the Clowder folder. Folder for Clowder All Paws Slides:


Action Items/To Dos: