
Finished updating HipChat, JIRA, bamboo, crowd, fisheye and confluence. Bitbucket will be upgraded tonight.

The plan is to upgrade the following pieces of software on Saturday 2017-05-06 in the morning. Confluence is a full version upgrade and will be done last, if I can't get it to work before 11am it will be rolled back to the previous version.

Software      : Bamboo
current       : 5.15.3
version       : 6.0.0
released      : 26-Apr-2017
release notes : https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BAMBOO/Bamboo+6.0+Release+Notes
software      : JIRA
current       : 7.2.2
version       : 7.3.6
released      : 26-Apr-2017
release notes : https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRASOFTWARE/JIRA+Software+7.3.x+release+notes#JIRASoftware7.3.xreleasenotes-7-3-6
software      : Confluence
current       : 5.10.7
version       : 6.1.3
released      : 01-May-2017
release notes : http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Confluence+6.1.3+Release+Notes
software      : BitBucket
current       : 4.10.0
version       : 5.0.0
released      : 04-May-2017
release notes : https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BitbucketServer/Bitbucket+Server+5.0+release+notes
software      : FishEye
current       : 4.2.0
version       : 4.4.0
released      : 11-Apr-2017
release notes : https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CRUCIBLE/Crucible+4.4+release+notes
software      : CROWD
current       : 2.11.1
version       : 2.12.0
released      : 26-Apr-2017
release notes : http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CROWD/Crowd+2.12+Release+Notes