Welcome to the Home of NCSA MMDB (Medici)

Medici is not longer actively developed and has been replaced with Clowder. 

Stay in-touch

Our mail lists include:

medici@ncsa.illinois.edu - General questions for development team.
medici-users@ncsa.illinois.edu - User Q&A (archived)
medici-announce@ncsa.illinois.edu - Release and information announcement list from the development team.

Any submissions to these mailing addresses will be archived and viewable by the public.

Your feedback is important

Let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.  We encourage you to submit wishlist requests, enhancement suggestions and bug reports.  We use Jira to track all issues and invite you to create an account to provide feedback. With an account, Jira will notify you when any action is taken on your reported issue.

