Hi Sam,


Thanks very much for the detailed email – very helpful!  Looks to me like it is very user friendly.


I only have one question at the moment: are there parameters that can be added to the data endpoints or another endpoint other than https://api.iwqis.iowawis.org/v1/latest that provides historical data?


Thanks much,





Marcus Slavenas

Research Programmer, NCSA, ISDA

(217) 244-0774



On 4/20/17, 11:19 AM, "Debionne, Samuel H P" <samuel-debionne@uiowa.edu> wrote:


    Hi Marcus,


    The IWQIS API is an industry standard implementation of a REST service, so hopefully should be user-friendly. The API, which is not public , was designed to be consumed by front-end web applications and not as a typical data retrieval web service (e.g. NWIS).


    The description of the parameters available in the system (the params resource) can be retrieved using this endpoint:



    https://api.iwqis.iowawis.org/v1/params/discharge (for a specific parameter, discharge here)


    Same idea for the available sites (the sites resource):



    https://api.iwqis.iowawis.org/v1/sites/WQS0020 (for a specific site, WQS0020 here)


    Then for a given site and parameter, the latest values can be retrieve using:




    To get all the latest values at WQS0020, one would use:




    that returns:



                "measure_uid": 86164,

                "editor_uid": "iihr",

                "param_uid": "discharge",

                "method_uid": null,

                "site_uid": "WQS0020",

                "datetime": "2017-04-19T14:45:00.000Z",

                "value": 121356,

                "private": false

    }, {

                "measure_uid": 86168,

                "editor_uid": "iihr",

                "param_uid": "yield",

                "method_uid": null,

                "site_uid": "WQS0020",

                "datetime": "2017-04-19T14:45:00.000Z",

                "value": 0.03471,

                "private": false

    }, {

                "measure_uid": 85798,

                "editor_uid": "iihr",

                "param_uid": "nitrate_con",

                "method_uid": "nitratax",

                "site_uid": "WQS0020",

                "datetime": "2017-04-19T15:30:00.000Z",

                "value": 3.39,

                "private": false

    }, {

                "measure_uid": 86165,

                "editor_uid": "iihr",

                "param_uid": "load",

                "method_uid": null,

                "site_uid": "WQS0020",

                "datetime": "2017-04-19T14:45:00.000Z",

                "value": 2205890,

                "private": false



    Eventually, some parameters (e.g. water temperature) may be measured using different methods, so you would get two latest values for a parameter (param_uid) but with different methods (method_uid).


    Do not expect the number of parameters available at a given site to be fixed: if a parameter is out of range or a sensor pulled out of the water, the corresponding parameters will  not be listed in the latest resource. The "latest" resource keeps only a 5 days history, eg the value is the latest within the last 5 days period.


    Hoping that helps and let me know if you have any questions,



    > -----Original Message-----

    > From: Ted Kratschmer [mailto:EKratsch@lc.edu]

    > Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 8:43 AM

    > To: Jones, Christopher S <christopher-s-jones@uiowa.edu>; Slavenas,

    > Marcus C (slavenas@illinois.edu) <slavenas@illinois.edu>

    > Cc: Debionne, Samuel H P <samuel-debionne@uiowa.edu>;

    > sbrad77@illinois.edu; Lee, Jong Sung (jonglee1@illinois.edu)

    > <jonglee1@illinois.edu>

    > Subject: RE: developer


    > Hi Chris- Yes, we do. Marcus Slavenas is copied on this message, and is our

    > data ingestion guru.




    > Thanks,


    > Ted




    > From: Jones, Christopher S [mailto:christopher-s-jones@uiowa.edu]

    > Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 7:50 AM

    > To: Ted Kratschmer

    > Cc: Debionne, Samuel H P

    > Subject: developer




    > Ted do you have a developer that knows a bit about REST, endpoints,

    > resources, that can connect with our guy to resolve the remaining data

    > transfer issues?




    > ________________________________


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    > distribution, use or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have

    > received this in error, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this

    > message. Thank you.