1. Create a new scala template in geodashboard/app/views/detail_view/tabs

    @()(implicit lang: Lang)
    <div class="tab-pane" id="dissolved-oxygen-profile">

  2. In Geodashboard/app/views/detail.scala.html
    1. Create the tab

       <li id="dissolved-oxygen-tab"><a href="#dissolved-oxygen-profile" data-toggle="tab">Dissolved Oxygen</a></li>

      Note: The href needs to match the id in the Scala Template

    2. Import the scala template


      This adds the code from the template to the DOM

  3. In Geodashboard /src/javascript/views/DetailView.js
    1. Create the following objects:

      var dissolved_oxygen_params = [];
      var dissolvedOxygenMap = {};

    2. Where properties are being assigned to a params map for each tab add something similar to: 

       else if (parr[0].id.indexOf('ignored') == -1 && parr[0].get('detailView') === 'dissolved_oxygen') {
            dissolvedOxygenMap[parr[0].id] = key;

    3. Add code to toggle on and off the tab based on if there is at least one parameter for that tab. 

      if (dissolved_oxygen_params.length > 0) {
      } else {

    4. Set the tab title

       if (source.get('tabs').dissolvedOxygen) {

  4. Add a Changelog entry
  5. Define the specifics of the tab on the Seagrant/GLTG/IMLCZO project, so it gets copied over
  6. Define the functionality for creating the graphs and filling up the tab in 3.c after toggling on the tab. 

Sample Pull request: https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/bitbucket/projects/GEOD/repos/geodashboard/pull-requests/543/overview