DAP (Conversions)

GET/outputsGET/api/conversions/outputsList all output formats that can be reached 
GET/inputsGET/api/conversions/inputsList all input formats that can be accepted 
GET/inputs/{input format}GET/api/conversions/inputs/{input format}List all output formats that can reach the specified input format 
GET/convert--List all output formats that can be reached 
GET/convert/{output format}GET/api/conversions/outputs/{output format}List all input formats that can reach the specified output format 
GET/convert/{output format}/{file url}GET/api/conversions/convert/{output format}/{file URL}Convert the specified file to the requested output formatMove towards returning an ID like Clowder?
POST/convert/{output format}POST/api/conversions/convert/{output format}Convert the uploaded file to the requested output formatMove towards returning an ID like Clowder?
GET/softwareGET/api/conversions/softwareList all available conversion software 
GET/serversGET/api/conversions/serversList all currently available Software Servers 

DTS (Extractions)

GET/api/extractions/supported_input_typesGET/api/extractions/inputsLists the input file format supported by currently running extractors 
POST/api/extractions/upload_filePOST/api/extractions/fileUploads a file for extraction of metadata and returns file id

Means of specifying a space (to trigger a subset of extractors)? 

Allow URLs to be parsed from the URL aswell, e.g. ?url=http....

POST/api/extractions/upload_url POST/api/extractions/urlUploads a file for extraction using the file's URL
GET/api/extractions/{id}/statusGET/api/extractions/status?file_id={id}Checks for the status of all extractors processing the file with id 




Gets tags of a fileMerge into one and use new JSON-LD output. Tags are still stored separate.
GET/api/files/{id}/technicalmetadataGet technical metadata of the resource described by the file
GET/api/files/{id}/versusmetadataGet Versus metadata of the resource described by the file
GET/api/extractions/server_ipsGET/api/extractions/serversLists servers IPs running the extractors 
GET/api/extractions/extractors_namesGET/api/extractions/extractorsLists the currently running extractors 
GET/api/extractions/extractors_detailsGET/api/extractions/extractors/detailsLists the currently running extractors details

Run a specific extractor. Example body:

  "extractor" : "ncsa.dbpedia",
  "file_id" : "55c4d42dd4c6289bb88e6894",
  "parameters" : {
    "treshold" : "1",
    "foo" : "bar"
Would like to add a version of this endpoint that takes an uploaded file or URL, perhaps like this?: /api/extractions/ncsa.dbpedia/file, /api/extractions/ncsa.dbpedia/url

DTS (Developers)

CurrentProposedDescription Notes 
  POST/api/extractorsRegister new extractor information 
  GET/api/extractors/{id}Get extractor {id} informationChange {id} to extractor name?
  GET/api/extractorsGet information for all extractors

Add pagination?


  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. According to many sources on the interwebs (including the one below–-note the other source it links to at the bottom as well) putting the api version in the URI is a bad idea because the URI are supposed to not change over time. One of the accepted ways to do versioning is to add a header to the request with the version requested. If the server has moved to a different version it returns a 3xx. If the header is not specified it defaults to the latest. How to specify the header varies (standalone "accept-version" or wrapped into the media type. Either way, we don't have to add the version to our urls, but we need to pick up a strategy handle it in the body of the request.