In-progress notes from exploratory with on NDS-784.  So far I haven't been able to get Heketi to deploy on OpenStack.


Use the default Kargo-cli container, but it lacks the shade libraries required for OpenStack;

$ docker run -v `pwd`/kargoconf:/etc/kargo bash
$ easy_install -U pip
$ pip install "ansible==" --force-reinstall
$ pip install shade
$ apt-get update -y 
$ apt-get install -y vim


kargo_git_repo: ""
loglevel: "info"

# OpenStack options
# ---
os_auth_url: ""
os_username: "you"
os_password: "yourpassword"
os_project_name: "NDSLabsDev"
masters_flavor: "m1.medium"
nodes_flavor: "m1.medium"
etcds_flavor: "m1.medium"
image: "ubuntu-yakkety-cloud"
network: "NDSLabsDev"
sshkey: "yourkey"

Deploy a 3-node cluster:

$ kargo openstack --nodes 3

Heketi requires a few dependencies that aren't in the default ubuntu image, so ssh into each node and install manually (we can add this to kargo or another playbook later)

sudo apt-get install -y python-minimal glusterfs-client
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo modprobe dm_thin_pool

Heketi requires that each node have a volume.  Via Horizon or openstack CLI, create one volume per instance and attach but do not format. (We can automate this later)

Deploy the kargo cluster:

$ kargo deploy -k your.pem -u ubuntu

ssh into the master node with kubectl (the first created instance) and install heketi

$ ssh -i your.pem ubuntu@192.168.x.x
$ wget
$ tar xvfz heketi-client-v4.0.0.linux.amd64.tar.gz
$ export PATH=~/heketi-client/bin/:$PATH
$ git clone
$ cd gluster-kubernetes/deploy

Edit the topology.json file, there the node name should be the same as output from kubectl get nodes, the storage host should be the internal IP (192.168.x.x.).

Add an exit statement before the first call to heketi-cli in gk-deploy (this seems to be broken):

Run gk-deploy

$ gk-deploy -g
$ kubectl get ep
$ heketi-cli -s http://<ip>:8080 topology load --json=topology.json

At this point, things fail.  The first node/volume is added, but then hangs when adding the second.  Looking at the heketi deployment logs, I'm seeing "gluster peer probe failures".  The symptoms are reported in



Apparently, no one uses Kargo to deploy this arrangement.  Most of the issues in heketi git refer to a vagrant-based deploy, which I'll try next.

Other notes: